"Go finish what you need to do so we can go to school." Owen playfully swat my butt.

I let out an "eek" and scurried out of the room. Those two are much to happy first thing in the morning. I went and brushed my teeth then made sure my stuff was all put away in my clothing bag and my school bag.

When I was back in the living room, Owen and Sean were just heading back upstairs to brush their teeth and we would be on our way. I pulled out my phone.

Me: good morning everyone. We are just leaving for school.

Kota: have whoever is driving you drop you off at my house. My mom wants to see you.

Nathan: have you had a frappaccino yet?

Me: no, just orange juice. Am I in trouble with your mom, Kota?

Nathan: I'll have one waiting

Kota: nope, she just wants to see you.

Victor: you're staying at my place tonight still, right?

Me: that was the plan

Gabriel: You cannot forget me, fucker!

Victor: how could anyone forget about you?

Gabriel: that's true. I'm like a goddamn legend or some shit!

Silas: you wish Gabe.

Luke: some shit is about right. :P

North: why the fuck are you all bothering me this early? I need sleep!

Me: sorry North Star. Love you! XOXO

North: yea Baby, me too. ;)

Silas: I'll be by after school to check on you North. Need me to bring you any contraband?

North: I want a steak!

Luke: I'll get Uncle to make you one. Silas will bring it to you.

North: thanks Luke.

Luke: what are big brothers for?

Dr. Green: can you all stop making my ass tingly? Pookie is the only one who gets to do that! :D

Mr. B: I thought she already did that this morning?

Dr. Green: no, that was my upper thigh, not my ass. :P. What part of you did she make tingly?

Mr. B: my hip

Gabriel: What the FUCK?!?!

Me: nightmare! Apparently I kick.

Silas: LOL, at least it was your upper thigh and hip, and not TGL

Me: what is TGL?

North: NO!!!!! Baby don't ask Silas questions like that.

Me: see you all in a bit. Get some rest North. I'll see you later.

Owen and Sean were standing next to me now with smiles on their faces. "Are you ready?"

"As ready as anyone can ever be for school." I exited the house.

"Ride with me Pookie?"

"Kota asked you to drop me off at his house."

"I will. Now say your goodbyes to Owen since at school he has to be your teacher and all of that." Sean rolled his eyes and waved his hands around. It was really funny to see him acting his age.

"Thank you for helping me last night with the nightmare and for taking me to see North and then to dinner. It was lovely."

"It is always my pleasure, my love." Owen sweetly gave me a chaste kiss on the lips, then I turned and got in Sean's car.

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