Endevour:"All For All?"as he said this, he didn't realize that he was still in contact with his sidekicks.





Sunfire:"All For All? What the heck does it mean?"

Burnin:"Whatever!! We're on our way to assist you!!!"






Izuku eyes widen as he realized that Shigaraki, alone must have found the secret of his new Quirk.

Unlike One For All or All For One, All For All has the ability to control over other people's abilities. If it controlled properly it could cause the user of a Quirk to be damage by his/her own ability, aswell as boost the Quirks to beyond levels depending on the Izuku's mental state. If he's unstable he could overcharge the person ability until he/she explode.





Shigarki then did 2+2 has not only he realized the Quirk existence, but felt a more powerful aura, coming from far away as he felt the same energy coming from Izuku Yagi.

Shigaraki then start grinning.

Shigaraki:"I've found you.....






At the Wild, Wild Pussycats agency, Ragdoll was doing her rescearches.

Ragdoll:"Ugh...So frustrating meow....If I had 'search' right now, I'd probably be a lot more help to everyone...."




Back with our Heroes, as they were evacuating the zone and making sure the civialians were safe.

Izuku then felt a dark aura slowly approaching as it was Shigaraki who kept jumping to reach the place where Izuku was in.

Izuku then realized that Shigaraki already has taken Endevour out of the picture has he no longer felt Endevour's life force.

Izuku:"HE'S HEADING FOR THE SHELTER!!!! WE'RE EXPANDING THE BATTLIELD!!!!! ORDER THEM TO EVACUATE OUTSIDE OF THE CITY!!!!"he said as many Heroes were doing what Izuku told them to do.


Pro-Hero 2:"Are you kidding me?!? That punk is still alive?!? H-How?"

Pro-Hero 3:"Cry about it later!!!! For now we have to evacuate!"

Izuku then felt Shigaraki approaching more and more as he flew in that direction.


Izuku then turn to his left to see Izumi in her full power flying trying to keep up with him.


Izumi:"I'm coming with you!!"

Izuku:"The town's city people safety is priority!! Go back!!!"

Izumi:"I'm not letting you face him alone!! And especially he's after this 'All For All' like it some kind of powerful Quirk or something!"

Izuku:"This is not a fight at your level, so go back!!!"


Izuku:"Hmp, fine then keep up!!" he said with a smirk as he flew even faster as he outclassed Izumi.

Izumi:"HEY!!!!! WAIT THAT'S NOT FAIR!!!"





Izuku:(Judging by the cloud of dust and how far away he is. I don't think he'll be able to see anyone, but just in case he has means of sensing me. If he could pin point Endevour's energy, then I'll have to do it making him follow me!!!)

Izuku then change his direction of flying as Shigaraki noticed it as he went after him.





Shigaraki:(Where do you think you're going? He's just making this hunt even more exciting.)





As Izuku was flying and changing direction everytime which made Shigaraki even more want to  hunt him down and take his power from him.

Izuku:(He's heading south west, good keep follow me.) he thought as he flew even faster than the normal eye could see, but Shigaraki was still after him.





Izuku."HE IS COMING!!!!!" he yelled as he then flew down on top of a building.

Izuku:"But, i'll have to drawn him even closer."

Izuku then flew into another zone as Shigaraki kept following him with a aura of bloodlust in him.






As the civialians have been put to safety, Bakugou was now seen on top off a building glaring at the sky and clentching his fists.

Bakugou:(Both Endevour's place and during Hawks special training.....That damn Deku manage to surpass all of us...I'm no longer able to keep up with him. Everything I got, he even rises above.....) he then noticed that the sky was starting to get glumy all of the sudden as he raised an eyebrow.






Shigaraki manage to finally jump catch up with Izuku's speed as Izuku then stopped flying as he then landed in a the destination of a wasteland.

Izuku then gulped as he looked at Shigaraki's new appearence as he looked very intimidating and terrifying.

Shigaraki:"It echoes in my mind. 'Acquire it' . Give me All For All, Izuku Yagi."

Izuku:"Do you know why I brought you here?"he asked calmly

Shigaraki:"As soon as I felt the number 2 Hero's ability increasing in level aswell as his strenght, I knew that was you. Because your ability can increase others to beyond. He had the same aura as you, but way more weaker. My power is far beyond your expectations, I can destroy anything I touch, I'm not the kind of guy you can't even hope to win."

Izuku:"There are Heroes still standing. Shigaraki, you can't be everyone and to put an end of this you're messing with the wrong one."he said as his eyes were glowing bright green as a green esmerald aura appeared on his body.

Shigaraki then start grinning.

Shigaraki:"Is that so? How cool, Izuku Yagi." he then cracked his neck as he started to approach Izuku who kept the calm look on his face.








To be continued...

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