Then Ruo Bai and Bai Cao went inside the palace.

Chang An - Ting Hao, what the hell are you doing? Why did you send them inside?

Ting Hao - Chang An, they need to talk.

Chang An - There is nothing to talk about. He ran away.

Ting Hao - He did not run away. It was an accident.

Chang An - Can you guys please tell me what happened that time?

Chu Yuan - That day, something very unexpected happened.

Yi Feng - Something, we never thought about.

Xiao Ying - Something, really drastic.

Ting Yi - Something, really unfair.

Ting Hao - That was the day when Bai Cao and Ting Yi were fighting against each other for being selected to participate in National Youth Competition. That day Ruo Bai had a cardiac arrest. We called the ambulance. When he was near the ambulance, he asked us to not tell anything to Bai Cao.

Chu Yuan - And we did what he asked us to do. Then, we came back inside.

Ting Hao - And that was the time when I got a call from the hospital.


(Note: Ting Hao is the one who is telling the flashback)

Man - Hello! Is this Mr Fang Ting Hao?

Ting Hao - Yes.

Man - I am calling from the hospital. I just want to inform you something, Mr Fang.

Ting Hao - How is Ruo Bai? Is he okay?

Man - We don't know anything right now. Actually, the ambulance just fell off a cliff because its breaks failed. We don't know if anyone is alive or not.

Ting Hao - What!

Man - Please don't panic, sir. Can you please come to the hospital?

Ting Hao - Yeah, I will be there as soon as possible.

Call ended

Ting Hao was heading out of the hall then suddenly, Chu Yuan came and stopped him.

Chu Yuan - Ting Hao, where are you going?

Ting Hao - Chu Yuan, the ambulance in which Ruo Bai went to the hospital...

Chu Yuan - Yeah.

Ting Hao - Has fallen off the cliff.

Chu Yuan - What!

Ting Hao - Yeah. I am going to the hospital.

Then suddenly, there was an announcement.

Man - Bai Cao won the first round.

Ting Hao - Chu Yuan, I am leaving.

Chu Yuan - Ting Hao, you stay here. I will not be able to handle Bai Cao if she will ask me anything about Ruo Bai. I will go to the hospital.

Ting Hao - Okay.

Then Chu Yuan went towards the hospital. And Bai Cao sat on a chair and Ting Hao went near her. Ting Hao gave Bai Cao a bottle of juice.

Bai Cao - Thank you.

Then Bai Cao started drinking the water. She suddenly noticed that Ruo Bai and Chu Yuan were not there.

Bai Cao - Senior Ting Hao, where is Senior Brother Ruo Bai and Senior Chu Yuan?

Ting Hao - Actually, Ruo Bao had to take his medicine after eating. So, they went to eat something.

Bai Cao - Okay.

Man - The second round will start in a minute.

Ting Hao - Bai Cao, get ready.

Then the second round started.

Bai Cao attacked first, but Ting Yi was able to dodge her attack. Then Ting Yi attacked, but Bai Cao was not able to dodge Ting Yi's attack. Ting Yi was attacking ruthlessly. And she won the second round.

Bai Cao came back and sat on the chair.

Ting Hao - Bai Cao, are you okay?

Bai Cao - I am okay.

Then suddenly, Ting Hao got a call.

Ting Hao - Bai Cao, you stay here, I will be right back.

Then Ting Hao went to a corner to take the call.

On the call.

Ting Hao - Chu Yuan, what is going on there?

Chu Yuan - We are not able to find Ruo Bai. Everyone who was in the ambulance is here. Some died and some are badly injured, but Ruo Bai is not here.

Ting Hao - What are they saying?

Chu Yuan - They are saying that maybe a wild animal took him.

Ting Hao - That can not happen. Ruo Bai is alive, I know that. Tell them to find him there again.

Chu Yuan - Okay.

Call ended

Ting Hao turned back and saw Bai Cao standing there in tears.

Bai Cao - What happened to Senior Brother Ruo Bai?

Then Ting Hao told Bai Cao everything.

After some time, Ting Hao finished telling Bai Cao everything that happened.

Bai Cao - I want to go to the hospital.

Ting Hao - Are you crazy, Bai Cao? There is just one round left.

Bai Cao - I don't care. It is Senior Brother Ruo Bai's dream to make Song Bai Hall number one. And if he will be not there, then there is no meaning to it. I just want to go to him.

Then Bai Cao ran towards Couch Shen Ning.

Bai Cao - Couch Shen Ning, I can't fight the last round.

Couch Shen Ning - What! Why?

Bai Cao - Senior Ruo Bai had an accident. I need to go there.

Ting Yi - You can go, Bai Cao but, in one condition.

Bai Cao turned back.

Ting Yi - You have to accept defeat.


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