60. Found

43.2K 1.4K 193

This chapter contains violence.

Amelia Lovecraft

I hollered as Kane struck Lincoln on the back. It was too late, the knife was stuck to Lincoln's shoulder when he turned to Kane. Blood oozing out, staining his white T-shirt. My hands vigorously shook the damn chains that held me back.

A dry chuckle was heard, surprisingly it was Lincoln.

"A silver fucking knife?" He choked Kane, by holding him up by the throat, his feet dangling mid air.

"Gotta try harder than that bitch boy." With a grunt he pulled out the silver knife. Blood spluttered out of the open wound. My sobs got louder.

Lincoln angled the knife to Kane's throat, but suddenly changed his mind. He punctured the knife through Kane's palm and then slamming it into the wall above his head. He left the monster hanging on the wall, before rushing to me.

"Lincoln! There's blood. You're losing so much blood." I cried, pressing my hands on his wounded shoulder. It didn't seem to bother him one bit, since he just held me so close to his chest.
"Don't ever leave me baby." He mumbled into my hair.

Two of Lincoln's guards ran into the cabin. Inspecting the situation before rummaging through the room.
"Got it." One of them yelled, holding a pair of keys. Racing to my side to unlock the chains.

"I should have listened. I'm sorry." I clung to Lincoln's shirt. He began untying my wrist. As soon as the ropes were off I threw my arms around him. "I thought I'd never see you again." I burst out in tears.

Lincoln shushed me, "it's all over baby, I got you." He rocked me back and forth, till the chains came off.

"The first aid kit." The other guard spoke rushing outside. Kane's gore image came to view when I stood up. He was nailed to the wall by the very knife he had sharpened to kill me. He howled in pain, while trying to pull the knife out. Failing miserably at it.

"Aren't you gonna kill him?" I looked at Lincoln.
"I'm leaving him to Kai." He smirked.

"No! I can walk." I stopped Lincoln, who bent down to pick me up. He was hurt on the shoulder already.

He narrowed his eyes at me. Holding me by the waist. I gave him a weak smile before we proceeded to the exit.

Something squeezed my injured ankle on my way out, making me let out a cry. Lincoln and I stopped to look down.

A bloodied and completely battered Sarah held on to my leg. Our eyes met, hers of course switched between Lincoln and myself. I tried wriggling her off, but she didn't let go. The next second, she looked petrified. Her hands slid off me.

"Linc, don't!" She shook her head.
"I should have done this a long time ago." Lincoln pointed his gun to her head. His menacing eyes on her, while his vacant hand pressed my face into his chest.

With a loud bang! Sarah was dead. For good.

Even Kane, had remained quiet after that.

Eventually we headed outside the cabin. Two warriors arrived to our sides, guiding me into the car. I sat in the seat, while my legs were still outside. Lincoln bent down, kissing me on lips. He stood straight, taking off his T-shirt and throwing it away. One of the guards had begun cleaning my wounds, while I watched Lincoln shift.

Lost Without You (A werewolf romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora