35. Responsibilty

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Amelia Lovecraft

"Maybe the next time we go out for lunch or dinner, I could drive you Mia." Kayden smirked at Luke. "Look at your little bodyguard already mind linking his Alpha."
I turned around when Luke hopped into his car to follow me as usual.
I only heaved a breath for Kayden's comment. "Next time?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Why not?" He gave me a charming smile. "Are you afraid Lincoln won't like it?"
Why does it matter what Lincoln thinks I thought to myself. I shook my head. "I'll see you Kayden. Bye now!"
"Catch you soon Mia." He winked before walking to his car.


Later that night...

"It's all in here Mia. We weren't meant to be. In our case the moon goddess made a mistake,"

Why did I feel like I felt the same way Kayden did, maybe the moon goddess did make a mistake with making Lincoln my mate. He did fall in love with Sarah instead of waiting for me. Whatever he feels now or what I feel for him is only the bond. I was almost going to kiss him, what was I even thinking?

"For a day, yes and the next day you're good as new."

Kayden spoke of the rejection process. My heart ached even as I thought about it. It was a very sensitive topic for any wolf and surprisingly he just brushed it off like it meant nothing.

Kayden seemed like a friendly person but those eyes held a mystery. Maybe in a couple of days I could get to know him better.

I tossed to the left side staring at my closet while I lay in my bed. All I had to do was open the closet and take the blazer and have a little whiff of his scent. The temptation was so strong. Instead I took the bottle of water from the night stand and drank it. Now that's how you distract yourself Mia. Good job! I pulled the blanket over my head and fell asleep.


The next days have been quite fun for me since Kayden hung out with me for lunch. I have got to know him better, about his family who live in the south since they own a whole estate there. He even offered to take me to their place one day. I hadn't agreed to the idea at first but the more I got to know him, he wasn't so bad after all. Something that he hadn't been comfortable talking about was about his mate. Well ex mate I have to say.

"I don't think I can accept him just like that Lena." I spoke to Selena on the phone.
"He's your mate Mia, how long can you fight the pull?" She asked.
"I don't know..." I bit my lip.
"Make up your mind Mia, you either want him or don't want him." She scolded. Selena huffed when I kept quiet. "Fine you don't want him. We'll stick to that."
"I didn't say that..." I muttered.
"Huh? What's that I didn't hear you." She pretended that she didn't hear me. I groaned in return.
"Talk to Lincoln about the rejection process and get it on with Kayden. He seems like a hunk too." I could imagine her gleaming with a cheeky grin.
"I don't see him like that, he's a friend.."
"Then Alex?"
"No, I don't see anyone like that Lena. Just stop!" Selena was giving me a headache now.
"Hold on, my baby is hungry." I could hear her ripping a packet. She munched something and hummed in delight.
"The way you put it, Kayden is trying hard to impress you, don't act dumb Mia."
"I'm not acting dumb, it's only a few days since I have known him and he seems nice to hang out with. That's all." I explained.
"You feel nothing to any other male because of your one hell of a mate Mia. Women without a mate drool over that man across the whole country. So I totally get it." I drummed my fingers against the counter at her statement.
"Lena, it's not that easy." If I could only tell her the battles within myself. A part of me wants to be in his arms and the other hates him for how much he hurt me by being with Sarah.
"The last time I spoke to him about the rejection, he didn't take that well. I wonder what'll happen if I say it again." My inner voice questioned me if I wanted to be separated from Lincoln.
"Don't pressure yourself Mia, but you're making it harder by dragging it."

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