34. Kayden

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Amelia Lovecraft

After the encounter with Lincoln, the following days have been uneventful except for the time when my assigned bodyguard Luke appears everywhere I go. He literally lives outside my house, at nights I see another guard switching his place. After all Luke needs a break too. It pisses me off to think that Lincoln tries to invade my privacy by making his men follow me, but a part of me is grateful too. Ever since I learnt about Sarah's mate and his missing brother, I have been having a few sleepless nights.

During morning trainings, I have the top two female warriors teaching me self defence all of a sudden. Sadly since Tania, Amaya and Lily used to train with me, they're stuck in it with me. I mean I'm not complaining about having some company.

Lincoln is always present during our trainings but usually near the young wolves, barking orders at them as they fight in their wolf forms. He's quite a sight while he performs as an Alpha. Domineering, untouchable and ferocious. I can't help but compare this with, when him and I had a little moment at his office. He was gentle, caring and warm. Almost like my kind of...

"Good morning to you wolfie." I cooed at Heera.
Giggling at my wolf, I got ready for my day.

I hopped into my car with the usual Jeep following me. As soon as I arrived at the hospital I walked into the cafeteria to grab my coffee.
"The usual?" The lady asked and I nodded.
"Excuse me, can I have another latte and the blueberry muffin please. Pack these separately." I said to her as she prepped my coffee. Grabbing the brown bag I walked over to Luke, who literally jumped out of the vehicle as he saw me approach him.
"Is everything okay Miss?"
"Yes, this is for you." I handed him the bag, which he took before inspecting it. A small smile played on his.
"You didn't have to, but thanks Luna." He nodded my way.
"No problem." I smiled walking away. He did stay here the whole day for me and goddess knows for how long he'd have to do this job. I wonder how Lincoln pays him.

As I entered my office, I was welcomed by a huge bunch of flowers placed in the middle of the desk. It was decorated with many rare exotic flowers, very bright it lit up the whole room. Even for a girl who loved my baby pink tulips and roses, this bouquet looked beyond gorgeous. Every bud, flower and even leaf seemed remarkably stunning. I had been admiring the centrepiece for so long, forgetting about who the sender could be. On the top stuck a small envelope. I pulled it out.

Good morning beautiful!
Hope you have a good day...

The bottom of it had his business card with his personal number scribbled on it. Did he personally happen to send it to me. Smiling at the sweet gesture, I made it a note to thank him for the flowers through text or maybe call. I guess a phone call seems better since, he's made the time to send me flowers.

"Good- Wow! What a way to start the morning huh?" Alex showed up through the door. I chuckled shaking my head.
"Good morning."
"Looks like you're making him earn it eh?" Alex teased.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.
He scrunched his eyebrows, "it's from Alpha right?"
"Oh no!" I hope it was. "It's from Kayden Foster." I showed him the business card. He scrutinized the card before blankly nodding his head.
"That's very... unexpected." He looked at me.
"I know." My lips formed a thin line as I looked away from Alex, towards the flowers.
He hummed. "He seemed quite interested with your work the last time he was here. So I may have mentioned it to him that you mostly work with the little pups, before he donated a huge amount to the hospital, just like that."
"Oh." Kayden was keen on what I did, but why?
"You think he might be interested in you Mia?"

"What? No! That's crazy. I mean he's aware of my mate." I shook my head. The both of us just stood there trying to understand the situation.

"Maybe he just wants to be friends Alex. He seems like a friendly guy." I shrugged to ease Alex's tension.
"Oh the Foster's are anything but friendly. And that's why I'm surprised." He laughed. "Just looking out for my friend." He pulled me in for a hug. "And for my Luna." He whispered to me with a smile that followed.
I playfully scoffed before walking away from him without a goodbye. I could hear him titter behind me.


"So, I see you got guards following you around?" Kayden questioned me.

Somehow after calling him to thank him for the flowers, he asked me to join him for lunch. I agreed since I had a good hour to spend.

I nodded to his question as he eyed Luke, who stood afar.
"Why? Possessive mate?" He asked scanning through the menu.
"No! He thinks it's safer this way." I shrugged. I don't think it's best to tell Kayden whatever Lincoln told me about his ex girlfriend's mate. So I kept my answers short.
"He's being possessive Mia." He dropped his menu, looking at me directly.
"Maybe." I brushed it off. "I'm getting the Chicken tagine, what about you?" I changed the topic to food.
"Great! I'm going for the lamb tagine."
Our meals arrived with steamed couscous on the side. The food was amazing. Luckily Kayden hadn't asked anything about Lincoln again but something kept bothering me.

"You said you had no mate... what does that mean?"
Kayden wiped the tip of his lip with the napkin, "I meant what I said, I don't have a mate."
"What happened?"
He sighed. "We were both eighteen when we met, we mated, I marked her but somehow at one point we didn't feel the bond." He said bitterly, "so we both agreed to go through the rejection process and part ways. Now she's happy with a human. Married with kids." He gave me a half smile.
"You didn't feel the bond? Kayden that's impossible, especially after you've marked her. Don't the feelings get stronger?" I asked in disbelief.

He pointed to his heart, "it's all in here Mia. We weren't meant to be. In our case the moon goddess made a mistake." He sat back on his chair almost done with his meal while I lost my appetite.
"The rejection process... must've been painful?" I swallowed.
"For a day, yes and the next day you're good as new." He smirked.
I wanted to ask him so many questions, about him and his mate. However now I'm shocked about how a wolf could get over a rejection so easily. Kayden seemed completely unaffected by it. Mum and dad told me that rejections normally make your wolves too aggressive.
"Your wolf..." I didn't have to finish my question.
"Oh that's the only reason I rarely shift. He's hungry for a mate. Someone to claim and make his." He seemed in deep thought.
"I feel sorry for your wolf then."
He laughed, "of course you do. He's stubborn as hell, you'll know when you meet him."

I chuckled nervously, "that's not something I'm looking forward to Kayden."


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