42. No more

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Hello you guys!! My lovely readers...
Thank you so much for the lovely comments and the support you've given me regarding the issue. As for now, my story still remains there. I'm not going to bother about it too much. Let's just focus on what I've planned for you guys. And I think right now my No.1 priority should be making you'll happy and not make you wait for updates. So let's get on with the story.

The following chapter is completely my imagination and how I pictured the scenario to be. I hope you'll like it. And please vote if you do!

Amelia Lovecraft

The following morning,

Lazily pulling myself out of bed, I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Today is the day, from today on nothing binds me to him. I will be free to do as I please. "You can do this Mia." I muttered to myself, tying up my raven locks into a bun.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Heera pondered.
"I'm very sure."
"Right, who wants to be anyone's second choice." She sounded weak, completely exhausted to be honest.
"I'm so sorry baby." I cooed, she purred in return.


"Dad, would the whole pack know of the rejection?"
"Of course muffin. Lincoln nor his wolf will take it lightly. The pack will know."
I nodded, stirring my cup of coffee.
"Catherine and Alpha Elijah would come with Lincoln. I just spoke to her." Mum sat beside me on the dining table.
I didn't feel like crying anymore, with Heera back with me I felt strong. I had to be strong in order to protect my heart.

My dad walked away as the doorbell rang.

"Mia? Are you making the right decision? Cathy said Lincoln is devastated." My mother spoke softly.
"Yes mum, it has to happen."
"This isn't what you really want. I can see in your eyes." She placed a few strands of hair behind my ear.
"It doesn't matter what I want. This is what has to happen..." I laid back on my chair, finally looking at my mum. "What keeps us together is only the bond. Lincoln loved a girl. He fell in love Mum."
"That was before you Mia. He's making an effort now."
"Well it's not enough." I snapped at her for taking his side.
"Amelia you're being stubborn right now." She shook her head at me. "Just give him a chance."
"Mama please! If it was that easy to forget everything... Do you know how I met my mate the first time?" I laughed dryly. "He had his beloved girlfriend on his lap. You think it's that easy to forget that image and move on. You want me to give in just because he's making an effort?" She rubbed my arm in understanding.
"He said he loves me last night. You think he'll have feelings for me after the bond breaks?" I sighed, having a skeptical thought about his words.
"I'm not sure Mia."
"Same." I let out a lifeless chuckle, more likely at my life being a joke at the hands of the moon goddess. All a werewolf ever wanted was a mate to love and cherish for the rest of their lives but here I was gifted with a mess of a mate. The goddess definitely loved me.

At the elder's hut...

My parents and I sat by the fire. Walking into the woods, made the atmosphere colder. The sun was almost setting. Normally the elders would be at their place when we visit them, but Anthea and Ragnar had left to bring Lincoln here. I heard my mother saying something to dad in the evening along words of, "his wolf being distressed and the Alpha himself wreaked havoc in his mansion." Something tugged my heartstrings making me feel like I'm doing something wrong. It was just tonight and then it's all over. We could go our separate ways. He could have anyone he wants.

Lost Without You (A werewolf romance)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon