37. Nightmare

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Please do not read if you can't tolerate violence or bloodshed.

Amelia Lovecraft

"Trust me it's gonna be fun." Kayden spoke through the phone as I sat down for my lunch break.
"What is it exactly?" I asked again. He has been asking me to go out with him tonight after work.
"It's a surprise Mia." He spoke.
"Fine..." I dragged.
"Great so I'll pick you up at six from the hospital."
"Kayden, I have my car at the hospital, I could drive to the location."
"Err, no! I wanna take you there myself. How about we come back again to get your car after the da-"
"Date?" I blurted out in a jolt.
"Day?" Kayden chuckled.
"Sure!" I laughed at him.


My shift had ended. I began wrapping things up. I retouched my lipstick waiting for Kayden to call. As if on cue my phone rang.
"Mia, I'm parked behind the little pup's ward. I'll meet you there."
"Kayden you should've parked at the front."
"No, I can't have that bodyguard of yours following us to where I'm taking you... it's very personal to me." Something the way he said that seemed strange, but I've gone out with Kayden a few times now so I let my odd feelings aside.
"Umm, okay?" I answered unsurely.
"Great hurry up!" He hung up.

I walked through the back entrance, making small talk to the nurses on duty.

Kayden stood in front of his polished sports car, wearing a grey sweater and jeans. He grinned as I approached him. Surprisingly he grabbed my handbag in one hand and held my back with the other taking me to the passenger's seat. He let go of me to open the door and placed my bag near my feet. I tried not to blush at his chivalrous act.

"Comfortable?" He asked as I settled in.
"Yes." I smiled.
He nodded before returning to his seat and driving off to our destination.
"Why is this place very personal to you?" I asked Kayden, who seemed deep in thought.
"It just is, I've spent time as a kid with my family there and then my lonely days there too." He made a turn towards the forests, away from the city. "And finally I felt like you could share my secret spot as well."

I nodded at his words. It began to get dark as the sunset. We were now into the forest depths, where there was only a single path like a trail for just one vehicle to move. Kayden turned off his car once we came to the end of the trail.
"We're going to have to walk a bit, if that's okay with you?" He asked.
"Yeah no problem." I sighed, looking out at the forest.
The sounds of owls hooting and the stream running were heard, as I stepped out of the car.
"Leave your bag behind Mia, it's not necessary in there. Come on!" Kayden gestured me to follow him.

"He seems suspicious..." I spoke to Heera.
"I'm not liking his energy either." She replied completely awake.
"Maybe it's a sentimental place?" I questioned.
"Perhaps, don't worry! I've got you Mia."

A flicker of light was visible through the thick trees. "We're almost here." Kayden held my hand as I had to jump over a log.

Pushing away a few branches, he brought to the centre of the forest. Surrounded by the pine trees, was two wooden chairs, a bonfire and a small table with some wine in an ice bucket along with some snacks packed and kept. Finally my troubled thoughts were put at ease.

"You did this Kayden?" I looked at the simple yet beautiful setting.
"Yeah, I thought since you had a long day, you might wanna relax."
"This is nice." I said, sitting back on one of the chairs there.
"Glad you like it." He said unwrapping the food.

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