14. Unfold

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Happy Saturday my lovelies!!
With another lockdown in Toronto, I hope you're all keeping safe.

Amelia Lovecraft

The following day arrived and we've been going around the pack and also done a little bit of shopping. Tonight Selena's parents had invited me over for dinner.

"Ouch!" I bumped into a person, while texting my mother. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking." I rubbed my head as I apologized.
"No problem. Are you alright?" A masculine voice called.
I looked up to see a tall guy watching me as I stepped back.
"Yes." I replied curtly.
"Aaron!" Connor exclaimed as he and Selena walked out of the store in the mall.
"What's up man?" Aaron spoke to Connor.
"I guess you've already met." Connor eyed me and his friend.
"Not quite. I'm Aaron, Connor's friend." He grinned.
"Umm Amelia, Selena's friend." I smiled as we shook hands.
"Best friend!" Selena squished my shoulders.

"So which pack do you belong to?" Aaron asked as we sat down for lunch at a restaurant. He appeared to be a more laid back guy. Just joking around with Connor.

"The Blood Hunters Pack."

He choked on his drink, and recovered in a second. He looked at Selena and Connor in disbelief. "No way!"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Alpha Elijah is your leader..." he spoke.

"Was. His son has taken over now." Something gripped my heart at thought of him. Even though there was no name mentioned.

"Shit! Lincoln Hunters has taken over huh?" Aaron was still stunned by all the information.
I just nodded.

"Yes, do you know them?" I inquired.

"Who doesn't silly!" Selena scoffed at me. I knew my pack was one of the toughest out there, but Aaron's stunned expressions wanted me to question further.

"We had a rogue attack four years ago. It was the worst nightmare for any of us to recall. Many lives were taken." Aaron shook his head.

"Our pack wasn't as enlarged as it is now, back then. Our former Alpha was left with no choice, but to ask Alpha Elijah to lend us a helping hand." Connor continued. "It only took one night for them to hunt down each and every rogue out there in our territory."

"Even though Alpha Elijah gave out the orders, it was Lincoln who carried out the battle. He was a warrior in training back then. Even then the man was a ruthless beast. His potential and strength is unmatched till date. We've learnt so much from him. Hopefully one day I get to meet your Alpha." Aaron smiled.

The one name I wanted to forget for at least a few days. The one person I tried to throw out of my mind for a brief moment. That's what they spoke about through out the whole lunch. I wasn't able to eat anymore, placing my cutlery down, I sipped my water. Selena held a questioning look. I just shrugged and waited till they all finished.

The dinner at Selena's parent's house was fun. She had a very cute family. Her parents were as friendly as she was. It was delight. After dinner we headed back to the cottage.

Soaking myself in a warm bath, I called my parents and spoke to them. Finally drying my body, I wore some cozy pyjamas and laid in bed. There was a knock on the door and Selena walked in with a tub of ice cream.
"What? I get hungry like every hour. I mean the baby gets hungry." She laughed and joined in. She was literally gobbling up food the whole time since I got here.

"I can see that." I giggled as she sat on the bed.
"So tell me.." she laid her back on the headboard.
"Tell you what?"
"What's bothering you?
"Nothing, why?"
"Say that to someone who doesn't know you Mia. Your fake smiles, lost in your thoughts, dull face and you're hardly even eating. What the fuck is going on?" She raised her voice in the end.
"Lena no, I'm fine."
"Not buying your bullshit girl. Spit it out before I make you!"
Sighing out loud I looked at her. I guess I had to tell someone, and yes that someone is going to be Selena.

I began telling her how I met my mate at the hospital and he had his lover on his lap. How Heera has been adamant to keep our distance. About the nights it's kept me awake. I swallowed hard waiting for her to respond.

"So that idiot had a fucking chick on his lap, when he knew you were around. Gosh I need to beat the guy into pulp." She turned red.

"Calm down Lena. You're pregnant!"

"What's the imbecile's name though?" She scooped a spoon of ice cream and ate it.

"Oh, umm, Lincoln Hunters."

"W-wha-t??!" She choked on her ice cream.

"Oh shit, Selena." I pat her back and offered some water. She let out a few coughs before calming down.

"You guys seriously need to stop choking on food when you hear about him." I shook my head.

"What are you gonna do about it Mia?"

"I've been thinking..."


"Talking to him about rejection... in that case no one would know. And we'll be going out separate ways."

"You think it's that easy? Werewolves can be pretty protective over their mates. To top that off the Alphas, they can be tremendously possessive over their mates. The reason he hasn't spoken to you about the whole rejection process is because he isn't willing to do it Mia."

"Well, it doesn't matter because I've made up my mind."

"Which is something he won't be taking very lightly for sure." She looked worried for me. "Alphas hardly let their mates out of their sight even."

"He doesn't care, he's in love with someone else Lena." My voice cracked.

And so the night was spent, talking about him. For all I knew talking about him gave me an unknown feeling rather than feeling on the edge the whole time I was away from the pack. Did I miss his scent and presence? One way or another I've always had a whiff of his smell at the hospital. Did that keep me calm and collected? Am I missing him now?

Why did the moon goddess have to curse me?

Why did the moon goddess have to curse me?

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