15. Vex

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Amelia Lovecraft

After a well spent weekend with Selena and Connor, it was time to head back to my pack.
"Call me whenever okay?" Selena spoke as she held me tight.
"Of course!"
"I'm always here for you."
"I know, take care of yourself and baby." I hugged her one more time before getting on the train.

It was noon when I got into my train and I'll be home by dusk. Grabbing my book, If I never met you, by Mhairi Mcfarlene. I managed to finish it by the time I reached the pack.

Letting out a breath, I felt more relaxed as we neared the pack borders, it felt like a tension or a sense of turmoil was lifted from my shoulders.

Glancing outside the window, I was welcomed by the captivating mountains and fields. By sunset the sky shone a bright pink and orange. Our pack territories looked quiet and peaceful. Since my parents were catching up with a few friends tonight, I told them I'd take a cab home.

By the time, I grabbed my bag and got down the train, it was night time. As I stepped out of the railway station to call a taxi, there was no one available.
"Just great!" I mumbled.

A black car, parked on the very front of the parking lot's door opened and a person stepped out of it before slamming the door pretty harshly than necessary. I didn't have to focus on who it was since the scent was enough to recognize the certain individual.

My heart leapt to my throat at the sight of him, with a navy blue shirt and jet black pants. His sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing off his tattoo and a costly Rolex on his wrist. A few buttons of his shirt undone, he looked like he's back from a business or pack meeting. His hair disarranged, still made him look striking.

"Snap out of it Mia! Why is he here?" Heera growled.

Shaking my head I got back to my senses, he may be here for various reasons. I looked around the parking lot in search of a cab. The few people around us murmured as the Alpha got closer and closer. Before I could comprehend what was happening, my wrist was secured inside a rough hand, that gave my body tingles and made my insides flutters.

"What- where are you taking me?" I asked Lincoln as he pulled me away from the others.

"What are you doing?" I tried to pull away, but to no avail. His grip was brawny. "Let me go!" His long legs dragged my shorter ones behind him. He led us into a path that was secluded.

"Ow Lincoln!" I raised my voice. "My hand hurts." His grip loosened. It was my chance to pull away my wrist. Immediately he cornered me to a wall. His eyes held rage and his jaw clenched, fisting his hands making his muscles tense. I hadn't seen such an angry wolf or human before. Heera was on the verge of coming out to my defence.

The hand he touched, I held it close to my chest. It didn't hurt anymore but I needed to cherish the contact our skins made. With furrowed eyebrows I looked at him for answers.

"Where the fuck have you been the last two days?" He growled, in a rough voice.

As he bent down to my level, I noticed his tired eyes, his stubble had grown into a short beard. He looked weary, as if he lacked sleep.

"Answer me!"

"It's none of your business." I snapped back.

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