40. Love?

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Amelia Lovecraft

I woke up somewhere around four early in the morning, from Lincoln's bed. The sun hadn't risen yet. The bed was empty which meant Lincoln didn't sleep here. I tried getting up but only to be held back by a heavy object laying over my stomach . More like a heavy hand. I looked to my side as Lincoln slept on an armchair with his arm extended to hold me. His head leaned back, completely shirtless with only his pants on. He was quite the sight under the moon. Through the window I watched the moon looking down at us. After all, the dots did connect, bringing me here right now.
I felt safe.
I felt happy.
I felt completely whole being beside Lincoln.

Am I deciding too quickly? I asked myself. With Lincoln so close to me, I could hardly think about anything apart from him.

"Mia?" Lincoln spoke in a groggy voice.
"Why are you sleeping on the chair?" I asked quietly.
He rubbed my stomach, unaware of the effect it did to me. "You're feeling okay baby? Need something?" He yawned.
"You could lay on the other side of the bed, you know."
"I didn't wanna hurt you."
"No you won't, that looks really uncomfortable. Plus the bed is big enough."
He agreed before walking to the bathroom.

I winced as I sat up from laying on one side. I looked down at my shoulder to see the scratch that's healing rapidly.

"Mia. What do you need?" Lincoln hurried to me from out of the bathroom. "Lay back."
I looked at his face, he was still sleepy and could be asleep for another couple of hours.
He blew on my shoulder as he bent down to me, "does it hurt?"
"No I'm okay Lincoln, you need to sleep." I told him, swinging my legs off the bed. "My shoulder feels sore. And I'm not so sleepy." I sighed.

"Alright then, let me take you for a walk." He stood up, I held onto his arm.
"No, go to sleep. Do you mind if I just walk to the kitchen for a coffee maybe?" I asked.
"You don't have to ask Mia. You could've just ordered me to bring you coffee."
"That's not necessary Alpha." I chuckled, standing up from the bed.
"Are you sure my little Luna?" He kissed my forehead.

"I'm ordering you to sleep. On the bed. Ill just go for a walk and be back before you wake up."
He smiled at me. "Penny is in kitchen. Ask her for anything you need."
"Sure." Lincoln walked to his side of the bed and pulled the pillow I laid on under him and slept on it. I couldn't help but laugh at how cute it looked.

Down at the kitchen, there was about three maids already working.
"He follows her like a lost puppy. It's adorable." One of the maids giggled as she spoke to the other one. They both seemed to be making some sort of dough. By the faucet was another older looking lady probably in her 50s, scrubbing a few dishes. She made no conversation with the other two. There was no Penny in sight.

"Luna." One of the two maids, jumped as she saw me approaching them. She accidentally dropped a wooden spatula on the floor. I was quick to pick it up before her.
"I'm so sorry." She covered her mouth. I could only laugh at how someone would be petrified to look at me.
"It's okay." I took the spoon to the faucet to clean it up.
"Leave it!" The older woman by the sink, told me coldly without even one look at me. I gently placed the spatula inside the faucet and stepped back.

I didn't have time to think of the woman as the other two maids, rushed to me.
"Luna, how can we help you?" They smiled warmly.
"Is your shoulder okay?"
"Would you like to eat something Luna?"
They kept asking.
"Please call me Mia. And I'm fine thank you." I looked at the lady who had her back to me again. Something about her aura bothered me.
"You're so beautiful." One of the maids squealed.
"We're Rosalie's friends. She said lovely things about you and I see it's true." The other spoke. I smiled at their excitement.
"Lincoln told me, Penny should be in the kitchen. Is she here?" I asked and the two scurried away looking for her.

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