21. Valiant

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Amelia Lovecraft

I pulled up the car in front of the pack house, Alex told me that Lincoln would be at the office right now. Opening the door I stepped out. While one of the ladies stayed back with Rosalie. I asked the other maid named Penny to come with me.
"You really don't have to do this Mia. Please." She pleaded.
"He can't treat you all like this. I won't allow it."
"He has no idea Mia, Miss. Cohen threatened us not to tell anyone. You need to leave dear." She held on to my arm.
"Well, it's about time Lin... the Alpha hears about this." I left no room for debate.

I walked up the stairs, completely furious about Lincoln being oblivious to the deeds his lover would do under his nose. Did he love her that much, to ignore what she'd do to these poor girls who worked for them?

As we stepped into the house, I could hear him barking orders to someone from the upper floor.
"I need more guards near the borders. Damn it! Why the fuck wasn't anyone patrolling the frontier last night? Benjamin! Benjamin said it wasn't necessary! Where fuck is he?!"

A few men hurried downstairs, they looked like they had seen a ghost. Following them were one of the top warriors, I think dad said his name was Matt. He walked down the stairs, rubbing his face in frustration.

"Um hi! Going to meet the Alpha?" He smirked at us.
"Yes!" I frowned.
"Well, good luck." He chuckled while shaking his head. I watched his figure as he headed out the door.
"Miss, I- I don't think it's the best time." Penny spoke in worry.
"You can stay outside while I have a word with him."
"Normally no one goes near him at times like these Mia, ple-" she stopped mid sentence as I looked at her. I was determined to talk to him today.

"I need Benjamin in here, right now!" Lincoln's voice boomed as we walked to the office. The door was completely open, he stood behind the desk with his fist slammed on it. Okay, he didn't look very approachable right now. Maybe I should have listened to the lady after all. He wore his formal white shirt, with the top three buttons undone. His hair slightly disheveled.

As the remaining men in the room walked out, his greyish green cold eyes immediately stared at us, specifically me. Too late to run. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I straightened my stance.

"Amelia?" He sounded surprised. His then cold eyes turned gentle. He ran his hand through his hair, rubbing his eyes. I guess he tried to calm himself down.

I looked to the side at Penny, who now stepped at least three feet away from, "I'll be right here if you need me Mia." She gave me a forced smile and looked down. Why did this feel like a bad idea now?

His scent got closer, it meant only one thing. I turned around to see the soaring figure of Lincoln just a foot away from me. He towered over me with broad shoulders, intimidating enough to scare away any person who stood in my place at this moment.

"Come in?" He gestured to the oak doors of his office. His eyes thoroughly on me. I walked into the magnificent room, on the left wall were framed pictures of all the former Alphas of our pack. Right behind his desk was a tall window, giving him the perfect view of the training grounds. On the vault hung a chandelier that looked like it would cost a fortune. The heavy doors being shut echoed in my ears, drawing me to look behind.

Lincoln had shut the doors, and now he watched my every move, without a word being said. His shoulders still seemed tensed. I wasn't sure if it was from the earlier growling or if he's uncomfortable with my presence.

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