46. Unsympathetic

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Sarah Cohen

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Sarah Cohen

He kissed her in front of my eyes. The pain I felt earlier seemed like nothing when compared to what I saw before me. My mind was screaming like a wild animal. I wanted to tear her apart, limb by limb.

When Lincoln is raged, no one could control him. But this filthy she wolf, calmed him down. She not only did have Lincoln, but Kai as well wrapped up around her finger.

Amelia! The name alone makes me puke. The day she entered the pack was the day my life was torn down bit by bit. I noticed Lincoln's change of demeanour the day he laid eyes on her at the pack hospital. I didn't care much about it.

I loved Lincoln. Yes! I gave him everything a mate could do for him. I sacrificed my own useless mate for him. That wasn't it, my wolf completely shut itself from me at the loss of her mate. Little by little she has completely vanished. Nothing bothered me, because I had him. Everyone feared me at the pack. I got everything I wanted. I loved you Lincoln. I had you all to myself.

The day I found out, Lincoln had gone to the railway station to see her. I lost it. I wanted her dead. It all made sense since the day he met Amelia at the pack hospital, he didn't even bother sparing me a glance. If it's just him having a few hook ups behind my back, it wouldn't have mattered. Since I did so too, he never bothered touching me after that bitch walked in. He ran after his mate.

I thought I had an upper hand with Benjamin being Beta. Unfortunately it all crumbled down the day Lincoln broke up with me.

I left my mate for you Lincoln. How could you do this to me?

My head was throbbing as the female warrior slammed my head on the bars of the cell. She kept asking me if I had anyone else in the pack who worked in my favour? Patricia was all I had left, the others I called friends left me as soon as I was sent to work at the pack house.

It was no easy task to be the Omega of the pack. From wearing the shiniest diamonds to scrubbing bathroom floors. What have I become?

The maids treated me the worst. Penny, the maid I thought was the kindest, seemed to have been holding a grudge on me for so long. She gave me heaps of work, she even had me wash the clothes Amelia wore at the mansion. It had mixed scents of Lincoln and her. I had been starved, sleep deprived and also burnt. The others kept talking about how amazing their future Luna was going to be. They fucking loved that bitch!

The news that Amelia had advanced to reject Lincoln and that the whole ceremony happened with the elders, made me elated. But it was only short lived when he went running after her like he was absolutely hopeless without her, in a couple of days. Pathetic!


A huge pail of ice cold water was thrown at me. A shriek left my mouth as I woke up. It was one of the female warriors. Holding on to the brick wall, I dragged myself up. My body may have been weakly, but my hunger for revenge keeps getting stronger.
"Wake up! The Beta wants to talk to you." She said.
Tyler walked in. A sly smirk on his lips.
"So Miss. Cohen I hope the ladies are treating you well." He raised an eyebrow at the women who guarded the cells. Who laughed in a mocking tone.
"What do you want?" I gritted.
"I have news. You're beloved brother is to be put an end to." He informed coldly.
"Does it look like I care?" I shouted through the bars.
"Of course you don't." He shook his head. "I'm here to ask if you know any other details about your dead mate. Since you see, our Alpha is so damn busy trying to romance his girl. I've come for a little inquiry, because I was bored."
"I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" I screamed at him. He knew I knew nothing else about my mate, Lincoln used all these guards to grind every last detail I knew of Dean. Tyler is just here to provoke me. We hated each other from day one.
"Okay." He chuckled. Feeling completely satisfied with my agony. I had to stop that pathetic smile he wore.
"You'll pay for what you're doing to me." I heaved a breath. "Especially that fucking bitch!"
His eyes darkened. "I may have stopped Alpha from killing you last time, but don't tempt me to do it myself. And trust me, with the treatment I have in mind, you'll wish you were dead instead." He looked down at his knuckles. "Every time she insults Amelia, make sure she gets a strike with the whip." He ordered before walking out. He stopped near the exit. "We need her alive!"

Alive? What were they planning to do to me? It can't be worse than what I'm already experiencing. Can it? I began chewing my nails. Masking my anxiety, I glared at the guards.

I sat down on the cold concrete floor. I was left with no more sadness to mourn for my brother. The one who did his best to give me a better life. He's going to be killed because of what he did for me. His mate left him because of me. If it wasn't for me, no one would have known that he had killed a rogue. A purposeless rogue. I had acted on impulse, hoping it'll save myself. I thought that would gain Lincoln's sympathy. A selfish and greedy attempt. But no! Lincoln watched me with no expression whatsoever. The man that once gave me everything, now made me lie within these cells.

It was all because of one person. Just one person who had ruined my whole family, my whole life!



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Lost Without You (A werewolf romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora