54. Pups

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Hey my lovelies! I can't believe myself at the daily updates. Show some love by clicking the star at the bottom. Pretty please!🥺

Since I've updated everyday for the last couple of days, make sure you've read chapters 51, 52, 53 in order to begin this one.
Enjoy! ❤️

Sarah Cohen

"W- who are you?" I shivered as the disgusting brown wolf shifted into his human form. My breath hitched at the green orbs that haunted my dreams for years now.

He's been dragging me along the lands all night long.

"Who are you?" I hollered again. He wore a pair of dirty jeans and ripped a strip of material from his T-shirt. Covering my mouth and knotting it behind my head. I was fucking helpless, since my hands and legs were chained.

He threw me into the trunk of an old rusty truck, before walking away to the back seat. I heard some shuffling noises, amongst the beating of my heart. Sweat, dirt and tears ruining my face.

My sobs and screams were muffled, no one could come to my rescue. The green eyed beast appeared again, with a silver shiny thing this time. A heavy baseball bat.

Before any further contemplations, he struck me with it. My sight became blurry, when I heard the door being slammed.


The smell of my own blood surrounded me. My hazy vision, began clearing up. Sitting up against the cold wall, it seemed like I was trapped inside a dimly lit dirty old shack.

I tried moving my numb feet and a strong sense of pain struck me from my right calf. I looked down at it in pure shock.

"Dean." The name was carved on my skin, in a rather rough manner. The green eyed beast was Dean's brother Kane. It all made sense now, Lincoln sent me over to my worst enemy.

How did Kane find me? I wanted to pull all my hair out, trying to rake my brain for information.

For all I know Ben kept a close eye on the borders, noticing Kane's presence a few times. Feeling skeptical about my mate bond with Dean I never gave him my actual name. And he was too blind and drawn to me, that me kept calling me 'honey'. He was only aware that the Blood Hunter's Pack warriors trained by the borders and I was a part of it. The only fucking information he had about me and Ben.

I needed to think. This can't be the end for me. I have to come up with something fast.


Third person POV

It's was a sunny weekend and as Mia had promised to the kids, today they were going to meet Kai. The little pups had been hearing endless stories about their Alpha wolf that led their pack. And after a little bit of Amelia's persuasion, Lincoln had agreed. Under one rule, Kai would be present, only if he saw Heera with the little ones and later the two could spend some alone time.

Heera had already shifted, seated on the green grass of the fields, being petted by the small, gentle hands. She had two little girls snuggled between her front paws as well.

If the moon goddess was watching she'd be amazed at what a wonderful Luna, Amelia And Heera were becoming.

Cautiously, the pups that were running around the fields, got closer to Heera. Her ears raised and snout high, she sensed Kai before he appeared. The pitch black wolf emerged, a few feet away from them. She could sense the little one's fear. As if to ease the tension she howled at her partner, and he joined in soon. Watching the two wolves react the pups began to howl even in their human form.

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