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Amelia Lovecraft

"You're good to go little man." I patted Mathew's head after dressing up his wound. He pulled his lollipop out of his mouth and showed me his adorable smile.
"When can I see you again?" He asked me hopefully, compared to the way he had reacted to me when he entered the hospital, Mathew warmed up as I began to tend to his leg. With the help of a few jokes, candy and of course the ever so popular tickle monster, this pup began to like me or as his mother said "love me".
"Well, you could always come see me here or at the Lovecraft's Library every weekend morning. How about that?" I wiggled my eye brows, earning a cute little giggle from Mathew.

While I finished consulting my third patient of the day, I remembered leaving my coat at Alex's office. As soon as I got a break I left to his office to retrieve it. Walking a few doors down the corridor, a very powerful scent hit me.

Heera purred as she sniffed the air and I felt so hypnotized by it.
"Mia, hurry up... he's here!" Heera howled.
A wave of excitement hit me as I glided through the hospital with scent of spruce and mint guiding me to its rightful owner. Oh goddess, I have a mate. My mate! I have waited for you for years, and here you are. A small smile caught my lips and I clutched on to my file really tight.

Feeling impatient and nervous I walked down the corridors wondering why this hospital had to be so big.
"Just run!" Heera growled.
I can't when the nurses and patients were watching me of course. Doing courtesy nods to a few familiar faces I rushed to the office.

Stopping a few steps away from the entrance I let out a deep breath to calm my nerves and to not let them know I had been in a rush.

This could be it, the day my life changes for good or for bad.
"What nonsense, it's changing for the good." Heera hopped, pushing me to open the doors.
I smiled at her excitement and opened the door.

I gasped at the presence of Alpha Lincoln himself, his greyish green eyes staring right into my hazel eyes for answers

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I gasped at the presence of Alpha Lincoln himself, his greyish green eyes staring right into my hazel eyes for answers. He was my...
"Mate?" Heera stepped back.
Narrowing my eyes at her reaction, I broke away from the daze and noticed the female on his lap.
A sensation that made my blood boil, the excitement was now replaced with pain. Pain that I hadn't felt before, like something pierced through my heart.

She laid on him like she owned him. They weren't mates. We were mates. But still, here she was claiming to the world that she possessed what was mine. Remembering dad's words about the Alpha and Sarah... his girlfriend.

After all these years I rather be mateless, than watch this sickening sight in front of me. I tried to sense Heera for mental support but she has already blocked me out. I guess she's in more pain than I am. Letting out a breath I stepped back and in a second Alpha Lincoln abruptly stood up, almost pushing his futile girlfriend to the ground.

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