53. Blood

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Two days later...

Lincoln Hunters

We were now waiting in our car, in the midst of the small town, the guards had gotten a hold of Dean's (Sarah's late mate) brother. Somehow my men had broke into his house to find him plotting various plans on sneaking into the pack in seek of revenge. But ever since we had heightened the level of security and frequent patrols, he wasn't able to do so. That also explained the unfamiliar rogue scents around the borders.

Dean's brother Kane however has been living alone after his brother's death. Usually wolves living by themselves could either be living a normal human life without shifting at all. These kinds were harmless. While the other lonely wolves you come across wouldn't want to be near any other, they often kill on sight. They were barbaric, had no morals whatsoever. After the brutal murder of his own blood, Kane could be the latter.

The guards managed to get a hold of him at a ramshackle pub in this very town. As I was waiting to see him in person, it was his first request to my men too. Whatever he had to say or listen had to be from me. The people walking on the grubby sidewalks kept glancing our way. The humans had no idea who we were and who we were waiting to see.

The roads stank of the sewers, while rats and other filthy rodents ran through the streets. The houses looked pretty beat up as well.

"He's here Alpha." One guard mind linked before the SUV's door opened.
Kane, a worn out, lanky looking man stood. He looked like he scratched a living. His eyes though looked very unstable. They kept varying from green to black every second. His beast was awake even though he hardly shifted. I gestured with my head for him to get in to the vehicle. He rubbed his shaky hands on his jeans before climbing into the back, where he sat now. Kane's eyes ran all around the interior of the car, as if to avoid my gaze.

"What exactly do you want from my pack?" I wanted him to speak up before I give him my offer.
"I don't understand." He looked at me cautiously, his eyes darkening.
"You've been seeking revenge on my pack for years. What is it that you want? Something or someone?"

Kane balled his fists, "someone!" His temper began to flare. "Two wolves to be exact." He raked his greasy hair. "For all I know it's a brother and a sister. I want them fucking dead."

"Benjamin Cohen and Sarah Cohen."

"What?" He snarled.

"The two involved in Dean's death."

He nodded his head as my words settled in, tears brimming his angry eyes. "They killed him."

"Benjamin was executed a few days ago. For the murder of your brother." He growled in disappointment at the news.

"What about the bitch who betrayed my brother? I- is she alive?" His eyes sparkled with pure evilness, anticipating my reply.

I nodded and he let out a sickening laugh. "One down, one to go." He sang, shaking his head from side to side.

"I was thinking if we killed her in the pack-" I was cut off.

"NO!" He screamed. "You asked me if I wanted someone Hunters, stick to it! I want her alive." His eyes pitch black as he said the last word. Kane's wolf and human were emerged together.

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