47. Fearful

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Amelia Lovecraft

"Ah! Lincoln stop!" I panted as he heartlessly kept going. Sweat completely drenching his T-shirt.
"It's longer than I thought. Stop!" I whined breathless, but to no avail.

"Mia, it's only a easy trail." He looked down at me, with that adorable smile of his. As for me? I was stretched out like a starfish on the ground. I might have told Lincoln about my hiking trips with Selena during our university life. And he offered to take me on a nice morning hike, to the mountains. Yes, that's where we are, somewhere in the midst of rocks and trees.

Now that I think about it, Selena and I were only going for a stroll. Whereas Lincoln had me climb up rocks and walk for hours.

"Easy? Easy for you to say. It's been going on for hours. It's a never ending trail." To match up with his single footstep I had to take four.

"Hours?" He chuckled, "it's less than an hour. Get up!"

"No!" I crossed my arms, still lying on the ground. "I could really do some coffee now. Till then I don't think I can walk."

"Fine, have it your way." I heard him speak before my surroundings began to toss and turn. Now the view of the trail was upside down, with my ponytail dangling.

"Oww!" I felt a sting on my butt.
"You lazy bum!" Lincoln grunted before carrying me on his shoulder, up the mountain.

"I'm feeling dizzy Alpha." I blabbered as we finally reached the top.
SMACK! That was the fourth spank on my ass. He kept doing it every time I complained, I only hoped he wasn't aware of how much of a turn on that was. As soon as he bent down to place me on the ground, I stood on my feet.

The sun began to rise through the desolated mountains ahead of us. Giving tints to the trees, lakes and all the land. It felt as if the rays gave life to the earth.

We sat upon a rock, as I fit perfectly into his hold. "It's breathtaking. So perfect." I felt Lincoln's gaze on me. I looked up at him with a smile.

"This is perfect." He tightened his hold around me. "I'm grateful to have you here with me." He pecked my lips.

"So am I."

"Really?" He asked in astonishment.
I nodded, grinning at him.

"You're cute, when you're lovey dovey." I teased him.

"You like that kind of thing?" He itched his stubble. I hummed looking back at the view.

"I'm having a hard time figuring you out." Lincoln said.


He pulled me very close to him, grabbing my full attention. "As much as you love the endearment, you seemed to enjoy the spankings too." He narrowed his eyes at me, biting back a proud smirk.

"He did NOT just say that." Heera huffed, mirroring my embarrassment.
"This is so awkward." I told her, biting my lip.

"Are you being cocksure Alpha?" I matched his stare.
"You can't contradict the actual facts baby." He counteracted. "You know for the strong, independent, cute little wolf you are, I'm surprised to know you like that kind of kink." His chest vibrated, when he laughed.

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