Mission Xiao Ying & Yi Feng Together Accomplished

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Chang An - Yeah.

Xiao Ying jumped in happiness.

Xiao Ying - Thank you, Senior Ting Hao. Thank you, Couch.

Flashback ended.

Yi Feng was laughing remembering those memories, but tears of pain were still falling off his eyes.

On the other hand

Chang An turned back to see where Yi Feng is, but he could not find him anywhere.

Chang An - Where did Yi Feng go?

Ting Hao - What! Yi Feng is not here!

Chang An - No.

Then Bai Cao, Ting Yi and Ting Hao also turned back, but Yi Feng was not there.

On the other side, Yi Feng sat on the swing and closed his eyes.

Yi Feng(in his mind) - Why did this happen to me? Why? It's okay that it happened to me. If it wouldn't have happened to me, then it would have happened to Fei Yu. And if Xiao Ying would have been with me, then my dad would have given her so much trouble. It's better if she will be with Fei Yu.

Then Yi Feng slowly opened his eyes. As he opened his eyes, he saw Xiao Ying sitting beside him on the swing. Seeing her, he quickly stood up.

Yi Feng - Xiao Ying, what are you doing here?

Xiao Ying - This is what I want to ask you. What are you doing here?

Yi Feng - No, Xiao Ying. You can not do this again. I asked you first, so, you will answer first.

Xiao Ying - Okay, let's just drop this question. I have one more question for you. Why did you stand up after seeing me?

Yi Feng - I stood up because I was shocked seeing you. After all, you should be there.

Xiao Ying - You should be there too.

Yi Feng - It is not about me. I am not the one who got proposed, you have been proposed.

Xiao Ying - Exactly. I have been proposed, that too by Fei Yu, and you are not there. You are not there to fight with Fei Yu. You are not there to yell at Fei Yu, you are not there to beat Fei Yu, you are not there to tell me that you love me you are not there to... to let me tell you that I love you. You are not there. Why are you not there? Do you not love me? Do you not even like me? Have you ever liked me? Have you never liked me?

Yi Feng - It is not like that, Xiao Ying. I liked, I like you and... and I will always like you.

Xiao Ying - So, you don't love me, this is the reason that you are not there.

Yi Feng - No, Xiao Ying. I love you, I have always loved you and I will always keep on loving you. This is the reason that I am not there. I can't see you being someone else's.

Then Xiao Ying started hitting Yi Feng.

Xiao Ying - So, why are you letting me being someone else's? Why are you not there to tell Fei Yu that I am yours... huh?

Yi Feng - Let me ask you a question, are you mine?

Xiao Ying - If you will propose to me, then I am yours.

Yi Feng - Okay, but let me tell you, if you will be with me, then you will have to face many problems.

Xiao Ying - I am okay with it.

Yi Feng - Think about it again.

Xiao Ying - I have decided that I will be with you, and you know that I don't think about my decisions. 

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