🍱A Long Day🍱

Start from the beginning

I turned to them.

Yoongi: Thank you I guess. Happy St. Nicholas Day.

Then I went away. God it was so embarrassing. I don't even know why. At least I didn't have to hug them.


I came from school. I waited for Jimin and Tae. We always went home together. However, their day was a little longer today. I went into the school yard and sat on a bench. I put my backpack on the bench next to me. Then I unpacked my school supplies and my earphones. So I could listen to music while waiting for them. I decided to do my homework here so it would be already finished. It wasn't much anyway. In addition, the weather was good and if it should rain or snow, there was a roof over me.

I had finished my homework. Now I was studying for Korean history. We would write an exam there next week. I'm just reading something when someone tore the book out of my hand and threw it on the ground. I looked up and saw.....Jae. I hated him so much. What was he doing here? He was annoying.

Jae: Long time no see.....Did you miss me?

He said in an evil voice. Ugh. I hated that. I ignored him and was about to get up to pick up my book, which was now on the ground. I hoped it wasn't damaged. But Jae pushed me back so that I was sitting again and took my backpack and turned it over so that everything that was inside fell out. Then he took the food, which was in a lunch box that Jin had given me and looked at it.

Then he put the food that Jin made for me in his backpack.

Jae: Looks yummy. You don't deserve that. I will take it.

Then he opened my drinking bottle with water and poured it over me. Then he left. At least it was just water. But it was winter and it was cold despite the sun. I had tears in my eyes. Why me?

I got up to pick up my papers and the rest of my school supplies before the wind blew them away. While I was collecting everything, Jimin and Tae came and helped me collect all the papers.

Jimin: Wait, we will help you. You have to be careful Suri.

I said nothing. It didn't seem to surprise him either. I never talked either way. I was glad they didn't notice.

We packed everything in my backpack. Suddenly I heard Tae gasped.

Tae: Why are you so wet?

Jimin: You will catch a cold.

Tae: How did that happen?

I ignored both of them and took my things and left. I noticed how they followed me. I didn't want to talk about it now. The day was still long and I didn't want an argument.

Suri ignored our questions. She was completely wet. What happened? We always went home together and everything was fine. Had the wind blown over the bottle and she got wet?

I looked at Jimin and we shrugged our shoulders. Then we went home. We still had a schedule today. And Jimin was allowed to record something for the first time. It wasn't a log, but he would record himself while dancing, he told me.

We came back home late in the evening. We were all pretty tired. Suddenly I remembered that Suri only ate less. I remembered it when I saw her in her pyjama that revealed a little bit of her thighs. She was so skinny.

Me: Suri?

She looked at me.

Me: Did you eat anything today? I gave you food for school. How was it?

Suddenly she had tears in her eyes. She wasn't crying, but I saw she was about to. What was wrong? Didn't it taste good or didn't she eat it?

Me: Hey what's up? You didn't eat it right?

I knelt down to her. She looked down. I thought she didn't eat it. I was a little mad about it but she was still a kid. I couldn't yell at her or scold her hard even if I wanted to.

Suri: Yes. I'm so sorry.

Me: You haven't eaten all day. Aren't you hungry? Do you want to eat something now?

She nodded. I was relieved about it. I was worried. She was very thin and she didn't eat. At most once a day or sometimes nothing.

We went into the kitchen and I microwaved today's lunch. Since I didn't have school, I could make food in the meantime the maknaes are left.

I put the plate in front of her and watched her eating the food. She noticed my gaze. She ate very slowly and only took small bites.

Me: Suri?

She hummed in response because she had food in her mouth.

Me: Are you struggling with eating?

She shook her head.

Me: Then why do you not eat?

Suri shrugged her shoulders. I noticed that she didn't want to talk. I sighed. I realized that there was no point in asking her. She won't talk to me now. But I hope she will talk to me about her problems someday. She never talked much. I knew she was very shy. And after the incident with Sung Jin, I wouldn't blame her if she stayed so shy for the next time. However, I always hoped that if she had a problem she would go to at least one of us. She brought us closer together and together with Tae and Kook they baked cookies for us. She changed us all in a very short time. I was grateful to her for that. It was a nice feeling to have someone around.

After she had finished she washed the plate and we went into the bedroom together. We wished good night. Then we went to sleep.

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