Getting used to each other

Start from the beginning

Bai Cao - It is paining.

Ting Hao - I think, we should go to a doctor.

Chang An - Yeah, let's go.

Then the scene changed, Bai Cao was sitting in front of a doctor and the doctor was looking at the scans of Bai Cao's leg.

Ting Hao - How is it, doctor?

Doctor - It's a bit fractured.

Gu Wei Yi - Can I have a look.

Doctor - Yeah, sure.

Then Gu Wei Yi and Lin Li started looking at the scans.

Gu Wei Yi - It is fractured.

Lin Li - A little bit.

Doctor - Are you both doctors too?

Gu Wei Yi - Yeah. Both of us are surgeons.

Doctor - Oh, nice! Then, it will be easy to make you guys understand the problem.

Gu Wei Yi - No, we understood. Bai Cao needs rest for 1 week. No practice, no nothing.

Doctor - Yeah.

Lin Li - We will buy the medicines too. Thank you so much.

Doctor - You are welcome.

Then everyone came out of the room.

Ting Hao - Yi Feng, can you please go and buy the medicines?

Yi Feng - Of course.

Bai Cao - Xiao Ying, you go with him.

Xiao Ying - Why?

Bai Cao - Just go.

Xiao Ying - Okay.

Then Xiao Ying and Yi Feng went to the pharmacy to buy the medicine. And everyone else went back to that room where the doctor was treating Bai Cao.

Ting Hao - Thank you so much, Doctor, and sorry that you had to lie.

Doctor - It is okay, but...

Bai Cao - But what?

Doctor - Bai Cao, your leg is very delicate. I guess... this leg of your's got injured many times, right?

Bai Cao - Yeah.

Doctor - But don't worry, it's not that you can't practise Yuan Wu Dao now. It's just that, you have to be very very very careful with your right leg. And I am sure that you will never do that.

Ting Hao - You are right. She will never be careful.

Ting Yi - But don't worry, doctor.

Chang An - We will be very very very careful with her right leg.

Doctor - This is why friends are made.

Ting Hao - Okay, doctor. We will leave now.

Then all of them came out of the room and went towards the car, but Fei Yu went to the pharmacy.

Fei Yu - Xiao Ying!

Xiao Ying - Fei Yu! What are you doing here?

Fei Yu - I came here to take you guys to the car.

Yi Feng - We know where the car is, we would have come there on our own.

Fei Yu - I know that Senior Yi Feng, but I came here because you guys were getting us late.

Yi Feng - Where are we going that we are getting late.

Fei Yu - Bai Cao is hungry. This is why we have to reach home as soon as possible. But tell me one thing, why are you so rude to me?

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