Scared of Happy Memorise

Start from the beginning

Ting Hao - Actually, I was telling Bai Cao that we should go to Xiao Ying's house now.

Xiao Ying - I think we should go there in the afternoon.

Ting Hao - Why?

Xiao Ying - Because she must be at her shop at this time, and if we will go in the afternoon or maybe in the night, then we will get to eat delicious food made by our Bai Cao. Right, Bai Cao?

Bai Cao - Yeah, I can do that.

Ting Hao - So it decided, we are going to Xiao Ying's house in the night, but what will we do till that time?

Bai Cao - Don't you have to go to the office?

Ting Hao - No. And what about you guys? Don't you guys have to go for practice?

Chang An - No. I cancelled today's practice.

Ting Yi - That means we all are here without any work.

Xiao Ying - Then we only have one thing to do.

Bai Cao - What is it?

Then Xiao Ying gave a mysterious smile, then the scene changed.

All of them were in front of an amusement park, with different dresses, girls were wearing jeans and a top with a hat, and boys were wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

Bai Cao was looking scared.

Bai Cao - Amusement park!

Xiao Ying - let us go inside.

Bai Cao - I don't want to go.

Xiao Ying - Bai Cao, let's go.

Then Bai Cao started moving her head left and right very fast.

Xiao Ying - I know, Bai Cao that you are scared of these hammocks, but trust me, it will be fun.

Bai Cao - Xiao Ying, you know how scared I am from childhood to swing in these hammocks.

Xiao Ying - I know, and I also know that you haven't tried it yet, that is why you are still afraid of it. Just try it once, I am sure that you will overcome this fear of yours.

Bai Cao - I don't think so. I am scared. It goes really high, Xiao Ying.

Xiao Ying - Bai Cao, you are saying this? Really?

Bai Cao - Yeah.

Xiao Ying - Do you even know how high you go when you jump to use your tornado kick?

Bai Cao - That is a different thing, Xiao Ying.

Xiao Ying - No, Bai Cao. I am not going to hear anything. You are coming with us.

Bai Cao - No.

Ting Hao - Relax, Bai Cao, Xiao Ying. Chang An is here no, he will help you to come out of your fear, he is a champ in all this.

Chang An - What are you saying, Ting Hao?

Ting Hao - Chang An, don't you remember how you used to help us in overcoming our fear.

Chang An - Us who?

Ting Hao - Come with me, Chang An.

Then Chang An and Ting Hao went away from the rest.

Ting Hao - Chang An, don't you remember anything?

Chang An - I don't know what are you talking about.

On the other side

Xiao Ying - Does anyone know how to read lips?

No answer from anyone. So, Xiao Ying turned her head around.

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