"Please, can I go? I promise I'll be good! I'll be super good! I won't do anything bad again. I'll do two laps around the entire base or fifty push-ups, twenty pull-ups or even run a mile if you want me to. I even cleaned up my room you can go see for yourself, promise! Plus if you let me go it will be my first human sleepover. Don't you want me to experience new things and act all human like? You have to let me go! I'll do anything!" I begged and leaned against the side of his face.


He remained silent and a look of concentration settled on his features as if he was thinking. "...please." I pleaded once more. He probably thinks I'm the most annoying person on this planet right now.

"Very well youngling." He sighed. "I will allow you to go to your human friend's 'sleepover'."

I squealed with glee and kissed his cheek. "Yay! Thank you daddy! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Just know your punishment has been extended for a few extra days and I will only allow this to happen just this once. Next time you won't be so lucky youngling."

That's fair...I guess.

"And I will be asking Lennox for more information about this human 'sleepover'."

I nodded in understanding. "Ok. Thank you! You're the best!"

He shook his head with a small grin before asking, "Is there any way I can contact the creators of your human friend?"

"Yep! She gave me her address and her dad's phone number, so you can-"

"Optimus." At hearing the call of his name, my dad turned around to face a pleased Prowl.

Either something good happened or maybe I should be worried that I haven't seen Sunstreaker or Sideswipe today.

"Prowl," My father acknowledged his SIC with a nod.

I smiled and waved at him. "Hey Prowlie."

He frowned at the nickname but returned the greeting and turned his attention back to my dad. "I have good news. Your message was received and we have an Autobot ship en route to Earth."

I gasped. "More bots?"

"That is good news." My dad smiled.

I can't believe it! "So we're gonna have new bots walking around? When will they be here?"

"I've sent the landing coordinates and they should arrive seventy miles out in the west in exactly one week."

Just a week?

My dad nodded. "Excellent. And who all is onboard?"

"The group consists of Wheeljack, Dino, Brains, Red Alert and the Wreckers; Leadfoot, Topspin and Roadbuster."

What's a wrecker?

"I have already informed Major Lennox of their arrival and some adjustments will be made on the new base to accompany our needs."

"Noted. Thank you, Prowl."

The black and white mech nodded and turned on his heel to exit the hangar.

"Daddy." I called as I watched Prowl leave.


"What's a Wrecker and what does it do? Who's Wheeljack? Who are all those other bots?"

"Liza," He chuckled softly. "One question at a time please."


"You have a brother?!"

The green medic let out a startled gasp and dropped his tools. "Primus! Are you trying to give me a spark attack?"

I crossed my arms and approached the mech with a pout. "You didn't tell me!"

Ratchet raised an optic ridge. "What?"

"Wheeljack, your brother that you didn't bother telling me about!"

"You never asked." He pointed out as he kneeled down to pick up his tools and set them in their rightful place.

"You never mentioned something like this!"

"Once again you never asked. How did you find out about Wheeljack anyway?"

My arms fell back to my side. "There's a new ship of bots coming in soon and your brother, Wheeljack happens to be one of them."

I waited patiently for a happy cheer or burst of excitement to emit from the medic but instead Ratchet groaned and slapped his hand against his face. "For Primus Sake!"

"Uh...Ratch," My face scrunched up in confusion. "Aren't you supposed to be happy? This is your brother."

"And to think I got used to not dealing with explosions everyday!"

Explosions? "What are you talking about? Is he a secret Con or something?"

A horrified look appeared on his face. "What?! No! He's an inventor."

"Well I don't see why-"

"That can't go one fragging day without trying to blow himself to smithereens! You think Optimus and IronHide has a record for being in the Med Bay? You'd be surprised of what he could do to himself in day than those two could get themselves slagged by Cons in a week!"



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