Chang An's haunted memory

Start from the beginning

Ting Hao - Of course, disciple, I will teach you to make cakes like me.

Bai Cao - Thank you very much, teacher.

And they both started laughing.

Ting Hao - Okay, jokes apart, do you really think that this is a nice cake?

Bai Cao - Yeah.

Ting Hao - Should I apply white frosting?

Bai Cao - Yeah. I will help you.

Ting Hao - No, you just sit here and decide how should we decorate the cake.

Bai Cao - No, I don't have to decide. I know how we need to decorate the cake. Just give me a minute.

Then Bai Cao took out her phone.

Bai Cao - Yeah, like this. I have seen Ting Yi looking at this cake many times. I think we should decorate the cake like this.

Ting Hao - Are you sure?

Bai Cao - Damn sure.

Ting Hao - Okay then. We will be decorating the cake like this.

Then Ting started applying the frost onto the cake.

On the other side, Ting Yi got a call from her Grandpa.

On the call -

Ting Yi - Hello, Grandpa!

Grandpa - Happy birthday, daughter!

Ting Yi - Thank you so much! When are you coming back home?

Grandpa - I don't know. I really feel happy here with my brother.

Ting Yi - And what about us? Are you not missing us?

Grandpa - How is it possible, daughter? I am missing you and Ting Hao a lot. But here, I can feel that your grandma is with me. I have all my memories with her here. Even her graveyard is here.

Ting Yi - Okay, Grandpa. Don't forget to give grandma flowers on our behalf.

Grandpa - Okay. Now, I'll hang up the call.

Ting Yi - Okay, Grandpa! Bye!

Grandpa - Bye!

Call ended.

Chang An - You really miss him, don't you?

Ting Yi(with a smile) - Yeah, I do miss him, a lot. But if he is happy there, then let him be there.

Xiao Ying - Your Grandpa really loved your Grandma, right?

Ting Yi - Yeah. He really did. So did my father. He really loved my mom. In our family, all the men love their wives more than themself.

Ting Hao - Yeah. And I want such a man for my little sister.

Ting Yi - Older brother, that day is really far. I am still a kid.

Ting Hao - Yes, you are a kid. But you will also don't know when the time will pass. It feels like it was yesterday when you were born, and see you have turned 19 now. Time really flies really fast.

Chang An(in his mind) - Ting Hao is right, time really flies. It was like yesterday when I used to play with my sister, but that accident changed everything.

Then Chang An started having a flashback.


A girl was running.

Girl - Older Brother Chang An, catch me if you can.

Chang An - I will catch you, little sister.

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