"I agree with the Greeks, the black taste best. Why is that?" Sang asks.

"They are an aphrodisiac. Same with watermelon, asparagus, chili peppers, chocolate, avocados and a few other foods. But for whatever reason, with olives it only works with the green ones for men and the black ones for women." I stated matter of factly.

"That right there explains my love of food and all things chocolate!" Luke exclaims and I chuckled because Sang's face was beat red. Her ankles were crossed right next to me and as I grabbed some grapes and strawberries with my right hand, I traced my left hand's fingers over her ankles.

Baby sighed as she slumped back into her pillow. Luke broke out in a smile. "I meant to tell you today, I really like that skirt on you Baby. You know I like all things black, but with the lace... It just looks more.... delicate." I traced my fingers around her calves and ankles.

Sang smiled as she responded, "I'm not a delicate snowflake flower thing North. But thank you for the compliment." Luke was chuckling.

"Am I going to be reprimanded for telling you I like your sweater? Because the color looks so soft, yet the sweater hugs all your curves in just the right way." He winked at Sang as she blushed. I could feel her leg heat up with the blush.

I popped a few more olives in my mouth and took a few slices of cheese. "Do we get to share the guest bedroom with you tonight? Or do you prefer to be alone?"

"Never!" Baby exclaimed.

"Cupcake, can you clarify? 'Never' didn't really answer North's questions. Unless you are telling us you never want to share a bed with us again." He almost looked heartbroken.

"No, no! I never want to sleep without one of you guys next to me. I don't know if I could anymore. Please, come in. I'll leave the window or door or whatever unlocked."

"Just the window Forever." Just then I heard Uncle's car come to a stop.

"Uncle's here." I announced and removed my hand from Baby's leg. She made a grouchy face when I removed my hand. Ha ha. That's how I feel too Baby. I never want to stop touching you.

"Luke, North..." Uncle stated in greeting. "Little Bird! I'm happy to have you here again." Uncle was smiling a goofy smile. "Are you working again tomorrow?"

"Yes." Sang answered quietly as she sat up.

Uncle's face fell and he looked concerned. I can't figure out why. Neither of us are touching her. She is fully clothed. The food is almost gone so he should know she ate.

"Who gave you the fat lip Little Bird?" Uncle questioned seriously.

"It was just an accident Uncle. Luke's forehead hit my lip. And we got ice on it right away." Sang tried to diffuse the tension coming off Uncle in waves.

Uncle was glaring at Luke. "She better be telling me the truth about this being an accident Lucian. Otherwise, you will have to deal with me." Uncle still looked angry.

Luke's eyes again were repentant, no doubt it was an accident. "I swear to you Uncle, it was all an accident. If it weren't, I would expect North to kick my ass." I chuckled. Uncle seemed to accept what Luke said as he nodded his head.

"Very well. You should clean this up, put out the fire and get to bed. It is a school night after all."

We sent Sang to go get ready for bed and Luke gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek so Uncle would accept he was heading to his own bed. While cleaning up I heard Uncle remind Luke about treating Sang like a lady and that he better be using the condoms he gave him if they were getting intimate. I wanted to laugh out loud but I don't want to hear Uncle's sex talk again myself.

Once everything was put away, I said my good nights and headed to my trailer. I took a cool shower and got in my black pajama pants but didn't put on a shirt. Then I waited for the text from Luke. It seemed like forever before he gave me the all clear.

I quietly crossed to Sang's window and slid it open. "North? Is that you?" Baby whispered.

"Yes, it's me Baby."

"And me!" Luke said from the window just as I got in the room.

Sang giggled. "Well come on then." She pat both sides of the bed for us.

Luke closed the window and I set my phone alarm for the morning. I snuggled in behind Baby and Luke laid facing her. "Night Baby."

"Sleep well Forever."

"I love you both." Baby said as she rubbed her hand over my hand on her stomach and she was touching Luke somewhere too.


I heard a noise that brought me out of my sleep. I squeezed Baby to reassure myself she was right there. I felt Luke's arm over mine. His ankle laid over mine. Sang's fingers were linked into mine. I wonder what that noise was?

"Luke" I whispered.

"Hmmmm?" He mumbled without waking up.

"Did you hear that?"

"What?" He asked with alarm. His head up off the pillow. Sang was stirring under us. The clock on the nightstand said 4:30am. That was too early for anyone to be awake yet. We heard it again. A creak of the floor boards in the living room.

We both moved in unison. Luke checked out the window, nothing. He locked it then to prevent someone from entering that way. I had grabbed a baseball bat that was in the closet. Together we moved toward the bedroom door. Luke quietly unlocked it and did his stealth thing to open the door.

So very slowly he opened it up. I glanced down the hall and saw a figure move. I touched Luke's shoulder, nudging him so he had instructions to stay with Sang. He pat my forearm twice acknowledging my command.

I stepped into the hall, keeping my back to the wall so I cannot be jumped from behind. Raising the bat to a hitters stance I crept toward the living room.

Can You Teach Me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora