"What are we watching?" Kota asked.

"Kate and Leopold". Peanut chirped.

"Ooo, is that the one about the scientist who found the ripple in the fabric of time?" I am seriously concerned for my friend right now. He KNOWS this movie?

"It says it is a romance, and I saw Wolverine on the cover, so I thought Nathan might like it, too."

"I told you that is NOT Wolverine!" I grumped.

"This one actually has some good comedy to it." Kota told me, then looked at Sang, "And of course, the sweet romance side of it." Kota reassured Peanut.

"I can't believe you watched this movie." I blurted out.

"My mom asked me to watch it with her, so I did." He shrugged his shoulders.

"You're such a sap!" I teased.

"Actually, it has a good comparison of how men use to put thought into asking a lady out as compared to today. My mom wanted to make sure I knew how to treat Sang right." He smiled and winked at her.

"Come on! Everyone knows the best movie for male dating advice is 'Hitch'." I countered.

"Let's watch them both and have Sang be the judge of which movie gave better dating/romance advice." Kota challenged.

Sang did that girly giggle thing that has all of us getting a little tight in our pants. "Fine, it might take two movies to finish all this laundry anyway. But then, NO more girly movies until I have watched at least 5 horror or action movies." I was laying down the law. I am not going to watch a bunch of chick flicks.

Part way through the movie, Peanut got up to move the wash to the drier and start the next load. We had paused the movie to wait for her. "Anyone need a drink?" She asked, pointing toward the kitchen.

"You don't have to get us drinks Peanut."

"I'm already standing up. If you want something, speak now or forever hold your peace."

"I'll take a water please." Kota stated.

"Me too." I confirmed. Now that she spoke of a drink, I feel thirsty. She brought back 3 bottles of water.

We got back to the movie. I think I threw up in my mouth when Huge Jackman described in the movie, 'where I come from, the meal is a reflection of thought, yadda, yadda, yadda!' Kill me now! Why did I ever agree to watch this movie?

Peanut sighed when Huge Jackman's character was doing the commercial spot. "Fresh Creamery Butter...."

"What was it about that part that you like Ten?" Kota asked quietly.

"His accent and the kind look in his eyes." She answered in a whisper.

By the end of the movie Peanut was wiping away tears from her face. "They found each other, even though they lived in different time periods. And her relationship, of 4 years, had to be bad so she could find her love." *audible sigh*

I groaned and got up to change the laundry again. I brought out the whites to be folded while Kota switched movies. I can at least handle watching Will Smith in Hitch. He at least is trying to help dudes get the girl.

We laughed a lot through this movie. I noticed Kota's cheeks heated up a little as he picked up some lacy white panties. But instead of throwing them at Sang, he folded them and put them in her pile.

When the movie was over, it was fairly late and all the laundry was finally done. "So, now we have watched them both, which movie gave better dating advice Peanut?"

"Hitch probably gave better dating advice, but Kate and Leopold was more romantic. The old man across the street that played the music from Breakfast at Tiffany's every night before bed to remind him of his wife, that would have been something Mr. Peters would have done. You guys know, I could never change the inside of that home right? Maybe furniture, because he told me to sell it or keep it, but he insisted that I keep his wife's memory and love alive. That means the structure will stay the same."

"It is your house Ten. You can do with it what you see fit. But I like the idea of keeping it the same. It is not everyday that you see people stay married for over 50 years. My mom will never have that, even if she were to remarry.

"Bedtime then?" I interrupted as they were starting to look longingly into each other's eyes.

"Bedtime." Peanut agreed.

"Goodnight then. I will see you both tomorrow." Kota said as he collected his laundry and stood up.

"You're not staying?" Peanut asked.

"No, I'll sleep in my bed tonight. I love you Ten." He stepped forward and kissed her between the eyes.

"Sleep well 52."

Sang went to get ready for bed and I walked behind Kota to lock up after he left. He looked back at me and then chuckled. "What? Why are you laughing?"

"You should be happy I'm leaving. Watching Kate and Leopold and thinking of Mr. & Mrs. Peters love of over 50 years.... You're a lucky bastard."

"What? You think she's going to want to make out from that?"

"Nathan, did you learn nothing from tonight's movies?" He shook his head at me and left.

There weren't any hot and heavy make out scenes in either movie. There weren't any men taking their clothes off in the movie. I think Kota has lost it.

I locked up and went to get ready for bed. When I was done I found Sang laying on the bed with a smile that says she is guilty about something. I turned out the light and climbed in bed next to her. "Why do you look guilty Peanut?"

"I just was thinking I wanted to snuggle in close with you." She burrowed herself in tight to my body. I ran my hands through her hair to pull it away from her face. Then she kissed my chin. Along my jaw. Down my neck. Across my shoulder. Huh? Maybe Kota was right after all!

I hooked my leg over her hip and pulled her in tight with my leg. Half rolling on top of her, but still holding my weight off of Sang, I kissed her lips, running my tongue over the seam of her mouth. My hand in her hair helped me guide the angle of her head so I could gain entrance to her mouth and deepen the kiss.

We French kissed until we were both short of breath. I tilted her head back to open her neck to me. I continued to trail kisses down her neck to the hallow at the base of her neck. She was breathing heavily. Her fingers were twined in my hair. I could continue kissing her all night long but I know we need to sleep. A peck to her throat, a peck to her chin, a peck to her lips, a peck to her nose and I turned her over so I could spoon her and hold her all night long.

"Goodnight my Peanut."

"I love you Honey." We fell asleep, me wrapped around her body. I would have good dreams tonight.

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