"Ow! Shit North! You said game on, not this is war." Silas was covering his nose with his fingers as he rolled away from me.

"I didn't know she was going to elbow you. Sorry. Are you bleeding?"

"Silas, are you ok? Will you show me please?" I fret over him, wanting to make sure I hadn't hurt him badly. I was trying to pull his hands away so I could see the damage but my hand slipped. My arm flew backward and I elbowed North in the eye.

North grunted and covered his eye. "North? I'm so sorry. To both of you. Ugh! I am so bad at this. I am fumbling around and causing pain. Someone should just lock me up. Or maybe I should be in that bubble North. Then I wouldn't hurt you guys again."

I covered my face. Why would they want me? I am just one girl with zero experience in even the simplest things like kissing and hugs. I could never compare the the girls they have been with before me.

The other girls... how many other girls am I going to be compared against? And this isn't just one guys past history I am being compared to, it is nine guys past history. If each guy only had just kissing experience with 3 other girls, I am being compared to 27 other girls ability to kiss without elbowing the guy in the nose or the eye. That is not even talking anything more than kissing.

Anything more than kissing...ugh! How many of my guys will I physically hurt when we try to go further?

"Baby, Baby, BABY!" He pulled my hands away from my face. "Don't cry, please Baby. You didn't hurt me."

"Aggele, why are you crying?" He was wiping my tears away with his thumbs.

"Fuck, the others cannot see her crying or we will be up shit creek!"

"I don't know how to get her to stop. Aggele, I'm not mad and it only hurt for a moment. I've had worse. And see, no blood!" He tried to smile but it was more of a grimace.

He's had worse? So I'm not the worst kisser? I am pretty bad at this so if he's had worse I would have to up his number from 3 to more like 10. Probably all the guys are closer to experience with 10 girls each. That is 90 girls I could never compete with.

A new heavy flow of tears are streaming and I try to push North and Silas away as I am heading to the bathroom to fall apart all by myself. They both got up following me into the bathroom. I collapsed on the floor over in the corner, leaning against the wall for support as I thought about my total lack of know how.

How do I expect to please and KEEP nine amazing, drop dead gorgeous guys interested if I can't even kiss them without knocking someone out? I can hear they are talking to me but I have tuned them out. I need to wallow alone and they are not giving me the space I need to have a good ugly cry.

Just by the rumbling that practically shook the house my attention was brought back to what they were saying.



I could hear thundering on the stairs, more of the guys coming to see what is going on. More guys that have so much experience with girls that I can't compete with. Fresh sobs and full on waterworks. My nose is running, and red. My eyes are bloodshot and puffy with alligator tears. My whole body is shaking. Not pretty.

Into the bathroom came the whole barrage of guys. Seven new eyes boring into my back as I try to hide my ugly crying from them. North and Silas are yelling loudly in Greek again. I DON'T UNDERSTAND GREEK!!!



"Peanut, why are you crying?"

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