"Our times up, let's get back to biking." Sean said to me as he offered a hand to help me stand.

Nathan handed me a granola bar and water. I quickly ate and washed it down with half the bottle of water. Then I gave Nathan back the bottle and he put it in his backpack. He grabbed my fingers and nipped at them before we got back to biking. I felt loved with this action. I got back on the bike and it took me a few minutes to get my legs working well again. Note to self: once you start riding a bike, don't stop until you are ready to be done.

After we finished riding we went to the ropes course. It went back and forth, high in the air above the white water rapids. I was harnessed to the safety wire above me but having the raging water below made me nervous.

I had to walk across a rope bridge that was in a V-shape. The tops of the V were for your hands and the bottom of the V was what you walked on. Like a tight rope. Then there were boards hanging from ropes and you stepped across them like stepping stones. But stepping stones that moved. They tended to swing back as you stepped forward and the one you were stepping on would move further away from you. I was practically doing the splits going from one board to the other.

The next task was to walk on a tight rope again without the ropes for your hands. Within reaching distance was a 6 x 6 post that hung from a rope. There were 5 of them equal distance apart. I watched North as he reached out, grabbed the post and walked across the rope. Then he had to step around the post and grab the next one. I could do that! I tried to follow exactly what he did, but the rope I was walking on kept swaying left and right. I thought I was going to fall into the river below.

"Trouble, you can do this. Center your balance." Gabe said from behind me. I clung to the nearest post until I regained my balance then proceeded across the tight rope.

"You ok Baby?"

"Yes North Star. Thank you."

"Thank you Meanie." I said to him as he made his way across to me.

"Anytime Trouble." He licked my forehead from temple to temple. "Mine." He said with a smile.

"Stop licking Baby! Ass!" I can't help but giggle at them. I placed my hand on North's chest and he calmed down instantly. He placed his hand over mine and rubbed my hand back and forth on his tight, hard chest. I felt all tingly inside and it is not from nerves of the activities we are doing.

The end of the ropes course was a zip line from the 10 meter platform down to the ground. You zipped diagonally across the river. North hooked in and took a flying leap. As he was over the river he hung upside down so he could look back at me. He was making me nervous. My hand was over my throat as a scream was not able to escape my broken voice.

I just sat in the zip line like I was sitting in a chair. When I got to the bottom I saw Gabe was laying out flat on his side. Right behind him was Silas who was descending just like Superman. I realized all of the guys were trying to do something different from each other. These are my crazy boys. All mine!

We made out way back towards the entrance where the huge climbing wall was located. I think it is almost double the size of the rock wall at laser-fx. We again got into harnesses for climbing and Stone just didn't know how to keep his mouth shut.

"That ass looks tight in that harness. You want to be my climbing buddy sweet thing?"

"I warned you Stone." Owen said with with an icy calm. "Excuse us for a moment my love." He turned away from me, pinched Stone's ear and walked out the front entrance with all my boys in tow except Victor. Lance just stood there eyes wide and looking a bit nervous but not doing anything to help his friend.

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