"When are you going to tell Gabriel and Luke about the plan?" He asked me.

"When they arrive for our family meeting. They should be here momentarily."

"Do you mind then if I wait to hear if they have accepted the plan? As a leader I want to take into account everyone's vote before I cast mine."

"Being a leader is hard sometimes isn't it? It requires sacrifice and acceptance of things you otherwise might not have agreed to." I was trying my best to reassure him and teach him too.

The doorbell rang in random pings alerting us to the others arrival. We took a seat as Gabriel, Luke, and North entered. Just the two I wanted to see. "Mr. LukeTaylor, may I have a word with you please?"

"Sure Mr. B." I walked upstairs to Sean's spare bedroom with Luke following behind me. Once inside I closed the door.

"Mr. Taylor, I need to know how you feel about Sang?" He started laughing. I raised my eyebrow in question. This isn't a funny matter. This is life decisions being made.

"You must want to know if I accept the love her or lose her plan." He looked at me as my face changed to recognition that he already knew. "Like I told North, I thought we already were sharing her and I am good with it. I can have my cake and eat it too! Or if you like this one better, All for Sang, and Sang for All!"

The corner of my mouth rose up, Luke really is a happy, go with the flow kind of guy. "I am glad to hear that. Now, if you wouldn't mind sending Mr. Coleman up here, I still need to speak with him."

"Sure Mr. B, but I talked to Gabe this morning and he is good with the plan too."

"Thank you, but I still want to hear it from him to be certain." I remembered how Victor told me that Nathan was on board and the whole plan nearly blew up in our faces because Nathan was not being honest with Victor. But I am a human lie detector. I will know if Gabriel is lying to me or not if he talks to me.

Gabriel walked into the room. "What's up Mr. B?"

"Mr. Taylor informed me he has spoken to you about the plan and I wanted to hear from you what you think?"

"Fucking hell! I about shit my pants when he told me. But if I get to spend every Goddamn day of the rest of my fucking life with her, she can love all of you shit heads, as long as she fucking loves me too." We definitely need to work on his vocabulary skills. Was he raised by rednecks?

"Mr. Coleman, I thank you for your honesty, but could you please refrain from using so much profanity?"

"Sorry Mr. B. I will work on it." That was obviously a lie. I could see it in his eyes and in his body language. We have a lifetime to work on his vocabulary.

I heard the doorbell ringing again. Others were here. "Could you please send Mr. Lee up here? I would like to talk to him before the family meeting begins."

"Sure, but if you think Kota is going to accept the plan in the next 2 minutes, you have lost your fucking mind! He will need more than 2 minutes to process."

"Thank you for your concern. I just need to speak to him. Please send him up."

That is everyone. Everyone except myself and Kota. I guess Sean too. He never has said out loud that he is in or out. It was just the way he acted after hearing the plan that leads me to believe he is in. Kota entered the room and shut the door.

"It would seem that Mr. Taylor heard the plan from North and accepted without question. And he has since explained the plan to Mr. Coleman, who also accepted the plan. Now you still have time to think if you need, but I still need an answer by tomorrow night."

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