Honey held out the phone to me, "it's for you." He said.

"Hello" I mumbled quietly. Embarrassed that yet again I had a nightmare and North had to be woken up to hear about it.

"Miss Sorenson, is everything all right? Nathan said you screamed my name." His voice sounded pained.

"I'm sorry Mr. Blackbourne. I just had a nightmare and you were in it." It was good to hear his voice because it helps me to know that it was just a nightmare and not reality.

"Will you tell me about it?" He asked so quietly.

"You had taken me out to practice driving and someone rear-ended us. You looked back and told me not to stop. We switched drivers as we were driving. I thought you had evaded the other car by pulling into a side street that lead to a dirt parking lot at some trail head. Then black clothed arms reached in the car and drug you out. I turned to open my door and Volto's mask was staring in my window. He grabbed me and drug me into a waiting car that took off the instant I was in the back seat. There wasn't a door handle to open the door from the inside and a Volto was driving the car. But when I looked out the back window, two Volto's were punching and kicking you while you were on the ground. I screamed out your name and Kota woke me up." Tears ran down my cheeks as I relived what had occurred in my nightmare. Nathan was sitting on the bed behind me with his arms around my waist and Kota held my free hand and wiped away my falling tears with his thumb.

"I assure you Miss Sorenson that I am perfectly well. No one has hurt me in any way. And Sang...." I gasped at the use of my name, "thank you for sharing that with me. I know it cannot be easy to talk about things that frighten you."

"It scared me most that they were hurting you Owe... Mr. Blackbourne." I was still caught up in my dream where I screamed 'Owen', that I almost called him that in front of Kota and Nathan. I could hear him softly chuckling on the other end of the line. "Are you laughing at me now?" I smirked at him even though he couldn't see me. Kota and Nathan both started laughing and Nathan pulled me back down to lay on the bed. Kota turned off the light.

"I thought it was cute you almost called me by my first name. I didn't know I would like the way you say my name until you almost said it. But we can discuss that another time when we are alone. Right now, snuggle close to Nathan and Kota and get a little more sleep before you need to get ready for school. Dr. Green and I are taking you shopping after school." His voice sounded seductively soothing. I don't know If I can sleep now, if I get all snuggled with Kota and Nathan and think about calling Mr. B, Owen. I felt Kota climb back in bed and burry his face in the crook of my neck.

"Good night Mr. Blackbourne." I cooed to him. I heard him groan.

"See you in a couple of hours,... Miss Sorenson." As I hung up, my stomach was swimming with butterflies and My heart was racing.


When I finally woke up I felt awake and refreshed, eager for the day. Or maybe I was just eager to go shopping with Mr. B and Sean. I bounced my way to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I was searching in the fridge for what to make when hands smoothed over my stomach as arms encircled me from behind. I could smell Spice and knew it was Kota. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against his chest. He kissed the crook of my neck. "What's for breakfast Sweetie?"

"Mmmmm, coffee?" I responded with a question.

He laughed at my response. "Let's make egg and sausage breakfast sandwiches. How does that sound?" He asked me.

"Whatever you say." I responded with a smile. Kota grabbed the eggs and sausage as I went to get the English muffins to start toasting them. Nathan entered the kitchen whistling as he walked. "Someone is in a good mood." I giggled at Honey.

"What's shakin' bacon?" Honey kissed my cheek as he greeted me good morning.

I giggled and inhaled his cypress and leather scent. Ahhh, these boys smell so good. "We are having breakfast sandwiches." I told him as I leaned against the counter.

"Sounds good! What can I do to help?"

"You can make the sausage." Kota spoke up.

We each cooked our part of the breakfast and it was ready in less than 5 minutes. I grabbed a Star Bucks coffee from the fridge and Kota made real coffee for he and Nathan. As soon as I finished eating Nathan said, "go get ready for school." And he swat my butt as I turned to head down the hall. I smiled and looked at Honey, wiggling my eyebrows.

"And pack a bag for tonight to stay at Dr. Green's. Victor will pick you up in the morning to go practice driving go-karts." Kota called from further in the kitchen, he was doing the breakfast dishes.

After bathing I put on a pair of hunter green and pink camo boy cut panties and a pale pink bra. Looking at myself in the mirror, I smile because Kota's and my favorite colors mix nicely together and I look a little bad ass.

I grabbed my light grey A-line skirt and a lavender long sleeve button down shirt. Hey, if I am going to be spending the afternoon and evening with Owen and Sean, I should be in their favorite colors. I found a pair of grey ballet flats and left my hair down. Gabriel can fix it at school if he wants.

Coming back into the living room, I have my bag for tonight over one shoulder and my school bag over the other. Nathan hurries over and takes both bags from me. "Time to go Peanut!" We climbed into Kota's car and I sat between Kota and Nathan, holding both of their hands. I sighed, this is bliss.

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