"You all did well today. For the rest of class you are free to do as you choose." I announced to the class. "Miss Sang, will you please take this to the office for me please?" I went to my desk and wrote a note for Owen on a paper.

Sang needs to sit in the office the rest of the day. She is sending out vibes of desire. I think she needs a release. Are you up for the challenge? Enjoy!

She came up to my desk and I handed her the note folded up. "Take this message to Mr. Blackbourne. He should be in his office." I placed my hand in hers and held on for a moment too long. I could see her leaning in for a kiss. This is not good! I pulled my hand away and motioned to the door.

She sighed audibly and I chuckled under my breath, then whispered "me too" so quietly Only she could hear. She nodded yes and turned to leave. That skirt is perfect! The way her ass moves as she walks. And it looks like she is not wearing any panties. Mmmmmm. She turned back to look as she stepped out of the door and caught me looking. I heard her giggle as the door closed. Looking over at Victor, he was watching her ass too. He looked like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Yes, that was a good idea to have her leave.

Mr. Blackburne's POV

I was busy with paperwork. After what we watched at lunch on the cameras I couldn't help but think about Sang. I haven't seen her with that much spunk since she was in that Friday Fall fight. She really will fight for the guys, even being out numbered or out sized. She is a keeper.

A light knock rapped on the door and I said, "come in". Sang stepped in and stopped just inside the door. She didn't say anything, she just held a note out to me. I took the note. She had this look on her face like she was holding back from touching me. I read the note and chuckled. Am I up for the challenge? Of course I am. I put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing out loud. Enjoy! Why thank you Sean, I think I will. I stood up and locked the office door. I am not about to be interrupted by the wrong people right now. Sang just stood there watching me.

I stood in front of this beauty and ran my finger over her cheek bone. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed my touch. "May I give you a hug Miss Sorenson?" She nodded yes. I encircled her in my arms and held her close to my chest. She feels so good in my arms. A perfect fit.

I pulled back just slightly and lifted her face gently with my finger for her to look at me. I want to look in her eyes. Desire! It is written across her face. She needs this contact as much as I do. I cupped her cheeks with both my hands and slowly lowered my face to hers. I always want her to have the opportunity to say no or pull away. I will not force myself on her. But she didn't stop me so I kissed the corner of her mouth, just barely on her lips. The same way she kissed me in the closet. According to my own rule, I can do what she has already done to me. Sang's knees gave out as she collapsed in my arms.

I grunted because she broke the kiss. I caught her with an arm around her back. She wasn't close enough to me anymore so I scooped her up and took two steps backwards to my chair. I sat with her on my lap sideways. I quietly whispered to her, "I shouldn't be doing this, but since Sunday's time in the closet with you...." looking back and forth between both eyes to see if she remembers our time in the closet. By the look in her eyes, she does. "You are addicting Miss Sorenson." And i kissed her between the eyes.

There was a knock at the door and then keys unlocking the door. I quickly placed her sitting on my desk as I wasn't sure who was entering. We both looked toward the door. Sean entered with a smile, closed the door and relocked it.

"Better Pookie?" He asked her.

She looked confused. He crossed the room in two strides and scooped her from my desk into a hug. Then he backed up to his chair holding her close and sat with her on his lap. "You looked like you needed a break from the classroom."

"I did, thank you." He held her and rubbed her back and caressed her arm. She looked comfortable and leaned her head against his chest and relaxed. I excused myself from the room for a bit to go take care of some business. I guess my time was up. But the look she had when he entered was that she needed his touch as much as she needed mine.

Dr. Sean's POV

"I am going to kiss you now Pookie." I stated and she smiled. Permission granted!

I pressed my lips firmly against hers. When I moved, she moved. She was getting better at this. It just takes practice. I nipped at her lower lip and traced my tongue along the outline of her lower lip. She tastes good. And I want to taste more of her, but this is not the place. I go back to a firm kiss on her lips to end this make out session before I go to far. "I need to stop now. We are at school and I can't get caught with you like this. Owen has gone to excuse you from P.E. One of the boys will be here at the end of class to take you to the diner for your shift. Be good."

I stood up and took off my tie and button down shirt. I watched Pookie as she watched me remove my clothes. Her eyes lingered on my lower abs as I pulled my shirt up to untuck. If she only knew how much I want her to touch me there. That is my hot spot. The V that leads to my package. I would love for her to touch me with more than her fingers there. Maybe she could lick something off my abs. She must be thinking about doing something to my abs too because I can see her fingers twitch.

"Are you enjoying what you see?" I asked playfully.

"Yes, very much." She wiggled her eyebrows at me. You are playing with fire Pookie. How I would love to quench that fire right now.

"Pookie, you are going to get me into so much trouble!"

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