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"Jimin is working against us?"
You're shocked at how frail your voice sounds. Immediately, six pairs of eyes rest on your figure. Six, because now Jungkook and Hoseok are standing in the door. Hoseok has his arms crossed in front of his chest, expression stern and eyes an impregnable dark.
Jungkook's face is emotionless.

"Why would he?", you continue. Jin's hand runs from your shoulder down your arm, carefully closes around it and lifts your wrist. "Because of this", he says quietly.
You stare at the fine white lines on your skin, faintly pulsating. Yoongi's mark.
"He left because of me?"
Jin's fingers don't let go of your arm as if he's aware of the tumult in your mind. "Not because of you", he replies. His voice is quiet and urgent, as if he's trying to prevent you from doing something you're not aware of yet. "Not directly."
His glance shoots over towards Yoongi whose pupils are a pitch black, darker than all the other eyes in the room.
"He did it because Yoongi chose you over him."

"Yoongi chose nothing!" You rip your arm from his grip and jump up, suddenly angry. The glass of vodka lands on the ground, spilling its contents all over the floor. The sharp scent of alcohol stings in your nose, but you ignore it.
"Yoongi just wanted to protect me and help me control myself!"
The older slowly turns his head to avert your glance. Shocked, you stare at him. "That's what it was! Right? Yoongi!"
The plea in your voice is impossible to ignore and Yoongi is practically forced to look back at you. His eyes are still dark, but same as there was a plea in your voice, there is one in his eyes.
"For the most part."

Something flares up around you, something dark and intimidating that immediately has all the demons in the room on edge.
"Undo it", you whisper, glowing red eyes fixated on Yoongi. "Undo this." You extend your arm and present your wrist. "Right now."
Yoongi stares back at you and says nothing. The whiskey in his glass sways. "No", he finally says.
Jin stares at him, half astounded, half angry. "Yoongi!"
"The answer is No!"

The aura around you thickens without you intending it to. Your eyes glow even brighter as the shadows in the corners begin to move.
A move of Jungkook's hand and they freeze, returning to their original position obediently. You ignore it.
"Undo it", you repeat yourself, eyes widening until it almost hurts. "Or I'll kill you."
The older takes a sip of his drink and glances up at you. His eyes are empty, devoid of any feeling, and so are his words. "Feel free to try", is his only reply. He makes no attempt to suppress your rage with his aura, which he could do easily.

Before you can reach Yoongi and rip his dead heart out, which he doesn't seem to want to oppose either, a strong arm slings around your middle, effectively preventing you from moving at all.
"Stop it", Namjoon whispers next to your ear. The tone in his voice makes your hair stand on end, even though he seems to be trying to keep himself in check. "I don't want to hurt you."
"UNDO IT!" Your low, rough, unhuman voice scares even yourself, but only deep, deep down. The arm around your body tightens, making you cough, but you're too far gone to give up now.
"Let me go!"
You lunge out with your left arm and ram your elbow into Namjoon's stomach. His figure stiffens behind you, and for a second you're filled with perverse satisfaction thinking that you've hurt him. But then his grip tightens even further and you can hear Hoseok quietly cursing in the door, rushing towards you.

The room is engulfed by darkness and a second later, you find yourself in the cave in front of the castle.
The next thing you notice is Namjoon's aura behind you. You've felt it once before, in the early days of you being here, when he was unsatisfied with how nicely the others treated you.
Same as back then, the earth begins to rumble underneath your feet at Wrath's rage. Namjoon lets go of you as if you're a disgusting rat, but before you can regain your balance, he is in front of you and grabs your head.
Red eyes are staring at you, full of rage and sick joy. He's crazy, is the only thing you can think, but this realization is coming too late.

Namjoon smashes your head into the ground and pushes it through the dirt before lifting you up again and throwing you into the air. You fly for a good 30 meters before you crash against a wall. The impact knocks the superfluous air out of your lungs and you're too slow to prevent yourself from falling onto the ground.
A millisecond later, Namjoon is back in front of you. He lifts you up effortlessly and bangs your head against the stone wall, holding it there while the stone crumbles under the impact.
He lifts his arm to hit you, hand clenched into a fist and eyes flickering.

The pressure of his grip is ripped from your face and you stumble forward in an attempt to prevent a fall. Jin put his hand over Namjoon's eyes and has pulled him a good 20 meters away from you. The eldest's eyes are glowing the same hellish red as Namjoon's who is struggling against his grip and is dangerously close to freeing himself.

To Jin's command, Namjoon halts in his movements. His muscles are still straining against Jin's grip, but for some reason, he seems to be unable to break free fully. His eyes are without focus and his head is whipping around as if he's lost and trying to find the way back. 
A hand reaches for your arm and props you up. You fall against Yoongi's shoulder. The fear of Namjoon killed every sliver of anger within you.
"Are you alright?", he asks. He is surprisingly calm considering Namjoon's state and the things you said to him earlier. You're only able to give a nod.
"What did Jin do to him?", you ask, slowly regaining your voice as Yoongi leads you away from the two. You meet Hoseok on the way, who only throws you a short glance and then hastens to help Jin.
"He took his senses away", Yoongi answers, helping you to cross the rocky, uneven ground. "Or rather, made him feel like he did. It's an illusion. They need to calm him down before it runs out."
"How is Hoseok going to help?", you continue your interrogation and Yoongi chuckles. For the entire way, he hasn't looked at you once.
"Hoseok can read minds, but he can also enter them if he tries hard enough", he says. "His pure strength is not comparable to Jin's, mine or Namjoon's, but when it comes to mind control, he is unsurpassable. And in cases like this, where Namjoon hasn't fully lost control, he can manage to calm the rage from within."
"He hasn't lost full control?", you ask in disbelief.
Yoongi glances at you. The smile vanishes from his lips. "You've seen nothing", is his short reply. "Stop talking. You're wasting your energy."

The demon accompanies you back to the castle, where Jungkook is waiting at the door, surrounded by slithering shadows. He seems calm, readily opening the doors for the both of you, but he doesn't follow you inside. "He's standing guard", Yoongi explains, letting you sit down on one of the sofas in the living room. You realize you haven't entered your old bedroom once since you left it after becoming a demon.
Cold hands push an even colder glass of whiskey into yours. "Drink", Taehyung says as he plops down in front of you. "It helps."
"Thank you", you say, confused as to why the usually lazy man is helping you now, but you obey his words and take a big sip of the alcohol.

"Don't do that again. Ever."
Yoongi breaks the silence after a few minutes. His back is turned towards you, but you can hear the emotion in his words.
"Don't do what?"
Taehyung scoffs. "Isn't it obvious?", he asks, spreading on the sofa.
"Don't ever oppose Namjoon again." 

Seven Sins - Second Part | BTS x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora