Family II

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A pause forms after your words and Yoongi looks at you warmly. His glance is soft, yet so intense that it almost makes you uncomfortable. When you can't take it anymore, you rip away your gaze and he seems to realize he has been staring at you for quite a while. Clearing his throat, he lifts his glass and then takes a sip.
"Well, I am really glad to hear it", he then smiles and you can tell he genuinely means it, so you return the smile.
"Everything will be fine", you say, despite the fact that you yourself are not so sure of these words. Yoongi chuckles; he seems to realize what you are thinking. "We shall see", he says quietly.

"But what I wanted to tell you about originally were the weaknesses of the Ayabbi, no?", he then continues with an amused twinkle in his eyes. You nod.
"You did", you reply quietly, shifting in your seat a little. "But you don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable, you know."
Yoongi lifts an eyebrow. "Why would it make me uncomfortable?", he asks with genuine curiosity and you bite back a smile. You forgot that he doesn't seem to be attached to his former 'family' in any way shape or form. Hence, you shake your head. "Ah, forget it", you say. "It's nothing."
The demon stares at you for a second longer, then he shrugs and turns away. He refills his glass and then leans back, seemingly more relaxed now.

"I am able to give you tangible, concrete weaknesses of the Ayabbi. But you shouldn't expect to grasp them fully or even use them to your advantage." His dark eyes are sparkling when he looks over to you.
"We've already gone over the fact that the Ayabbi are far more powerful than you. In terms of strength and abilities, you cannot match them yet. But I think it may still be useful to know about their capabilities and weaknesses. It may help you to escape a certain fate, in case they have one in mind for you." He blinks and sips on his alcohol.

"You seem unfazed", you blurt out before you can stop yourself. Shocked by your words, you almost clasp your hands over your mouth as if you can still keep them from lingering in the air, but it's too late. He heard, and it's too late.
Yoongi's eyes widen the tiniest bit and he freezes for a moment.
"Unfazed?", he then asks. His voice is husky, matching the darkness of his eyes as he turns towards you.
"You believe me to be unfazed, of all things?"

A shiver runs down your spine as you stare back at him, lamb and wolf. You're almost expecting him to jump you at any moment, but then he suddenly pulls back.
"If I could, I would go with you, you know", he then says. His voice is calm, nothing like the angry red spark that now started to flicker in his pupils. "I don't like the thought of you going there alone, so much so that I contemplated breaking the contract." His glance darts over to you. "But I cannot do that. So believe me, I am far from indifferent when it comes to this." He huffs, seemingly still a bit offended that you would even think of his feelings that way.
You lower your head. "Sorry", you mumble. "I didn't mean it that-"

"I know, I know", he interrupts you. "Do not worry. It is a difficult situation for all of us."
When you look up, you're met with a small smile and relief floods your heart.
"The weaknesses then", you say quietly. "Let's get started on those."
Yoongi's smile twitches a bit wider. "Let's", he says and raises his glass.

"As you already know, only five of the Ayabbi remain after Xagire's death. There's Vazgan – the leader, which you already know, Thirak – the second-strongest, Jazkar and Uzoth – the ones who came to visit us, and Zoczi, the only female and youngest member." Yoongi puts his glass away, seemingly more focused on the topic at hand now.
"We've already discussed that you don't stand a chance against any of them, even if they're alone. Even Zoczi, the youngest, is stronger than you as of now." He frowns.
"You should definitely keep away from Vazgan and Thirak. Especially the latter can be misleading. He is a very quiet, sophisticated and seemingly gentle demon, but trust me, there is nothing good waiting for you under that surface. Jazkar and Uzoth might be angry at you, at us, for what happened during their visit, but they're predictable. Vazgan and Thirak, however, not so much. For Zoczi, I can't speak. I don't know how she developed, but when I last heard about her, she seemed as close to a rat as one could be." He wrinkles his nose. "Unpleasant to deal with, but for the most part, she listens to the higher-ups and will not do anything to disrupt them or question their authority. I don't think you need to be afraid of her." He huffs. "Though she has a nasty character. She will likely try to hurt you with words, not physically. Zoczi is excellent at mind manipulation. I'm not sure how far she has gotten regarding mind control, but if I was you, I would question every single one of my decisions twice when she is in the room." A smile flickers across the demon's face.
"That being said, the range of her ability is limited. As long as you're not in a room with her, you should be safe."

A short pause forms while you try to remember everything he just said.
"Moving on", he then continues. "You will likely encounter Jazkar and Uzoth together quite often. They're the only ones in that group who can be considered 'friends' or anything of the sort, even if they like to act the opposite way. I am sure you remember the two. Uzoth has short, curly, red hair. Jazkar has a long, white ponytail. They're the only ones with these hair colours in the group, so you should be able to distinguish them easily." He throws you a glance.
"Uzoth, as sweet as he may look, is brute force for the most part. His physical abilities excel those of most demons, I would say. He is incredibly strong and fast. You would do good to keep an eye on him if you're in an open area where he has space to move." He clears his throat.

"This exactly is his disadvantage, however. Due to his abilities, he needs to be able to move freely. If he can't, he isn't extraordinarily dangerous."

"Keep away from Zoczi, keep close to Uzoth, got it", you summarize his words and he grins at you.
"Uzoth's mental abilities aren't bad, but nothing special. He cannot do anything out of the ordinary. Don't concentrate on his psychological powers too much, he prefers not to use them." Yoongi's teeth blink as a smile crosses his face. "He deems it lazy."
You huff, realizing that you really don't stand a chance against demons who think using their supernatural abilities is lazy.

Yoongi's eyes narrow as he continues.
"Jazkar, however, is a whole other story. He's the more dangerous one of the two. Uzoth may play sweet for fun, but Jazkar is a whole other level of wicked. At heart, he truly is evil. Trust nothing he says, offers, or asks of you." He throws you sharp glance. "And when I say nothing, I mean nothing. Jazkar takes everything very seriously, and he will not skip past a chance to take you at your word. One thoughtless comment could be your demise."
The demon takes a deep breath.
"Jazkar's powers are similar to Zoczi's, though they are far more advanced. It is easy for him to gain control, especially physical control, over humans, demons, familiars – you name it, he can subdue it. Due to this, he often has a few henchmen at his side, so keep an eye out for those. The only difference between him and Zoczi is that he cannot quite enter a being's mind like Zoczi can, while she cannot control people to the same extent he can. Jazkar also cannot read thoughts, and he cannot make people truly believe in things. He just makes them forget what they believe in."
Yoongi shakes his head as he pauses shortly.

"There really is no safe way to escape Jazkar, I am afraid. You will have to trust your own judgement and hope that he will not attempt to control you. That being said..." His eyes sparkle. "If you ever come under Jazkar's physical control, you can escape it if you regain your full consciousness. To control beings, Jazkar puts them in a kind of haze where they cannot quite distinguish right from wrong or his desires from their own. If you manage to break through that veil, you might be able to escape his control."
You nod slowly. While it is a lot to remember, his words make sense. You feel a glimmer of hope that you might be able to get back at the Ayabbi in case something happens.

However, the demon's face darkens as he begins to continue.
"Vazgan and Thirak however..." He sighs and rubs his forehead.
"Where to even start?"  

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