The Calm after the Storm

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Jungkook's words are aggressive, but weirdly comforting at the same time. Soon after, you finally feel stable enough to sit up. Jungkook's arms seem almost unwilling to let go of you and he throws you a scrutinizing glance, making sure if you're really alright – or if you pose a potential threat.

In silence, you run your fingers through your hair to tame the mess you caused during your fit while Jungkook just looks at you. At first, you don't notice his glance, but after a while it becomes too intense to ignore and you finally look up.
"What?", you ask. It sounds harsher than anticipated, but Jungkook doesn't waver, much different from the reserved, almost shy young man you originally got to know him as.
"Nothing", he replies and he sounds so convincing that you almost believe it isn't a lie. Before you can say anything else though, the other demon gets up, wiping dust and small stones off his pants. "We should leave", he says, gazing off in the direction that you assume the castle lies in. "The others are getting restless." He throws a glance back before he turns around to help you up. His slim hands dust off your clothes as well, even though it seems as if he's still afraid to hurt you if he pats them down too hard.
"Are you alright?", he then asks, looking right into your eyes.

After crying your heart out, the emptiness inside you is relieving and you nod, trying a smile. "It's okay", you answer. Your voice is still a little rough and Jungkook chuckles. "Drink something after we get back", he advises you before he turns around to lead the way. You didn't pay a lot of attention to where you were going, so you're glad that Jungkook apparently knows perfectly where you are. Without hesitation, he moves in a certain direction and you follow along.
You don't speak much on the way back. You assume Jungkook has his own thoughts to deal with, and you surely do, too. Therefore, the silence isn't overbearing, it's more than welcome, and Jungkook's broad back in front of you is enough to prevent your worries from overflowing again.

Slowly but surely, the shape of the demons' castle appears in the distance. Your stomach twists into an uncomfortable knot at the thought of what the others might think and how they will greet you, but Jungkook seems to know exactly how you're feeling and throws a glance back.
"Don't worry", he mumbles, barely loud enough for you to hear. His dark eyes burn on your face. "We've all been where you are now. They will understand."
You reply with a hesitant nod, but still can't stop imagining what they must think. You remember Jungkook being around 2000 years old, so it has been a while since they last saw a young demon. After all that time, can they really relate? They all claim to have almost crystal-clear memory of what happened during their lifetime, but is that really true?

Thoughts like these run through your mind as you follow Jungkook. The path seems surprisingly even for this rough cave and it takes you a while to realize that it's not the path that's more even, it's you who moves around and across obstacles more easily. Seems like training with Jin is paying off, you think to yourself as you jump across a boulder twice your size easily. Jungkook looks back and chuckles as you land almost perfectly. "You're doing well", he says over his shoulder while the castle in front of you grows larger with every step you take. "Better than me, at least."
"Really?", you ask, suddenly curious. Jungkook laughs, and it's the first honest laugh you hear from him ever since you first met him. The sound is beautiful and much like when you saw the demons' faces for the first time, your breath hitches in your throat for a second.
"Really", he says while he approaches the front gate. The castle is dark and quiet, and you don't mind that his voice eases the ever-present tension in the air a little. Jungkook's smile dies down quickly, however, and he halts in front of the door. "I was filled with rage, frustration and hatred. Everything was directed at Namjoon, mostly, and there was more than one time I clashed with him. It definitely got in the way of my training, no matter how hard Yoongi tried. I had no interest in learning how to be a demon or to become part of the Seven Sins." He turns around towards you, his eyes are dark, no redness to be seen anywhere. He seems almost human, like the teenage boy he was when Namjoon turned him, and your heart aches at the thought.
"It took me a long time to realize that I couldn't blame Namjoon for doing what was in his nature, and for being the kind of man he is." His lips twitch, forming a faint smile. "I really hope this realization will come to you soon. Granted, it is still hard to come to terms with everything, but maybe you will at least be spared the burden of carrying a sin."
He turns his back on you and puts his hand against the door to push it open. "Also..." He waves for you to come closer and you oblige. He beckons you closer and closer until his face is but a few inches away from yours. His voice is but a mere rasp when he speaks.
"Try to smooth things out with Yoongi. If not out of interest in him, do it in your own interest. He is the most talented among us, and his lessons have been invaluable to me." He pauses. "I am sure they will greatly benefit you as well. Nobody has the kind of self-control Yoongi has." He takes a step back and you realize he is dead serious. "His way of acting around you just proves this." His eyes narrow, and you sort of have a feeling of what he wants to say.
I bet he wanted to get to your soul so badly it drove him crazy and yet, he was the one who let you live.

But Jungkook doesn't say it out loud. With another few steps, he vanishes into the dark of the castle and leaves you in front of the castle, alone and confused. But the burning, aching feeling of solitude and frustration from before is gone, which is more than you were hoping for. With a deep breath, you enter the castle, carefully closing the gate behind you.
Against your expectations, the entrance hall stays dark and quiet. You're sure there must be candles or some sort of light source somewhere, but despite your demonic vision, you can't make out its location. With a sigh, you make your way to the stairs. The living room isn't the place you want to be right now, especially if it's cold and dark like the rest of the castle. Technically, it doesn't make a difference, since you can see and get around perfectly fine even without light, but you still prefer the rooms to be lit.

You wander around the first floor for a bit. While it is much easier for you to recognize places you've come by before – like Taehyung's room, for example – compared to when you were a human, when you got lost constantly, the layout of the castle is confusing even with heightened senses. Thus, it takes you a while to arrive at the place you wanted to reach. The room where you spent your last hours.
Even before opening the door, you know that someone is behind it, dwelling in the room that was yours for however long you actually served as the Seven Sins' Xiqaa. For a second, you hesitate. It's not as if you expect this room to give you anything, any kind of closure or acceptance, but you still cannot ignore the urge to see it, even if it may be the last time. 

You push the door open, and immediately, your glance wanders off to the side. On the left side of the clean, orderly bed, Yoongi is sitting in the chair he used while he kept an eye on you during your last days, and from which he suppressed your first few hits of demonic rage.
Your feet feel like they are frozen to the ground while you're unable to avert your glance. Yoongi's elbows are propped up on the armrests, hands intertwined in front of his body, and he seems deep in thought. But he must have noticed you, because after a few moments, he raises his head and looks up at you. His expression is completely emotionless, but his glance follows you attentively as you rip your feet from the ground and walk around the bed, touching the stiff new sheets that someone must have replaced after you left the bed.

You're so lost in thoughts yourself that you don't notice when he speaks up at first. Only when he calls your name do you look up, almost startled that he interrupted the silence. His eyes pierce right through you, as if he saw and knows everything that you did and that went on in your mind earlier.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" 

Seven Sins - Second Part | BTS x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora