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You walk up the stairs, then turn left, walking past your old room in which Daimon is sleeping. Apart from Taehyung's, you haven't been in one of the demons' rooms and now that you're thinking about it, you wonder if they all have their own.
Yoongi's steps stop, then you hear a door creaking as it opens and falls shut. After a few more steps, you hear a quiet thump, and then nothing but silence follows.

Luckily, your hearing is fine enough for you to figure out where the last sound came from, and a minute later you find yourself standing in front of a dark wooden door, staring at the doorknob.
Your demonic senses are warning you, buzzing with the knowledge that something dangerous is lurking behind the door. You can practically feel Yoongi's dark aura seeping from the small slit under it.
Taking a deep breath and bracing yourself, you put your hand on the doorknob and carefully turn it. The door swings open and you take one, two slow steps into the room.

It's pitch-black. The windows of the castle have no curtains – why should they, there's no change of lighting down here – yet the room, which you assume to be Yoongi's, is so deeply black even your demon eyes struggle against it.
You squeeze your eyes almost shut to sharpen your sight and look around the room. After a few tries, you can make out Yoongi's silhouette – he's sitting on the ground at the wall opposite from the door, one knee pulled to his chest and his left arm rested on it. He's lowered his head so far half of his face is covered by his knee and left forearm. The only thing visible is his eye area and his dark hair, falling into his forehead messily.
"Yoon-", you softly say, and in that exact moment, the demon's eyes snap open, glowing a red so bright it almost illuminates the room.

His aura grows so animalistic you take a step back, suddenly unsure whether you should be in one room with him, but it's way too late.
A powerful, invisible force pulls you further into the darkness as the door is forcefully slammed shut behind you by the exact same force. Your feet are dragged above the ground as it flings you through the room, and then you find yourself in Yoongi's arms, your back pressed against his chest and his forearm slung around your neck so tightly it would immediately suffocate you if you were a human, the other one wrapped around your body.

For a while, you sit there in complete darkness, the only brightness in the room being emitted by Yoongi's burning red eyes. You can't see them, you can only catch their soft glow in the corner of your left eye.
"What's this?", you finally ask quietly. Nothing has interrupted the silence so far, not even Heishe, even though you're convinced he must have heard you.
Yoongi keeps quiet. He doesn't move a muscle, in fact. It's as if he's turned into stone around you, capturing you in a never-ending embrace.
"Are you mad?", you ask a few minutes later. Again, Yoongi doesn't move – but he speaks, the air his words stir up sweeping over the exposed skin of your neck.
"No", he says, hesitantly. "I'm not mad."

His voice sounds harsher, rougher than before, as if there's a being within him speaking that he can't fully contain. You're wondering if that's actually it, if that is Yoongi's real voice. It's not unpleasant, in fact you find it attractive, but the way it rasps over your skin is also deeply unsettling. It's like nothing you've ever felt or heard before, and it makes you squirm in his grip a little.
He notices. "What?", he murmurs, voice dipping even lower, and the tip of his nose touches the side of your neck as he brings his mouth closer to your ear.

"Stop that", you protest, but it's a weak attempt to get rid of him and you know it.
He finally moves, his left arm slings tighter around the middle of your body. His right though, still pressed against your throat to the point of almost choking you, doesn't move an inch.
"Do you know how mad I was?", he asks quietly. "And how worried?"
You shake your head no.
He takes a deep breath, as if he's starving for oxygen – or your scent. You assume it's the latter.
"And then you bring back a man I don't know, you have two familiars, and you were almost killed." The tip of his tongue touches your ear before he gently bites your earlobe. His teeth are sharp, sharper than they look, and they tickle on your skin. You wince.
"Are you aware how difficult it was – and is - for me to contain myself, Y/N?" He speaks your name as if it's a delicacy, caressing every syllable with his tongue.
Again, you shake your head. His presence is driving you mad inside, let alone the way he is speaking to and touching you right now. You feel heat rushing to your lower abdomen, pooling between your thighs, and you press them together.
Of course, he notices. His hum is so intense it runs through your entire body.
"I almost went outside the cave when you didn't come back", he continues, his voice almost down to a whisper. "Especially when that dragon got rid of your mark. I would've ripped anyone apart who stood in my way."
"He had to", you weakly defend Heishe, but you know your words don't do much against the turmoil raging within Yoongi.
Yoongi's arm tightens around your throat, effectively preventing your vocal chords from working. "Shhhh", he breathes.

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