Time and Space

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You look awkward and you know it. While you don't know what to do with your hands, Yoongi is approaching you. For a second, you think you can see a spark of hunger in his eyes, but it vanishes as quickly as it came and when he's right in front of you, there's nothing about him that seems dangerous or worrying.
"Your hand", he says.
The confusion seems to be written all over your face, because he chuckles and extends his own.
"Your hand", he repeats. "Give it to me."

"What for?", you ask as you place your palm in his and his cool fingers sling around yours. "A taste", he replies. "I want to give you a taste of what it feels like to know – or magic, as humans call it." He smiles at you, a disarmingly charming sight. "Try to stay calm and don't panic. I've got everything under control, okay?"
You nod, unsure of what's to come. For a few moments, nothing happens and you're close to asking Yoongi if he's actually doing anything when you see the red sparkle in his eyes, like a thin ring around his pupil.

A second later, a wave washes over you and makes your knees buckle.
Yoongi's lips curl into a grin and his grip around your hand tightens, preventing you from falling over effortlessly.
The world around you swirls with things you've never seen or heard before. There's thin threads in the air – threads made of silver-white fibres turning around each other incessantly, floating through the entire cave as if gravity doesn't exist. Their colour and movements are difficult to follow even with your demon eyes as they slowly move through the stone surrounding you as if it doesn't exist, and suddenly the space underneath your feet expands beyond the castle, beyond the corners of the cave, until you're standing in the middle of a half translucent, white world. When you lift your head, you can see the vague silhouettes of the surface beyond the shimmer of the cave's ceiling. They're not as constant as you'd expect, shifting the tiniest bit every few seconds as if waves are constantly travelling over the surface of the veil covering your surroundings. Everything is buzzing with an incredibly silent hum that, while being constant, is far from annoying and sometimes interrupted by muffled sounds whose sources you cannot make out no matter how close you listen.
The fact that human reality is oh so limited hits you with unimaginable force, squeezing your chest so tightly you can hear yourself gasping for air although you don't need oxygen.

"It's a lot to take in, huh", Yoongi mumbles. The white gleam of your surroundings mixes with the red in his eyes and turns them pink as he looks around. His hand still holds yours, the only constant in the sea of threads and layers you're standing in.
You finally manage to pull yourself together and take a careful step forward, guided by Yoongi whose glance rests on you attentively, even though you don't notice. Ripples run through the sheer endless sea of white translucence every time you take a step, but for some reason you're not scared to fall, as if your heightened senses are perfectly capable of comprehending what is around you.
Yoongi hums to make you look up. A hand movement of his makes one of the threads that are lazily moving in the air move closer towards you. "Try to touch it", the demon says quietly.
You extend your hand and reach for the string. It emanates a faint cold, but when you actually touch it, you're not sure if it's icy or burning hot.
Yoongi's eyes stare at you as the string glides through your fingers like silk, almost impossible to grab.
"That", Yoongi says, voice rasping over your skin, "is time."

"Time", you repeat while you try to not let the string escape your hands. "This?"
The devil next to you laughs and grabs the string for you. Suddenly, it stops moving, allowing you to admire its texture, and the ripples on the veil around you slow.
"Time", he says. "Every string is a part of it, and at some point somewhere, they merge to become the flow of time as we know it now. Every single one of these leads into different pasts and futures – they may differ by only one tiny thing or action, but they are never completely the same. Some of them became reality, and some of them have never been touched." He tugs on the string, making it stir. "By humans, that is."
"So you use this to... stop time?", you ask.
He hums. "Simply put, yes. Or to accelerate it. But just because you can see a string of time doesn't mean you're able to manipulate it. You have to have a feeling for how time moves in the string you're using. And since every single one is different, it isn't recommended to advance too far into the future if you're inexperienced. You need to be able to determine what each string holds for the future, and if it could be dangerous. It takes some practice, but I'm sure you'll get the gist of it quickly."

You nod, looking around as Yoongi lets go of the string and it weasels through your fingers quicker than you can grab it.
"The strings are time", you say. "So the rest is space?"
"Good", Yoongi praises you. "Yes, that is space. As you can see, it's a basic concept of it – shape. No colours, no textures. But if you grasp the idea of it, it's easy to travel as far as you can see." He pauses. "It is possible to travel to spaces you cannot see from where you start, but you need experience, and you need to have been there before."
"So... I could go home?", you ask in a sudden rush of hope that is immediately crushed by a shake of Yoongi's head.
"No", he hesitantly replies. "This cave is part of a deal, and therefore, none of us can leave. Not even through teleportation."

You frown. "But Jimin left", you object. Yoongi's face darkens and he lets go of your hand, which sends a shiver down your spine when you realize the vastness of this reality.
"He did", the demon says. His eyes' glow is stronger than even the gleam around you. "I assume he had help by someone very powerful. Someone who isn't bound by contracts, conveniently."
"Lucifer", is the only thing you can utter.

Yoongi looks at you in astonishment for a second, then he snorts and lets out a quiet laugh. "No, Y/N", he says after, grabbing your hand again, which immediately makes you feel safer. Without his fingers around yours, a reality this big and empty felt cold even to a demon.
"Not Lucifer. It may come as a surprise, but Lucifer is an impressively polite and reasonable demon. Well, he must be, given that he's the Lord of the underworld, but what this means is that he wouldn't simply break a deal like this. Contracts are about as sacred to demons as the bible is to angels." He pulls a face at the word. "No, I'm sure Lucifer was not involved. It must have been someone else – someone powerful, and someone who is thirsty for a vendetta."
"The Ayabbi?", you ask, and he shrugs. "They are involved", he replies. "Though I am not sure how, and to what extent. But I'm sure we'll find out." He lifts his other hand and brushes a strand of unruly hair out of your face, his fingertips barely touching your skin. "For now, we'll stay put, as I said. And you stay safe." His glance burns on your face. "I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you."

Silence fills the air between you after his words, a weird mix of tension and awkwardness, but before you can say anything, Yoongi clears his throat. "What about it?", he asks with a smirk that's almost mischievous. It's impressive how he can act like nothing happened, but you play along, ignoring the imaginary heartbeat pounding in your ears. "Do you want to give teleportation a try?" His eyes sparkle with amusement. 
"Surely, there must be somewhere you want to go in this cave." 

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