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The snout on your palm feels warm and surprisingly soft. It takes a second until the tingling mark forms on your skin. Unsurprisingly, it's a deep gold, and it has a more intense glow than Daimon's.
You wait for the impact to come. For a few seconds, nothing happens.

And then Heishe's power fills you with a force to which Daimon's impact doesn't even compare. Heishe's mind pours into your body until it aches from all the might, and still it doesn't stop. It feels as if something is filling you until the point of painfully stretching your skin. Gasping, you fall to your knees, clutching at your chest just as you did when Daimon became your familiar, but differently from back then, the rush doesn't stop.
In front of the cell, Heishe curls into the air. Golden beams of ligh break from his eyes and from in between is scales, lighting up the entire cave until it's almost unbearable to look at him.

At the same time, his mind pushes against the borders of yours from the inside. He's so powerful that Daimon's presence is compressed into a corner in the back of your mind until you can feel nothing else but Heishe. You're starting to fear that he'll eradicate Daimon's presence, and in between your gasps and the tremors that run through your body, you glance over at Daimon and realize that he's thinking the same thing. Judging from his rigid muscles and the fire in his eyes, he's fighting back with all he has.

Just when you think the flame of Daimon's mind is going to be extinguished and your body and mind will first crack and then explode from all the power within you, Heishe returns to normal. He pulls back so quickly that you feel completely empty and worn out after all of his power is gone. You fall forward, pressing your forehead to the cool ground while the ache and tingles slowly vanish from your body.

In your head, the presences of Heishe and Daimon arrange themselves on equal footing.
"I must apologize", the dragon says while he sinks down to the ground. His body has stopped glowing and his eyes have returned to their normal, gentle golden color, though it looks a bit brighter than before. "It was difficult to control myself."
Daimon growls, leaning against you protectively despite the pain it must cause him while he stares at the dragon with his ears pinned back. "Difficult?", he hisses. "You almost eradicated me!"
Heishe's head appears before the cell once more. "Well, but I didn't, did I?", he replies. "You are well, and so is our master." His golden gaze lands on you, making your neck itch. You push yourself off the ground, running your hand along Daimon's back reassuringly as you stand up.
"You're very strong", you note while you tame your hair. The dragon chuckles, a deep and hypnotizing sound.
"You make me", is his reply. He sounds almost soft.

"By the way", you suddenly remember something at the missing feeling of Daimon's tail around legs – he must've pulled it back sometime during Heishe's turning.
"Did you not feel pain when touching me?"
The dragon cocks his head to the side questioningly. It looks almost cute. "No", he says, clearly wondering about the question. "Why?"
You glance down at Daimon. "Well...", you say, unsure of how to put it.

"Recently, Y/N's touch has been hurting me", Daimon explains. "We assume it's connected to what happened in the dinner hall, if you remember?"
The dragon shifts. "I can recall", he comments.
"Well, since that, I have a strange, painful feeling in my chest whenever Y/N touches me." Daimon looks back at you. "I can stand it for a while, but it is uncomfortable. As if something's being touched or pulled out that's not... well, not supposed to be touched or pulled out."

You lower your head. "I'm sorry", you mumble. "I didn't think of it before... It must've been excruciating."
The panther's tail taps on the ground a few times. "Don't worry", he says reassuringly. "It hurt, but in that situation, I needed your touch to make me feel better. It's alright."
"I promise I'll be careful in the future", you say. "It's just... weird to get used to. Not touching living things, I mean."

Heishe hums, bringing his snout forth to the bars of the cell. "Would you try it on me again?", he asks, looking right at you. "Maybe the marking was something special unaffected by this strange condition."
You shrug. "Sure", you say, lifting your hand. "But please tell me if it hurts."
Heishe gives an agreeing nod, then patiently waits for you to touch him.
You put your hand through the reinforced metal bars and softly place it on Heishe's skin. Golden eyes stare back at you as you run your fingers over cool, yet warm, smooth, yet sharp-edged scales, but nothing happens – no flinch, no sign of pain or discomfort. He sits there like a patient dog that's waiting for a treat.

"Nothing", he finally says, pulling himself from your touch. "You said it hurt in your chest, Daimon?"
The panther nods. He's now keeping a safe distance to you, you notice, but his presence in your mind tells you that he's doing it do prevent you from feeling bad, not because he actually fears your touch all that much.
The dragon's mouth opens as if to say something, but before a sound can escape his teeth, his head snaps around towards the large entrance gate. The movement is so quick it's hard to follow with your glance. His large body moves along, positioning itself in front of the cell protectively while he stares at the gate with glowing eyes, the longer spikes that cover the back of his head and neck trembling as they raise in agitation.
You didn't realize a being this large could be this quick. If he ever intends to hurt you, you won't stand a chance.

Apparently, his hearing is better than yours too. You only grow aware of the faint footsteps half a minute after Heishe's heard them.
"Someone's coming", you whisper to yourself, which makes Daimon perk up. Apparently, he didn't hear the footsteps as early as Heishe either. Fear grips your heart and squeezes it tight, despite the fact you're a demon and shouldn't be afraid of anything.
"What could they want?", you murmur.

Do not fret.
Heishe's voice fills your mind with an intensity that almost knocks the superfluous air out of your lungs. It's the first time he's spoken to you this way. His voice is so full, deep and overarching that his words don't allow for any insecurities, fears or anxiety. The tight feeling in your chest lessens as he eradicates your fear as easily as he sweeps his tail through the air.
I am here.

We are here, Daimon confirms, emphasizing the "we".
Heishe nods. His body becomes rigid, then his scales once again disassemble and fall to the ground. The clinking and rushing you expected, however, doesn't happen. In the few meters between the former dragon and the ground, the scales grow so tiny it's almost impossible to see them, and when they reach the cobblestone, they're too small to make any loud sounds.
They put themselves together in the form of a snake, which is exactly what Heishe has turned into.

The footsteps come closer and closer.

The snake's tongue appears from its mouth, once, then a second time.
I'll be right here, Heishe says before he shuffles away, hiding his small body in a crack in the stone walls of the cave just in time.
The doors swing open just as the tip of his tail vanishes into the dark and you avert your glance to see who's come to visit you.
To your surprise, it is not just one person.

The Ayabbi come into view between the two double-doors of the giant gate. All of them.
And in the front stands Vazgan, his eyes burning with the firm determination to extract the secret of your previous doings from you, whatever and however long it may take.

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