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"Welcome back, Yoongi. Y/N."

It's Namjoon who greets the both of you when you step through the door. Yoongi motions for you to return to the sofa while he grabs his glass and turns away to pour himself a second drink.

Partly suspicious, partly confused glances follow you as you sit back down and reach for your glass. You're about to take another careful sip of the vodka when someone gasps in surprise.
"You marked her?"
It's Jungkook who speaks up, eyes widened in confusion and obvious surprise, and all glances automatically focus on your left wrist where Yoongi's mark is glowing and even if faintly so, it's still all too visible for the eye of a demon.
Yoongi replies with nothing but a short hum over the glug of whiskey pouring into his glass.
Jin raises his eyebrows, seeming surprisingly unimpressed, and is the first to avert his eyes from the mark. "Not that I expected differently, Yoongi, but so quickly?"
The demon shrugs and sets down the bottle of whiskey. He turns around and leans against the table, taking a big sip of the alcohol. "It makes it way easier, Jin. Don't tell me you didn't feel it too. She's still so susceptible to the emotions of a human, so..." His voice fades out as his eyes focus on you as if he's trying to look through you.
After a few moments of silence, Jin nods. "No, I get it. I probably would've suggested it too, at some point."

"Still. You really... marked her right now?"
Jimin's voice is small, too small, and yet there's so much force in it that it fills the entire room and rests heavily on the people in it. Everyone pauses and turns to look at the silver-haired demon. His eyes are wide, wider than even Jungkook's dark deer-eyes, and there's something moving within them that you haven't seen on Lust before.
Fear? Grief? Serious, offended anger?
At the sight of it, Jin leans slightly forward as if he's ready to jump in front of you.
"Jimin, it was necessary." Yoongi's voice is calm and there's a hint of warmth in it, but it's the uncomfortable warmth that arrives right before a thunderstorm and his tone leaves no room for opposition. "You should know that. You should understand."
You look back into Jimin's face and it's painfully obvious that he doesn't know or understand, and that he's not willing to.

The emotion in his eyes is hurt, you realize a few silent heartbeats later, and before anyone can do or say something, Jimin gets up very, very slowly – Jin tense besides him, body lifting from the sofa the slightest bit when Lust's presence grows sickenly sweet and heavy. But Jimin doesn't go for you, nor anyone else. He throws Yoongi a last glance, then his eyes narrow and his jaw muscles tense and the next second, he's out the door.
It falls shut and gloomy silence spreads over the remaining six demons.
"Yoongi", Hoseok quietly says. "You should go after him. It's no good to leave the situation like this, especially not with-", his eyes dart over to where you are sitting, "a young demon around."
The older hesitates, looking at you testingly, but finally sighs and chugs the rest of his whiskey before he puts his glass down and vanishes into black smoke, the foggy streaks slowly fizzling out into thin air after he's gone.

Noone averts their eyes before the black smoke, like a bad omen in the corner, is fully gone, and even then it takes a while before you dare to speak up. "What just happened?"
Namjoon huffs, but it sounds amused rather than irritated or condescending as usual. "Drama happened. Jin, a drink?"
The oldest nods and Namjoon gets up to approach the bar, throwing Hoseok a questioning glance. "Please", the latter replies to the unspoken question before he leans forward, elbows on his knees, rubbing his palms together. "Yoongi is very important to Jimin and they have a very tight bond." A weak smile flickers over his face. "While Yoongi acts as if it's nothing special or personal, a mark doesn't happen all that often, and I've never seen him put it on someone in all the millennia that I've known him. It enables the other to feel what you feel – it's not like reading your thoughts or your reasons, but it's more personal and deeper than simple empathy." He shrugs. "Before the mark, Yoongi could feel when you became agitated, more so than any of us, but he could only guess why you got agitated. The mark now allows him to comprehend the depth of your feelings and their cause – at least a little more."
Namjoon returns and hands Jin and Hoseok their glasses. "I believe him when he says he simply did it to make your first few months, maybe years easier for all of us", he says. "Yoongi doesn't lie. And Jimin knows. We all do." He takes a slow, big sip of his drink. "But it will probably, certainly still seem different to him, and if I'm being honest, it seems a little different to me too." He gives you an apologetic smile. "But that's not to say you did anything wrong, Y/N. In the end, it's a squabble between beings that are millenia old and don't know how to deal with their emotions."

Hoseoklets out a quiet chuckle. "Ultimately, we're all still young inside. Frozen, ifyou will. Children, from a human perspective." He looks at you, dark eyes that cut right through your non-existent soul, and the honesty and self-awareness resonating with his words feels like a punch through your chest. A gentle one, but still a punch, and you realize he's right, even if you've never truly thought about it from that perspective.
"There's a lot some older demons could learn from mankind."
"Have you learned something from me?", you ask. The question pops into your mind and is spoken out aloud before you even notice.
This time, Hoseok's laugh is loud. Not hearty, but not his usual chuckle either, and amusement is blinking in his eyes when he looks back at you. "Maybe I'll tell you when we celebrate your first millenium. That'll be your present."
The rest of the demons exchange amused glances. Finally, Jin raises his glass and even Jungkook joins the toast when the others follow suit. "To Y/N", he says and gives you a smile. "Welcome, again, to the Seven Sins." 

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