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To Hoseok's explanation, you lift an eyebrow, your unfazed reaction making the corners of Yoongi's mouth twitch – such a demonic trait to be hard to impress, but he keeps his mouth shut.
"Emotionally?", you now ask, rather curious than confused, and Hoseok chuckles. "I feel like many humans misinterpret the name "Sloth" easily", he hums. "Apparently you were no exception from that, Y/N." His words aren't meant as criticism and you smile lightly. "Maybe?"
Hoseok lets out an amused huff before he crosses his arms in front of his chest and leans back against the frame of the fireplace. "While Sloth can be interpreted as a kind of laziness, for Taehyung, it goes much further than that. It's a lack of drive to do anything or feel anything. Everything that requires effort is repulsive to him. It's not that he can't feel things, but since emotions either need some motivation to form or are motivation for something else... Well, I think you can understand why feelings are contradicting his Sin in every way." He sighs. "He doesn't hate you or anyone else, but whether he's okay with us or you enough to help... Questionable."

"It's always been that way, though", Jimin adds and gives you a reassuring smile. "So don't worry. You- no, we'll be just fine."
You return his smile even though it painfully stings in your chest at the thought that these men are only supporting you because you're now one of them, not because they actually care (or cared, rather) about your well-being as a human.
Yoongi eyes you from the side, eyes narrowing when he sees the uproar in your chest. "Y/N", he says and raises from the sofa you're sitting on. "Come with me for a moment."
You glance at Namjoon, the only one that doesn't seem confused by Yoongi's sudden words, and he nods, the glances of the others burning in your back when you follow Yoongi out of the room into the entrance hall.

The demon's dark eyes glance up to you from behind his bangs, then he reaches for your left wrist. You let him do as he likes when he softly grabs it with slim, cold fingers and turns it as if he's looking for something.
"Will do", he mumbles to himself after a few moments and his fingertips leave burning marks on your skin as he now grabs your hand instead and carefully turns it so that your palm points upwards. "Leave it like that."

"What are you doing?", you ask him, voice quiet. He looks up again, black eyes with a surprising warmth to them, and only now do you realize how long his eyelashes are.
"Marking you."
"Marking me?", you repeat, furrowing your brows. "How? Why? Why here?"
Yoongi's lips twitch but he doesn't reply, instead his attention returns to your wrist. He seems so focused that you have the sudden urge to pull your arm away and hide it from his glance. "Yoongi, what are you doing?"
"Shhh." His voice is half a scold, half warm reassurance and it shuts you up for good this time.

Yoongi raises his right hand, halting mid-air for a second, and under your eyes, his seemingly meticulously trimmed fingernails grow into long, sharp nails with pointy tips that look rather like claws than anything else. To your puzzled look, a quiet laugh slips past his lips. He sounds genuinely amused by your confusion, but doesn't offer any explanation to what just happened
The now dangerously sharp tips of his fingernails tickle your palm as he slides his fingers towards your wrist. He pauses shortly before he continues. "It will hurt just a little. Bear with me, Y/N." You nod and with a low, monotone mumble, he paints a quick series of strokes onto your wrist. You suppose they are signs of some sort but the sting of Yoongi's nails scratching your skin and leaving thin, fine red lines on it makes it hard to make out any details.
It only takes a few seconds before he is done, now lifting his right wrist and painting the same red pattern onto it with quick, experienced movements. He doesn't even wince and you wonder if he actually feels the pain.

When he's done, his claws ease back into the shape of normal fingernails and he gives you a smile. "You okay?"
You nod and he reaches for your arm, pressing his wrist against yours and slinging his fingers around your arm. "Do the same", he whispers roughly and you oblige, gripping his arm just the same. Your glances meet another time and when you nod, Yoongi breathes out and closes his eyes.

"Uruq khabai n'ratesh acri yabah,
vai rabac tarai visun bak,
nunu n'baic vetna gabni,
arai lhacat vaivai ghunu
ehra vicum zishi!"

The string of unintelligible words dies down only for Yoongi to raise his voice again to repeat what you presume is some sort of vow until the speech repeats itself in a seemingly endless loop that soon dies down to a deep grumble in the demon's chest.
Suddenly, sharp pain curses through your veins and you gasp, buckling over at the intense feeling. Your heartbeat is pounding in your ears and the only thing keeping you upright is Yoongi's grip around your arm, hard and unyielding like iron. While your vision is flickering under the intensity of the rush in your body, you can barely make out a white ring that slowly forms around your wrist now, made up of signs and letters you have never seen before, slowly putting itself together like a puzzle. Yoongi doesn't let you go until the ring is fully formed. It pulses one, two times like a beating heart, then it's still, engraved into your skin with shimmering white, almost invisible lines.

Yoongi's fingers leave your skin and you fall to your knees, gasping for air while the stinging pain in your wrist slowly subides. Yoongi takes a few staggering steps back, breathing heavily. The wounds on his wrist are already closing again and soon enough, he is kneeling down next to you, checking on you.
"Are you alright?", he asks, and you nod, still trying to pump oxygen into your lungs that you theoretically no longer need. He hums, seemingly satisfied.
"What did you do to me?", you manage to hiss quietly while you're pulling yourself together, standing up even though your legs are still shaking with something that you can't quite pinpoint.
Yoongi steps up to you and, after exchanging glances with you, reaches for the wrist that he just put a spell on, the mark faintly glowing in the dark. He mumbles a few words that you can't understand and then the fine, red wounds underneath the mark start healing, being completely gone a few seconds after. Yoongi carefully rubs his thumb over the white letters that make up your new permanent bracelet.
"I marked you", he replies. "It's a spell that'll keep your powers under control... For now." He blinks at you. "In other words, it keeps you in check, even though I am sorry for making it sound so harsh."
"Why did you...?", you ask and pull your arm from his loose grip, now running your fingertips over the mark yourself. The lines stand out the tiniest bit and are a bit sensitive to the touch, but they don't hurt anymore. "You controlled me easily when I woke up."
Yoongi crosses his arms and takes a step back to give you some space, presumably. "When you woke up", he repeats. "You were weak then, even if unstable. Your powers will keep growing." He hesitates shortly. "It's not that I couldn't, Y/N, don't get me wrong. And I will, and I am more than willing to." He gives you an apologetic smile. "It's more of a precaution, and it enhances my sense for your emotional and mental state. It'll make it easier to handle, should it ever come to an emergency."
You frown, fingers still exploring the slightly elevated lines on your wrist. "Can you get rid of it if needed?", you ask, and Yoongi nods. "If you absolutely want me to, I will. But... not now. Not yet."

You eye him suspiciously but when there's nothing but honesty in his eyes, you agree with a nod, and Yoongi relaxes.
"Let's go back, then."

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