Training: Jin I

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You meet up with Jin in front of the castle some hours later for your first training session. Somehow, you've still not gotten used to not sleeping, and while you would assume it is sometime around the morning hours, the lack of a routine is still confusing you. "A sun or moon would be helpful", you quietly complain to yourself while you push the gates of the mansion open – carefully, this time. You've somewhat learned to be cautious with your powers.
Daimon, who decided to follow you outside to witness the training, snickers in whatever way a cat manages to snicker. "You'll get used to it", he meows while he follows you up the closest hill, or rather pile of rubble. Jin is waiting at the top, greeting you with a smile. "Y/N", he says. "How are you feeling?"
"Not like murdering someone or ripping Yoongi's arm out, for once", you reply with biting sarcasm, halting in your step when you realize what you just said. Jin grins. "You'll get used to that too", he comments, but his remark doesn't manage to wipe the shock from your face, apparently, because he sighs when he sees your expression.
"I know it's unlike you", he says quietly, looking at you intently. "It's difficult to realize that being a demon changes you. Just keep in mind that we are here to help, alright?"
You nod although a rest of the discomfort is still lingering in your stomach. Jin smiles. "Let us start, then", he says and it's obvious he wants to divert your thoughts from the side effects of your transformation.

"We'll work on your physical abilities today." Jin circles you, eyeing your body up and down as if he's evaluating it. It almost makes you uncomfortable, but you stand still until the demon stops and nods. "Your body seems to be fully grown, so it shouldn't be a problem. But if you feel any sort of discomfort, please let me know." His glance is firm. "Young demons can go from overwhelmingly strong to weak in just a few seconds if they go all out. I will not ask that of you, but I assume you felt some of it yesterday while fighting Yoongi. Am I correct?"
You nod, remembering the feeling of exhaustion when Yoongi had pinned you down – weirdly not physical, but much deeper than that. Like your will to fight and move had just fizzled out.
"You won't collapse from it or anything of the like. Demons are too strong for that." Jin smiles and his teeth blink in the dark. "But it may impact your performance, even if the weakness is not physical. As you grow older, you will become more robust, but as your power is still raw, it also becomes unstable." He claps his hands. "But enough of this. Are you ready?"
Unsure what awaits you, you nod once again.

"I'm sure you've felt it before – your body is much stronger and faster now than it was before. I remember it took me a few years to get used to it, but", Jin shrugs, "I did not have a mentor like you do." He straightens his back. "It's my duty to make you familiar with your newly awakened power. That is what we will do today." He nods to himself. "We will train your physical abilities, and I will try to show you how to evaluate them so you don't break something accidentally or hurt yourself."
"I'd be grateful", you reply with a smile and Jin hums reassuringly. "Don't worry, Y/N", he says. "We all started somewhere, and we're still alive."
"You are the Seven Sins, though", you object and Jin chuckles. "We are, but at some point, we weren't. No demon is born being perfect, you know. Young demons may be strong, but their lack of control and experience makes up for that. Especially if they have no one to teach them." He shakes his head. "Enough with the chatter. We should start."

Jin is a strict teacher, you learn. While his instructions aren't brought forward in a demanding, harsh way, he expects you to follow them diligently.
First, he gives you rocks to split.
"The bigger the rock, the easier it will be for you to destroy it", he says as he lets a giant boulder crash to the ground in front of you, effortlessly. At your impressed glance, he grins. "You should get used to this kind of stuff", he says softly. "It's something you can do, as well. But carrying things won't help you control your strength."

He pats the rock as if it's a fidgety horse full of temperament. "I want you to split it in the middle, if you can. The crack does not need to be straight yet, but it should go all the way." He steps away from the boulder. "Since this rock is so big, it would do good for you to jump first, aim and then hit it with your fist or side of your hand, whichever you prefer. Try to concentrate the power of your swing in your fist, not in your arm." He nods at you. "Give it a try. Then we'll go from there." He crosses his arms and watches as you eye the boulder up and down. Then you flex the muscles in your legs and jump.
A loud crack rolls through the cave as the ground gives in under your feet, leaving a small crater behind. You fly high through the air and realize mid-flight you've jumped too far. You land about ten meters behind the boulder, your impact causing yet another blast to echo from the walls of the cave.
You turn around to Jin. "Oops."
The demon seems relaxed and smiles at you. "Don't worry", he says. "I've simply underestimated the strength of a young demon." He seems to think for a second.
"Let's try something different first", he says. "You won't be able to hit anything if you can't aim at it or stop in front of it. Let's try to land on the boulder first. You don't need to aim perfectly for the top, just jump however you'd like, but try to land on it."

You nod again and try to estimate how far and high you need to jump to land on the boulder. "Another thing!", Jin shouts as you get ready to jump. "Try not to destroy the boulder. Don't use too much force, just jump. You are stronger than you believe to be." He smiles and then motions for you to go ahead.
You try to feel the strength in your legs, but it's difficult to know what you are capable of while standing on the ground.
Don't overthink it, you think, then you eye the boulder once again and jump.

Toyour surprise, you get higher than you would have thought, and even ifnavigating your body in the air is difficult, you manage to land on the boulder.It's not perfect and your feet leave little cracks in the rock upon landing,but you manage not to fall off and smile down on Jin proudly.
"Well done, Y/N!" The demon sounds as if he's genuinely happy for you, andmaybe even a littlebit proud. "Your jump was a little insecure, but it lookedgood from here. I told you you are stronger than you think." He motions for youto come down again and you do, landing next to him with your feet ramming intothe ground.
You look up to him. "Guess I still have to learn how to land properly", you sayand Jin snickers. "All in due time", he replies. "Now, let's try that onceagain." 

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