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You sit there dumbfounded for a moment, then you sigh and rub your forehead. "Honestly", you mumble, "will I ever have normal conversations with any of you? Why is it always such weird topics?"
Yoongi's eyes form little crescents. "What did you expect?", he laughs quietly. "For one, we are otherworldly, hence weird, as you put it. And secondly, after so many millenia, there's more than enough experiences to fill a thousand books. You will encounter strange advice from time to time."
You huff but can't help a smile. "You're not wrong, but I have a feeling that the things you confront me with are especially strange. 'If you decide to let someone kill you, think hard before you do it', what kind of advice is that? It's pretty pessimistic given that I've been a demon for a week or so."

Yoongi chuckles. "It may sound pessimistic, but after some decades, this becomes pretty solid advice. Plus, I was worried about you." His eyes search your face. "I was scared you'd do something stupid today."
You're quiet for a second, then you shoot him a smile. "I'm not that weak. Well, if you consider ripping a hole in the cave system stupid, then maybe, but you should know me well enough to trust me to not do anything dumber than that."
Yoongi's lips twitch in amusement. "A hole in the cave system? I'm impressed. How far did you get?"
Playing along, you shrug it off. "Not as far as I would've liked." You blink innocently. "But it helped a little."

Yoongi laughs and gets up a second time. "Well, if it helped only 'a little', then come with me and I might teach you some more useful things." His expression softens as he looks down on you. "It's not good to dwell on the past for too long", he then says sternly, similar to Jungkook's advice from earlier. "What's done is done, but you have a million years to make up for what you had to give up."
His words convince you, even though your chest still hurts when you think about your mother and all the other people you will probably never see again – at least not alive. "Fine", you finally give in and raise from your chair, glancing at your old bed a last time. "I'll come with you."
Yoongi's face brightens, but he notices that you're deep in thought and quickly turns serious again. "Do you want me to erase it?", he asks softly. "This room."
You turn towards him. "Erase it?", you ask, frowning. "You can erase-" But then you remember his words from who knows how long ago, "There's little I cannot do here, Y/N", and your voice fades.
"Right", you say. "You're basically almighty."

Yoongi's lips twitch in amusement. "Calling me almighty is going a bit too far", he replies. "A lot of the things me and the others can do are less difficult than you imagine them to be right now. Manipulating space and time is a very basic skill, at least in the demon world. That doesn't mean that everyone excels at it – I think I mentioned before that Jimin, for example, is bad at teleportation – but it is still something that almost every demon beyond lower lifeforms is capable of to some extent."
He opens the door for you as you step out from behind the bed and follows right behind you after closing it. The two of you walk down the corridor.
"But how do you do it then?", you ask as you reach the stairs and descend. "Is it magic?"

Yoongi snickers, and you think you can hear Jin snort in the living room or kitchen. "No, Y/N", he grins as if you just asked the most amusing question. "It is not magic."
"But what then? If pretty much any demon can do it, it must be unrelated to your individual powers", you insist. "I can't imagine any other way than magic."
The demon next to you chuckles. "I think it is more a thing of knowledge. Humanity invented the concept of magic and sorcery to explain phenomena they themselves could not comprehend, and I don't want to speak ill of them, but the human race isn't the most intelligent as they so often believe."
You almost feel offended, but after a short glance of Yoongi, you realize he didn't mean it in a bad way – especially given the fact that you are no longer human.
"Don't misunderstand. Considering the short period of their existence, they've achieved impressive things. But their senses and mind aren't sharpened like ours, for example, and that's why they physically lacked the ability to compare to us from the beginning." He shrugs. "Manipulating time and space is only possible because the demons and some other higher races have the ability to experience the two on a fundamentally different level. You might already have noticed that while time doesn't matter to you anymore, you're still able to feel it moving forward. You're also able to distinguish night from day in this cave, despite being unable to see the sky. You couldn't do that as a human."
A little taken aback by his analysis, you nod.

He returns the gesture. "See? Once you master your senses and your mental abilities, which trump what you can do right now by far, you'll be able to take a grasp on concepts such as time and space and change them to your liking. I will admit it is difficult to explain to someone who is still undeveloped, though." He eyes you curiously. "But if you like, I can try and teach you the basics. I don't think that teaching you control would be a good idea right now, anyway."
"Why?", it slips past your lips. "Didn't you say I needed self-control first and foremost, and the rest would follow later?"
Yoongi hums. "I did", he replies while you make your way towards the gates. "And I meant it. But seeing that you just came back from an emotional fit and found a way to deal with it yourself, channeling your overflowing emotions into your inner miner, I'd rather not push any further for today. I am impressed, by the way. I didn't expect you to be reflected enough to see the need to escape yet. Otherwise, you would've laid waste to this castle."
His words elicit a small smile from you. "I know", you say quietly. "That's why I ran."
The demon eyes you from the side as the gates swing open to a flick of his wrist and you step outside. "Indeed impressive", he repeats. "It is a good start, and since it hasn't been long since you worked out your emotions – in the truest sense of the word – I don't think teaching you something else will hurt. Follow me."

Yoongi leads you away from the castle, in the general direction where you vaguely remember the entrance to the cave to be. But naturally, he doesn't guide you there. Instead, you find yourself at the edge of a huge plaza. Upon a closer look, the ground seems unnaturally flattened in a perfect circle, forming an arena of some sort. You look up to Yoongi. "What is this?"
The demon chuckles and steps forward into the circle. While you follow him, something attracts your eye around the edge of the arena. You kneel down and run your fingertips over the perfectly flat stone. It's smooth to the touch and confirms your thoughts that this place has been altered by one of the demons. However, when you rub your fingertips over the stone one last time, you realize something is etched into the stone. The lines are so fine they are almost invisible and hard to feel, but when you look at them closer, you can make out a ring of tiny, intertwined drawings that surround the arena. You assume they are characters, but you can't make out what they mean.

You get up from the ground and step up to Yoongi. He smiles at you. "A keen eye", he comments. You chuckle. "Is that Qaay?", you ask. "What is this place?"
Yoongi looks around. "It's an arena I built to train Jungkook", he replies. "He was still unstable when we got down here, and still unfamiliar with the burden of being a sin. To prevent him from reducing the cave to rubble while we train, I created this."
He lowers his voice and mumbles a few words which you assume to be Qaay because you can't understand any of them. A slight tremble runs through the ground and then a movement at the edge of the arena catches your eye.
One after another, the signs on the ground start faintly glowing, until the whole circle of what you can only assume to be some form of demon-sorcery glows. For a second, nothing happens, then a white-yellowish veil slowly lifts from where the characters are, rising higher into the air until it forms a dome a few meters over your heads. Suddenly, everything is quiet, as if someone put cotton balls over your ears, and you turn to Yoongi.
He grins at you. "Impressed?", he asks, his voice surprisingly clear in the otherwise unsettlingly quiet dome. You look up once more, watching the patterns on the veil shift. They remind you of the reflections at the bottom of the a pond when the light comes in just right, and you nod. "Quite", you say.

Yoongi lets out a quiet laugh. "Good", he jokes, then he becomes serious. "This veil will protect the cave while we train. It's not strong enough to withstand powerful 'magic', as you called it, or spells drafted in Qaay. But it will suffice for now. Are you ready?"
Unsure of what's to come, you eye him. "Yes", you finally slowly say and face him. "I'm ready." 

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