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It doesn't take long for you and the others to split up after this talk. Everyone seems lost in their own thoughts. Yoongi and Jin might have been confident and so were their words, but you can still feel an uncomfortable tension in the air, as if not all of the six are convinced that all of you will be fine if the Ayabbi truly decide to intervene.
And then, maybe for the first time ever since you turned into a demon, you find yourself alone.

You're the only one who hasn't left the living room yet. Everything's quiet – if that's what you can call the quiet buzz of background noise your ears are constantly picking up; like Yoongi's fingers tapping on a table and Jungkook's steps as he paces around his room.
The longer you sit in front of the constant fire, the more the buzz intensifies until you can't take it anymore. With some force, push yourself out of the armchair. It causes its legs to grind over the parquet with a screech that feels like a clean cut through your eardrums before it gets stuck on the corner of a luxurious carpet. It slowly tilts backwards as if it's unsure of its course, then it falls over with a loud crash that makes you flinch.
Frustration starts to boil within you and you clench your hands into fists. Surprisingly, you can withstand the urge to take the entire room apart long enough to storm out of the castle, almost ripping the door that Yoongi just fixed out of its hinges again.

Outside, you take a few deep breaths, but this time, the slightly stagnant, even if cool air of the cave doesn't manage to calm you down. Instead, it feels as if you're filling your lungs with heavy gas.
Further. I need to get further away.
Your frustration is accompanied by another feeling. Loneliness. They're right here, you try to calm yourself, but a voice in the back of yourself whispers something else: that they wouldn't want to spend time with you anyways, as you might have just ruined their entire future, if they ever had one. The Ayabbi are here because of you, after all - you and the stupid mark around your wrist. 
A growl climbs up your throat like a tiny demon, scratching and biting its way to the top of your mouth where it sits and waits for you to let it out as your chest cramps up.
You swallow the sound as best as you can, ignore the sting in your heart and start running as fast as your legs manage to go. The lack of exhaustion you feel makes you even angrier, and even the air in your face doesn't help. You miss the burn in your muscles and the sting in your sides when you go too fast for too long, and you miss the satisfaction of finding out just how far your body can go. Now, no matter how far you go and how fast you run, you won't feel any of it. You could literally cross the world without stopping once, and you wouldn't feel any different for it.

The growl finally makes its way past your lips, echoing through the cave around you. You're sure the others can hear the sound, but you quietly implore them to stay where they are.
You soon realize the cave is much larger than you anticipated, too large for the demons to take you to the more remote areas as a human. At some point, you decide to follow along one of the walls, but even an eternity later, you've still not arrived back at the castle. You let your feet slow and finally come to a halt. Were it not for your demonic eyesight, you'd probably been terrified of the deep, velvety darkness that engulfs this part of the cave and all the sounds that surround you. Then again, you're not sure you would've even noticed with human senses. It probably would've just been a very dark, very quiet place.

Anger dwells up within you, replacing the short-lived helplessness and causing you to lift your arm and ram your fist against the stone wall next to you. Your hand sinks into it as if it's foam until your whole arm is engulfed by the crumbling stone. The lacking impact and pain make you grit your teeth and you start to punch away at the rocks. The bigger the proof of your rage gets, the more satisfied you become.
Stone and rubble pile up around you as you keep digging. You don't know how long it is before you finally stop. Your hands are unscathed, your breath is calm and there's no drip of sweat anywhere on your body.

Your legs give out beneath you and you finally scream, letting out all the emotions piled up within you that you don't know what to do with anymore, and finally, tears start rolling down your cheeks.
You cry to your heart's content, until your throat feels raw and your inside is so empty you don't even have the will to breathe anymore. Accompanied by small sobs and hiccups, you roll into a ball and close your eyes.

You lie there for a while before quiet footsteps approach you. Someone kneels down next to you and a hand touches your shoulder.
"Are you alright?", Jungkook asks. His voice is soft, quiet and almost a little sad. He waits next to you despite not getting an answer until you decide to uncurl a little. You look up to him through a curtain of pain and tears.
"What are you doing here?", you croak.
A smile flickers across Jungkook's face as he helps you sit up a little. His touch is careful, as if he's helping a baby bird that fell out of its nest and is scared to crush it between his fingers. "I came to look for you", he replies. With the hem of his shirt, he rubs the most prominent traces of your tears away from your cheeks. "I figured you'd like somebody to be there for you."

At his words, your chest cramps up again, and before you can help it, you find yourself in Jungkook's arms, clutching onto him as if he's a lifeline and you're a drowning sailor.
You can hear his breath hitch and not continue for half a minute or so before he gathers himself. His arms find their way around you, though his hug is clumsy and hesitant. It must have been an eternity since he was touched like this, you figure, but despite the risk of him feeling uncomfortable, you cannot let go. As unhuman as he may feel and smell, his touch calms you.

After a while, Jungkook relaxes a little, and at some point, he starts caressing your hair. He sits in the middle of all the rubble, stone and dust with you in his arms and waits for you to calm down.
"There's no need to be afraid, you know", he finally speaks up. For once, demonic strength and resilience are a blessing, since any human would've long gotten stiff and hurt from sitting on the ground in the same position for so long.
"Everyone's here to help you."
"I still feel alone", you reply, muffled by whatever part of his body you buried your face in.
"I know", Jungkook breathes. His body shifts as he looks up. "I felt the same. It really is hard to bear, having so many emotions and yet somehow none at all."

His words describe how you feel perfectly and you relax into his grip a little. Jungkook's hand stroking over your hair doesn't falter. "But you cannot let it take over", he continues quietly, looking down on you again as if you're a cat in his lap. "You must move on if you want to live, and be it as a demon. If you can't do that, things will never change."
He pauses shortly. "I think all of the Seven Sins struggle with this somehow, in their own way. It is hard to be down here, cut off from the world. But we are not alone, and personally, I believe we will be free again."
His voice hardens, Envy showing his face. 

"And if I myself have to rip a hole into the cave ceiling to see the sun again, as everyone else can, so be it." 

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