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The remaining three days until you leave the cave fly by you so quickly that you can almost see them blur before your eyes. They are filled with good advice, worried glances and a constant hum in the air that gets louder the closer the day of your travel to the Ayabbi approaches.

Daimon rarely leaves your side. He hasn't turned once since he returned, so you've almost forgotten what he looks like. That's why you're shocked when on the morning of your departure, you're not greeted by the black cat in your room as usual, but by silver eyes and ruffled black hair.
When you come out of your bathroom – fully clothed, luckily – he sits on your bed and looks up to you from under his bangs. The arrogance which filled his expression whenever he was around Jimin is gone and his eyes seem a bit softer.

Still, his presence surprises you, and you almost jump back. "Yikes, Daimon", you breathe. A tiny smile tucks at his lips.
"You should be used to my presence by now", he says. His voice is surprisingly deep and rough for a such a slim, elegant boy.
"Yes", you say, a hysterical laugh stuck in your throat as you walk past him, his eyes following you relentlessly. "To your cat form."
A chuckle escapes the young man, somewhere between a purr and a snicker despite his human form. He lifts himself from the bed – "get up" is the wrong expression, as his body seems like it's floating. His movements seem effortless, yet surprisingly controlled and strong. It's so fascinating to watch you forget to put your family necklace back on.
Again, his lips curl upwards and he glances at you from over his shoulder. "Are you coming?", he softly hums, ripping you out of your daze.

"Oh, yes. Yes." You quickly close the necklace and hurry to catch up to Daimon, who's patiently standing in the floor, holding the door open for you. It's like what you imagine having a bodyguard would feel like. When you step up next to him and turn to walk down the hallway, you can feel his eyes in your back and presence close behind you, as if he's shielding you from unknown dangers. While it calms you down, it's also weirdly unfamiliar to have someone stick so close. You had just gotten used to having a small black cat rubbing around your legs at all times, but having a young, handsome man with sharp, silver eyes towering over you is a whole different story.

"What monster is following us exactly?", you try to joke when you descend the stairs. Daimon looks at you curiously from the side. "What do you mean?", he asks innocently, and you immediately feel bad.
"Oh, nothing", you reply. Maybe it's in his nature as a familiar? But why would he hover over me of all people?

You're so lost in your thoughts that you don't realize all six of the remaining Seven Sins are waiting for you in the entrance hall. If you were a human, you would've expected some sort of breakfast and a bunch of necessities, packed into a large bundle. Being a demon, however, you need none of it, though the scratch in your throat is getting stronger by the day. Not eating doesn't weaken you as it would a human, but it is still noticeable.

"Y/N", a voice rips you out of your haze yet again. It's Jin, towering behind the others together with Namjoon who has crossed his arms in front of his chest and seems deep in thought as always. Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook are standing in front of them. Yoongi is leaning against one of the pillars and appears just as absentminded as Namjoon. When Jin speaks up, everyone raises their glances to look at you take the last few steps. With their attention on you, Daimon's presence is surprisingly making you more confident. He doesn't leave your side as you approach the demons.
"Hey guys", you say and try a smile. The tremble in your voice is difficult to conceal.

"Are you ready?", Jin asks, stepping out from behind the others. His words make you huff.
"As ready as one can be to meet the most dangerous demons of them all, I suppose", you retort half-jokingly, to which he laughs. Yoongi pushes himself off the pillar and joins you. "I'll take you to the entrance", he declares seriously, which nobody seems to be surprised about.
"Sure", you smile. "Just let me say goodbye first."

The demon takes a quiet step back as you approach the rest of them. Jungkook is first. He is silent but returns your glance without hesitating. His dark eyes flicker with emotion. "Be careful", he says. His voice is soft, almost a whisper. "Don't get yourself killed."
You can't help a little chuckle at the tiny joking undertone his voice has, and then you reach up and do something you've never done before – you sling your arm around a demon's middle and hug him.
You've sat in Jungkook's lap before, sort of hugging him when he calmed you down from your emotional outbreak, but this is different. This isn't a hug that arose from a particularly stressful situation. It is a goodbye hug, and it might be the first hug the young demon ever receives.

Jungkook's hands, large and surprisingly warm for a demon, come to a rest in your back and you can feel his head sinking onto your shoulder. You pat his back. "I'll return", you reassure him, even though there is no way of knowing whether you're right about that.
Jungkook lets go of you and gives you a weak, crooked smile.
"You didn't promise."

Ignoring the lump that forms in your throat, you step aside and say your goodbyes to Hoseok and Taehyung. Hoseok's hug is strong and intense and he flashes you a smile when he pulls back. Taehyung remains rather indifferent, his hug is loose, but it is a hug. As much as his Sin gets in the way of his relationships, he is one of the seven and one of your friends. The tiny tuck at his lips, indicating a hint of a smile, is enough for you.

Jin smiles at you as you make your way towards him. "Return safely", he says while he hugs you back, carefully despite his height and strength. He seems a littlebit uncertain, even, which is surprising given his usual confident and firm appearance. 
You hum into his large chest before you let go of him. "I'll try my best." 

Next is Namjoon. He looks at you calmly as you come to a halt before him. "Are you sure about this?", he then asks. As per usual, his voice is deep and husky and rubs over your skin in an almost uncomfortable way. You shrug. "There's no other way", you reply.
"Hm." The sound is somewhere between a thoughtful hum and a quiet chuckle as Namjoon returns your hug. "Take care, little demon", he says, brushing a few unruly strands of hair out of your face. "Don't get eaten or something." There's a weak spark in his eyes as he steps back and you nod before you turn to Yoongi and Daimon.

"Shall we?" 

Seven Sins - Second Part | BTS x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now