The Descend

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The rest of your journey goes smoothly. Daimon teleports you thrice over the unwelcoming, dark plains of Amarrha before you finally reach your destination – your destination in the human world, that is.
"I don't know if I'm ready for this after all", you mumble to yourself as you look around the gloomy mountain row that, according to Daimon, bears the fitting name "Satan's Teeth".
The familiar next to you lets out a short chuckle. "You have to be", he says. "It's not far anymore. But don't worry", he softly nudges your side as he steps past you to climb the hill, "I'll be with you at all times."

Daimon's words are reassuring, even if they cannot calm your raging nerves down completely. Together, you make your way up the mountain. Daimon is moving faster than before and you assume it's no more than half an hour before you've reached your final destination in this world – the hellhole, as the familiar sarcastically calls it.

You bow over the gaping gorge that opens up before you, a hole with an approximate diameter of 5 meters. Red and orange flicker in the depths below you and you can feel your face heat up even though what you assume to be flames isn't even remotely close to you.
"It's invisible to humans and all worldly animals", Daimon offers the answer to the most obvious question.
"And we need to jump down there?"
The familiar nods. "We cannot cross the border between Hell and Earth via teleportation."
"It's pretty deep."

Daimon tilts his head back and laughs, deep and huskily. "Don't forget you are a demon now", he says when he's calmed down, eyes sparkling. "You have nothing to fear."
You take a deep breath and step as close to the edge as your jittery instincts allow you to. "Just jump?"
"Just jump."

Before you can change your mind, Daimon sprints past you and throws himself into the hole with all he's got. His excited cheering vanishes quickly as he zooms down the hole, and after a few seconds, everything around you is oddly quiet again.
"Fuck", you hiss and take another nervous look around before you step back to take a run-up.
"Fucking devils."

You concentrate on your lower legs, pushing yourself into the ground as Jin taught you for full speed.
Once you let go, you know you won't be able to stop yourself before the hole. It'll all be over.

After another eternity of silence – you even held your breath without intending to – a brief moment of courage arrives and you allow your feet to push you off the ground you've pressed yourself into for so long. The take-off is a relief, but the feeling quickly vanishes when you feel your feet lose touch, and then you're tumbling helplessly through the air.

Your scream echoes off the walls as you fall and fall and fall. The hole is a sheer endless abyss of darkness turning into orange the further you fall. How cliché, you think just seconds before there is suddenly ground and you crash into it back first, leaving behind a hole shaped roughly like your body and half a meter deep.
Despite the impact, your body doesn't hurt. It doesn't even tingle.
Still too shocked to actually get out of the ground, you lie there. The physical shock that you expect, gasping and shivering and all of the other things adrenaline does to a human body, doesn't arrive. You're as calm as can be.

Diamon peeks into the hole from above. "You good?", he asks. He seems relaxed, almost too much so, as you climb out the hole, pulling your limbs out of crumbling rock one after another.
"I guess", you reply, still in awe about not being hurt, and dust your clothes off.
The familiar grins, showing glistening fangs. "I told you."

The same time you grow aware of your surroundings, you realize there's something different about him.
You're standing in the middle of a giant cave. It is easily ten times bigger than the cave of the Seven Sins, which is already huge. The air is shimmering with heat, although you feel nothing of it.
As you expected, the red-orange hue of the cave stems from rivers of lava that lazily make their way through the cave. Apart from this, however, Hell is impressively normal. You can see a few houses in the distance, huddled together to a small town next to a curve of one of the lava rivers. To your right side, a row of hills lifts towards the dark ceiling of the cave, engulfed by a forest of bright trees. When you concentrate, you realize the trees' leaves are burning; black, slim sheets of coal constantly smoldering a bright orange at the edges. A dark grey, almost black fog is slowly moving through the forest, spreading its curling fingers across the river and towards the little town.
You turn to Daimon with your mouth slightly open.

Again, his sharp teeth blink at you. His hair seems to have grown a bit longer since he arrived down here and his eyes are sparkling even brighter than before. His face has a fresh tone and when he lifts his hand and runs his fingers through his curls, you realize his fingernails have grown pointy tips.
"How..." is the only thing you can manage.
The grin widens. Daimon seems powerful, much more energetic than you've ever seen him before.
"Welcome to Hell, Y/N", he says. Even his voice sounds more forceful and huskier than before. "Welcome to our home."

You use his welcome to spin around one more time. "It's fantastic", you whisper, following a flight of what seem to be small, slim demons with wings almost double the length of their body and horned, dog-like faces with your glance. They bare their teeth and let out screeching calls as they grow aware of you and Daimon before they take a soft turn and land in the burning woods to your left.

"Hell is much more alive than humans tend to believe", Daimon smiles. His aura is consistently radiating power, which causes you to turn towards him again.
"Apparently, but... what happened to you?", you ask, emphasizing the last words.
He chuckles and his expression softens a bit, straying from his former more intense appearance.
"This is where I am supposed to be", he says, looking around and taking a deep breath. "Neither demons nor familiars are made to dwell on earth for long, you know. We can, if we have to... But our powers become weaker with time. What you've seen of me and the Seven Sins was a mere shadow of what we're originally made and able to do." His smile flickers, crooking the slightest bit. It seems as if he's enjoying the power he has regained.
"I am less influenced by it than they are. Namjoon and the others aren't even close to their full power, even more so since they're deprived of sufficient sustenance."
He takes another big breath.
"Naturally, I am also weaker than before. I don't have a master anymore." He looks at you and this time, his eyes are dead-serious.

"And thus, I have a request of you." 

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