A Shift in the Universe

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A Bond, as simplistic as it may seem, is not an easy spell. It's a shift in the universe, a forced realignment of the future, even if it often only lasts for a limited amount of time. Same as this change, the clinking of glasses in a cave buried under a tiny village in the middle of nowhere doesn't go by unnoticed, at least not by the trained ears of some of the most dangerous demons in existence.

"Did you hear that?"
The voice coming from the corner of the seemingly endless, dark room is a rough and deep baritone, almost pleasant to listen to if it wasn't for the arrogant undertone.
He's barely finished his sentence when he's interrupted by a condescending scoff, distinctly female this time. "Seriously, Vazgan?"
"We did. Shut up, Zoczi." The third voice, too, ist male. Scratchy and the tiniest bit unpleasant, it's known for making any human's flesh crawl. "Something's changed."
Vazgan clicks his tongue. "Do any of you know what?"
"A Bond."
"But from the cave? That would mean someone actually survived. Impossible."
The quiet rustle of clothes fills the room, the only noticeable sign of any commotion, as small as it may be. In the pitch-black darkness, it's impossible to make out any movement by eyes.

The third voice sighs.
"I guess we have no choice. Right when things settled down. Uzoth, you're coming with me. We're paying those bastards a visit." A low snicker follows and it by itself sounds worse than anything the Seven Sins could have ever done. "At some point."


"Let's go on a walk."
Again, it's Yoongi who speaks up. It must've been hours that you and the other six have spent in the living room, drinking and occasionally talking. It seems like you're not the only one adjusting to the situation, which is evident by the glances of the devils that you feel on your figure more often than not. Therefore, it's easy for you to decide whether you want to accompany Yoongi and you nod, setting your glass down. "Sure."
Your muscles are burning, but unlike when you were human, it's not from exhaustion. On the contrary, you are itching to move and get rid of the energy that's bubbling through yours veins. At this point, you can almost feel it coming from your fingertips, and Yoongi's intense glance confirms what you were afraid about all the time – if you don't get it out soon, it will ultimately search its own way, even if that is in the living room of the Seven, pardon, Eight Sins.

You get up a little too quickly, finding yourself in the middle of the room instead of in front of the sofa you have been sitting on, and it rolls through your body like a shock wave. You throw Yoongi a glance. "Sorry", you whisper.
Yoongi looks into your widened eyes and laughs. "Do not worry. Nothing broke, did it?"
Jin manages a chuckle, but the other demons seem on edge. It surprises you – you did not expect them to be afraid of you or worried about your state so much.
Yoongi motions for you to follow him and the two of you leave the living room. After he has closed the door and you approach the gates of the castle, you ask him: "Why is everyone so on edge, Yoongi?"

The older demon hums as he pushes the gates open. As a human, you wondered how they managed to open and close them, but since you became a demon, it's not all that surprising anymore. When you tried to open them once, you almost shattered the gates. You haven't tried it since.
"Young demons are strong, Y/N", he answers your question when you have left the castle. "Noone really knows why, but in the first few years of being a devil, one's powers are much more raw and bigger than later on. We assume that it has to do something with control and with the remainders of humanness in young demons, but we don't have proof." He shortly pauses. "That's why everyone is a little careful. It's not that we are afraid of you. Young demons are strong, but if it came to a real trantrum, we could surely handle you if it came to it – not alone, of course, but as a group, why not." He shrugs. "But for the sake of our surroundings, our health and yours, we'd prefer to keep your emotions in check. You could still seriously hurt us and yourself if you wanted to."
You throw Yoongi a glance. "So 'keeping me in check' is your job?"

The demon grins, and you're not sure if it's out of amusement or devilish anticipation. "How clever you are, Y/N."
"Why you?", you inquire further, and Yoongi's grin widens into a less evil smile. "Because I'm the one who can render you unable to fight the easiest", he replies honestly.
"Render me unable to fight?", you frown. At the thought of a fight, your bloods begins boiling, and while you do your best to suppress it, Yoongi's aura looms up next to you like a big, black cloud of smoke that chokes everything around it.
"Not by knocking you out physically", the older tries to calm you and then adds: "Hopefully. It's more in the sense of my aura and my demonic abilities. Do you remember what I did to Jungkook?"
He mentions it nonchalantly, as if it wasn't and will never be a big deal, while your insides twist uncomfortably at the thought of how Jungkook fell to his knees in agonizing pain when Yoongi punished him by command of Namjoon.
"I could do that anytime to you. I could make you think you're blind, or weak, or make you feel pain without touching you." He smiles. "I believe Jin told you the difference between my and his abilities of illusion?"
You nod, a bit overwhelmed by his words that almost sound like a threat. "His illusions are quite superficial, while yours are almost realistic."
Yoongi hums. "Right. But he forgot an important detail: Jin cannot influence peoples' minds directly." He smiles. "That does not mean he cannot fight using illusions – Jin is a master at confusing enemies with large-scale tricks, but he cannot make them feel a certain way."

You eye him up and down, suspicious, while the demon within you snickers and asks what you would have to do for him to use his power on you, and then elaborates on all the ways she would like to rip the demon's head off in the most cruel and inefficient way.

"And you can?", you ask, overpowering the raging demon inside you. Yoongi snickers. "If I have to."
"So if things got really bad, you would use your powers on me? How bad would that have to be?"
The demon's eyes sparkle aggressive red. "So curious", he hums. "What is it, Y/N? Are you curious?"
He stops and looks at you and his stance is an open invitation for an attack.
"Do you want to see what it takes to make me angry for yourself, sweetheart?" 

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