What's Done Is Done

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The air is shimmering with tension after Namjoon arrives. Silence spreads slowly between the four men like flammable gas, threatening to explode any minute. Jazkar and Uzoth are stiff and surprisingly quiet, seemingly unwilling to continue their demand in the presence of the leader.
Namjoon stares them down. "So, to what do we owe the honour of such royal visitors?"

"Royal?", you whisper. Jin, Jungkook, Hoseok and Taehyung are still in the living room with you, listening in on the conversation.
Jin's eyes dart over to you while the glances of the others are glued to the door. He gets up and walks over to you. You've never seen him move so quietly before, he's like a cat in the darkness despite the room being lit. Slowly, he sinks down next to you and brings his lips close to your ear.
"Be as quiet as possible", he whispers. His voice is a mere breeze. "These men belong to the Ayabbi."
The word seems weirdly familiar, but it takes you a moment to remember what the others told you about them. Ayabbi, the hunting dogs of the underworld. Extremely powerful demons that keep the balance in the demon world, getting rid of any disturbances. One of them, Xagire, was the one who turned Yoongi, but was killed by him when Yoongi decided to leave them.
"Forgot what happened to Xagire?"
Now Yoongi's earlier comment makes sense. You swallow.
There's still silence behind the door, but you almost expect it to be kicked down any moment. Before you can ask Jin any further questions, though, Namjoon's voice reaches your ears once again.

"No reply?" You can hear him take a step forward. "Why are you here?"
"Do they respect Namjoon that much?", you hiss towards Jin who stifles a chuckle. "Respect? No", he replies with an amused twinkle in his eyes. "They hate him, but..." The twinkle turns into a spark of wicked joy. "They're scared of him just the same."
"So they're not as powerful as they act to be?", you continue and Jin's smile widens. "Oh, they are", he murmurs. "Especially when it's all of them together. But Jakzar and Uzoth aren't the most powerful in the group. Were Yoongi and Namjoon to fight against them and truly give it their all, they'd win easily." The smile vanishes. "Namjoon's rage is not to be messed with, and they know this."
With a nod, you decide you've heard enough. Along with the others, you quietly listen in on the conversation that's continuing outside.

"Namjoon", Jazkar snarls. He sounds as if he bit into a sour apple, obviously displeased with the fact that it's now two against two. "I'm surprised to see you walking around without any shackles."
It's a clear slap in the face for Namjoon, but against your expectations, the latter stays calm. "Thank you for your concern", he replies. "So? The reason for your visit?"
Apparently, Jazkar and Uzoth realize they don't have a choice but talk to Namjoon. With a frustrated growl, Uzoth gives in. "We're here to confirm something", he says. "A bond was formed in this cave, and we want to know why."
"Why should that be any of your business?", Namjoon asks dryly, and you can hear Jazkar grinding his teeth. "You know very well who we are and why it's our business", he retorts as calmly as he can. "A bond is not something that happens just because, it is a powerful spell that's already rarely cast as is, and if the Seven Sins have something they deem worthy of it..." You can't see it, but his eyes narrow to glowing slits, contorting his attractive face into a mask of evilness. "The Ayabbi need to know about it."

"Over my dead body, Jazkar", Yoongi is quick to reply. "You've let us rot in this cave for some centuries, I believe the Ayabbi need to know nothing of the sort." His voice dies down to a low grumble as he spits out a few foreign words you cannot understand, but you are almost sure it's Qaay, the demon language.
You throw Jin a questioning glance, but he shakes his head.
Uzoth hums. "You have something to protect, then?", he concludes, his condescending smile clearly audible in his voice. "Or... someone?" Yoongi and Namjoon are quiet for a moment.
"It is none. Of your business", Namjoon stands his ground and Uzoth takes a shuffling step forward. You can well picture him getting into Namjoon's face with a slick, arrogant grin to taunt him.
"So it's true", you hear him say. "Interesting."
Next to you, Jin's face hardens. "That damn snake", he hisses, but doesn't comment on it further despite your confused glance.

"Jazkar, I believe this is all we'll get out of them", Uzoth purrs, finally stepping back. His companion snarls in frustration, but finally turns around, throwing back his long black coat along with the movement. Namjoon and Yoongi don't move a muscle as the Ayabbi take their leave.
Suddenly, Jazkar stops in his tracks and eyes them over his shoulder one last time. "Vazgan will hear of this, Namjoon. Yoongi." His voice is dangerously quiet and calm, almost gentle, and you swallow at the sound. The two demons outside are not impressed, however. Yoongi chuckles, though it sounds a little strained, as if he's holding back.
Two loud bangs echo through the wave as Jazkar and Uzoth leap into the air, apparently unwilling to take the ordinary route as they did when they entered. A second later, silence falls over the mansion like a heavy, dark cloth.

It lasts for several minutes, even though Hoseok opens the door to the living room. Yoongi and Namjoon are not moving for a while, but then they rip themselves out of their daze simultaneously. While Yoongi fixes the front door with a wave of his hand, Namjoon very calmly turns to the side and rams his fist against one of the stone pillars in the entrance hall. It cracks under the impact and his fist leaves a large impression, but it doesn't crumble to the ground as you expected it to.
Next to you, Jin gets up to fill seven glasses to the brim with rum as the demons start to assemble in the living room, every single one of them deep in thought.

"What do we do now?", Taehyung asks after what feels like an eternity, body draped over one of the sofas. He looks relaxed and careless as always, but there's a cold sparkle in his eyes that would've made you shudder if you were still a human.
Namjoon cloaks himself in silence to his words. Yoongi is the one who replies, face furrowed, but he's not as agitated as you expected him to be. "Nothing", he says, puts his head back and empties his glass in one swift movement. "Absolutely nothing." He puts the glass on the table, avoiding your glance and everyone else's too.
Taehyung scoffs. "Nothing?"
Yoongi nods, rubbing his palms together. "Nothing", he says. "We wait and see what Vazgan will do."

Namjoon shoots him a dark glance, finally breaking his silence. "We'll be in trouble if Vazgan himself shows up here", he lowly comments. The name doesn't sound familiar to you, but you assume the person is one of the Ayabbi.
Yoongi's eyes are even darker when he returns the leader's gaze. "In trouble, yes. Doomed? Not by a long shot", he replies slowly.

Jin huffs and leans back in his seat, sipping on his rum in deep thought. "There'll be a way", he finally says. His calm seems to make the others relax a little too. "We will wait and see. That's about all we can do."
He throws you a glance.
"And train our rookie." 

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