A Warm Welcome

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The doors open, and the dark hole behind it swallows you whole almost instantly. The power that slowly pours out of it in an invisible, sticky puddle is so strong that it makes you feel as if you're being choked – despite the fact that you don't need to breathe to begin with.

"Come in."
The voice has lost its amused, fake-friendly tone; now the words are nothing but an order that demands to be followed.
You exchange a glance with Daimon who gives you a silent nod before you step forward. The panther is practically glued to your leg; ears pinned back and pupils wide. He himself is oozing power, as if he's trying to engulf you in his protective aura, but it's nothing in comparison to the united force of the Ayabbi.

"Good girl", the voice purrs. The words send a shiver down your spine. "Come closer."

You've barely made it across the threshold of the castle's gates when the doors slam shut with a loud bang that rolls through the entire mansion.
The castle's air is thick with demonic powers.
When you don't take an immediate step forward at the command, something suddenly weighs you down, as if your body is being filled with liquid metal. Your legs burn as they start to move forward by themselves, and you can only watch in horror.
Next to you, Daimon spits out quiet curses, his face contorting into a deep, warning growl.
"Let her go!"

"Sorry, Kitty."
The first thing you see of him is his long, white ponytail swinging behind him as he steps out of a dark corner. His hand is raised in your direction, sharp fingernails pointing at you, but he lowers it as he approaches you. His red eyes glance at Daimon with a hint of curiosity, then he returns his attention to you and smirks. He falls into an exaggerated curtsy.
"Mylady", he hums, his eyes are sparkling with vile joy. "We are delighted to have you."

A wave of his hand, and your body continues forward, as if it's being moved by invisible strings. "The rest are already waiting", Jazkar continues as he walks in front of you, hands folded in his back. Controlling you doesn't seem to even require his attention.
"They are all very curious."

"Enough chit-chat, Jazkar", the voice from before suddenly descends from the ceiling, full of authority. "Hurry up."
The white-haired demon clicks his tongue disapprovingly, but he obeys. For the rest of the short walk, he keeps quiet. Finally, you stop in front of another large gate and he turns to you. Giving yet another languid wave of his fingers, he frees you of your shackles. Daimon's tail curls protectively around your calves.
Be careful when you go in, you hear his voice in your head. Even though no one else can hear him, he sounds quiet.
Jazkar seems to realize what is going on, but he doesn't comment on it. Instead, he flicks his hand towards the door as a sign for you to go in.

Mustering up all of your courage, you lift your hands and push open the gates.

You grossly underestimated your strength. Your push rips both doors out of their hinges and makes them fly in opposite directions, crashing into the beautifully crested columns on both sides of the huge hall you're about to enter. When the dust has settled, a quiet laugh fills the room. It sounds almost nice.
"What an entrance", the voice from before says. "Step forward, youngling."

You do as you've been told, and immediately regret it.
As soon as you step through the gate, an unimaginably strong presence settles over you and pushes you to the ground. You can't help but gasp and fall to your knees, desperately tugging at your blouse as you try to relieve yourself of the aura around you.
Next to you, Daimon growls. He ducks, baring his teeth, and you can hear the silent click of his claws meeting the stone ground. With movements as slow and smooth as water, he moves in front of you to protect you against an invisible force.
"Oh", the voice chuckles. "Forgive me, young one. It has been a while since I received guests, you see." The amusement of the obviously male owner is so evident it makes your chest burn with anger, but you cannot fight against the pressure that's still pushing you to the ground.

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