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At first, you're not sure what the familiar is getting at, but then you let his words replay in your head.
When you have seven hungry demons to feed before a war.
Now you get it, and you sit up so forcefully that you almost impale your own head on one of Heishe's neck spikes.
"You can give them to us?", you ask in disbelief as you carefully pull back from its sharp tip, hands cramping into the golden mane under your fingers.

The dragon looks back with an amused glitter in his eyes. "Ouch", he softly says.
You pull your trembling hands out of his fur and run them through your tousled hair instead, unable to calm down.
"How many are there?", you say under your breath.
The dragon lifts his head and looks back to the front, shaking out his mane. "Enough", he then says.

The dragon curves to the side and flies a gentle loop as he turns back to where you came from, all while you sit on his back in shock and disbelief.
Firstly because the 111 millennia old being expects a war, which cannot be good.
Secondly because he just told you he could help the Sins. The sound of this floods your body with new hope. You had been wondering what you were going to do after you returned. Would you have spent decades, maybe centuries with them in the dark cave although you are technically not part of the contract?
You remember Yoongi saying at some point nobody should or could leave the cave, but since nothing happened to you after you left, you're not so sure if he simply said it out of a strong desire to protect you from what waited for you outside.
You shudder, although your body feels no cold.
You don't want to stay in that cave for longer than you have to, but then again, you do not want to leave the Sins either. Surprisingly, they feel like family to you now, despite the relatively short time you have spent with them so far. The thought of roaming the world – both above and beneath the surface – alone is more terrifying to you than imagining a life in the cave with the Sins.
But here is Heishe, offering you a technical solution to all of your problems. Were the Sins strong enough, could they break the contract? Would they? For you? And what would happen?
Are demons really bound by some promise they made to a group of humans a couple hundred years ago?

Your mind starts spinning and you fall on your back again, letting the dragon's calm movements run through your entire body and calm you down. Your thoughts carry you far into the future, and again it his Heishe who picks you up and brings you back to the here and now.
"First and foremost, we have to get back to where you came from", he says, ripping you out of your daze, as he lowers his flight and glides over the treetops of the huge forest beneath you. "I am not sure if we should wake up Daimon. Do you know the way?"
To your shame, you have to admit that you didn't pay attention to where you came from, especially given that Daimon teleported the two of you hundreds of miles across the country.
You shake your head. "I'm afraid not."
He hums. "We will find a way", he says as he lowers further, now accelerating to reach the lake quicker. For a while, you fly in silence, until you come up with one last question before you dedicate yourselves to reaching the cave of the remaining six Seven.

His responding purr rolls through your entire body.
"What did you actually do to Daimon? And why did you take his spot in my head when he... fell asleep?"
The dragon sighs. "Still doubting me, I see", he mumbles, but he leaves no room for you to react.
"I just sent him to sleep, as I said", he explains, his voice that of a parent who patiently talks to their child. "Daimon was blinded by something called a Lumen Virtutis. It's an ancient form of 'magical' control in which you compress your power to the point where it's close to imploding before releasing it. After being compressed to such a great degree, the internal structure of the ball of power makes it increase in size the longer it is kept from exploding, and it gives it impressive destruction power." He shakes his head unwillingly. "Had I been younger and my scales a little less strong, I wouldn't have survived the impact." His neck spikes tremble and then lift the slightest bit in agitation. "Wounds inflicted by a Lumen Virtutis heal slowly and take a large toll on the body. I sent Daimon to sleep because otherwise, he would've gone insane from all the pain, let alone the sudden shock of being blind. In his current state, he can rest without being interrupted or worried about your well-being."
"How long will it take?", you ask quietly, to which the dragon shakes its head. "I do not know", he replies. "I am assuming a few weeks, if he regains his sight at all."
"At all?!", you blurt out. "He could stay blind?"
"I don't know", Heishe repeats, now even he sounds somber. "We will have to see. I did all I could."
"And what about taking his space?", you say, gritting your teeth as anger and sadness flood you as one. "Why do you do that?"

Seven Sins - Second Part | BTS x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now