Training: Jin II

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It takes you a few tries to get the jump right, but in the end you are proud that the boulder doesn't crumble into dust under your feet and you land somewhat on top on almost all tries. Jin also seems satisfied. "Very good", he hums when you land next to him after the sixth time you've done the jump. "Do you think you will be able to land a hit now?"
"I'll give it a try", you smile, which he returns. "You'll do great."

You don't need as much focus anymore to find out where you will land before jumping. Demons learn quick, it crosses your mind, much quicker than humans would. You'd like to think you have some form of special ability, but you can't deny that all you are as of now is a young demon with little clue how to use her body and her new powers.
Before you can drift off into a philosophical debate with yourself, your feet push you off the ground – still much too easily, as if your body weighs nothing, even if you are slowly getting used to it.
Seeing as this is an attempt to destroy the boulder in front of you, you put a little more force into the jump, which immediately throws you out of balance, but now it's too late.
You concentrate on the boulder in front of you and lift your hand.

The sound of the boulder being split in half rolls through the cave, even louder than before when you landed on it too hard. You let yourself fall to the ground and watch as the giant rock trembles from the impact before its two halves slowly fall apart, tumbling down the sides of the hill you're standing on. It takes a while before they come to a halt and the dust clears, but through it you can hear Jin clap his hands. "Very good, Y/N", he praises you. "The crack wasn't perfect, but it will be one day. Most importantly, you split the boulder. That's all I wanted." He nods as he approaches you through the last streaks of stone dust. "I feel like you've already made improvements. But how are you feeling?"
The demon eyes you curiously. He seems genuinely worried that you could be exhausted from jumping around a littlebit, so you give him a reassuring smile. "I'm perfectly fine", you calm him down. "That was fun, actually."
Jin grins. "I can imagine! But don't worry, it will become less fun as soon as the rocks get smaller."

As you should have known, he is right. As the boulders get smaller, it also becomes more difficult to aim at them, let alone land on top. You fail more often, and your earlier excitement turns into frustration.
After you have slipped down a smaller boulder once again, you grit your teeth and ball your fist. Before Jin can warn you, you crash it against the rock you're standing next to, only to almost jump in surprise when large cracks from on its outside and it crumbles to the ground.
The older demon chuckles. "We should take a break", he says. "You've already done a lot."
"But I can still do more", you press, burning ambition surging through your body. You've never been someone to strive for success, so the feeling is unfamiliar to you – and it's uncomfortable, on top.
"Y/N." Jin's voice is suddenly dark and cold, and it eases the fire within you a little. You look up and are met with a pair of black eyes with the familiar spark of red within them. They're staring at you relentlessly, then Jin sighs and smiles weakly. He nods towards your hand.
"Stop clenching your first, please. You're hurting yourself."

Only now do you feel the dull pain in your palm and as you look down and loosen your grip, you can see dark blood running down your fingers and dripping onto the ground.
Alarmed, you look back to Jin, whose smile deepens. "Let me see", he demands and extends his hand for you as he comes closer. You put your hand into his, palm up, and as he inspects it, you witness the wounds closing already. The bloodflow ceases and Jin chuckles at your upset expression.
"Don't worry", he says, his thumb softly rubbing over the spot where the imprints of your fingernails had been present just a second before. The tingly, itchy feeling that accompanied the healing vanishes as well and you pull your hand from Jin's grip to rub over the skin yourself. It feels like nothing ever happened, and while you should be happy about that, you can't help but feel a littlebit creeped out.
The other demon seems to notice. "You will get used to it", he says. "Everyone hurts themselves in the beginning." He chuckles as if it's nothing serious. "I almost killed myself once." His words sound like a joke, but now he becomes serious.
"While it happens, you need to be careful, Y/N. Stuff like this is nothing, but if you're not aware of your powers, you could seriously hurt yourself." He looks at your hand. "While it's unfortunate that it happened, I think it is a good lesson. You're still young and adjusting. If you truly overdid it, you could be in danger of hurting yourself to the point of no return."
Your expression seems to convey your shock well, because an apologetic smile now flickers over Jin's face. "It seems I have to apologize", he murmurs, leaning forward so he can look at you directly. "I know that sounded scary. But you have nothing to worry about. We're here to help if something happens."

"Jin is right."
The voice coming from behind the two of you is deep and rough and unmistakably Namjoon's.
He stops next to you and throws your hand a short glance. "You have nothing to worry about", he repeats what Jin just said. "I am sure there will always be someone around who will be willing to protect you. Even from yourself."
His words are unusually sincere and warm, something you're not used to. While you try to wrap your mind around his sudden demeanor, Namjoon turns towards the boulder you just destroyed and lets out a quick whistle at the sight of its destruction. "As expected from a youngling", he says, and then – you cannot believe your eyes – Namjoon smiles.

His face, usually stern and serious, lights up and you grow aware of his two dimples. You never noticed them, but how should you have if he never even allowed himself the tiniest sign of amusement around you?
"I can understand your confusion", Namjoon says, as if he sees right through you. He turns his back on you as if to hide the rest of his smile from you. "It's just..." He pauses shortly, apparently sorting his thoughts. "It's just much easier for me to be around fellow demons." He doesn't need to explain why, you remember quite clearly what is sin his, and you're almost a little glad that your wounds heal so quickly now. Namjoon throws you a short glance before he turns to Jin.
"How is she doing?"
Jin crosses his arms in front of his chest and looks at you with a smile. "She's good", he replies and you finally manage to return his smile, banning Wrath and his behavior from your thoughts. "I'm sure she will be a great demoness some day."

While you're unsure whether his words are a compliment and, if so, how to respond to it, Namjoon's glance returns to you curiously.
"Is that so", he mumbles while eyeing you from the side and the corners of his mouth twitch as if he's hiding another smile.
"I'll be looking forward to witnessing that day, then." 

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