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"An audience?"
Even Taehyung perks up at what Yoongi says. Everyone's eyes rest on you. "An audience", Yoongi replies coldly and throws the letter towards Namjoon, who skims through it in haste. "He wants to see her."
Namjoon seems unable to reply while Jin plucks the paper from his fingers. Slowly and silently, the letter passes through everyone's hands until it lands in yours.

Dearest Yoongi,

Jazkar and Uzoth have notified me of your little girlfriend. I must say, I am happy for you, though I did not expect you to find a new friend so soon. 247 years are no long time at all, are they now?
But I must admit, I am intrigued by her. Thus, I request to have you send her over. If she is worthy, I might even let her stay on the outside? I am sure she will be warmly welcomed here.
The decision is yours to make.


You're just finished with reading through the letter when Jungkook speaks up. "He is asking us to make a decision", he says. "At least we have a chance."
"We have no chance", Hoseok replies, though he seems unwilling to admit it. "It's Vazgan. He will get what he wants, sooner or later." He throws a glance at you. "I'm afraid if we don't follow suit, he will start a war of some sort."
"Ahhh, he is annoying me, after all this time", Yoongi snarls. One look at him is enough to realize that he is more than annoyed. His teeth are clenched and his face is a mask of aggression and cold hate. The latter is an emotion you have never seen on him to this extent, and the fact that this feeling erupts in reaction to Vazgan makes you fear the latter even more.
"I don't even get why he wrote to us in this language, honestly", Taehyung comments from the sidelines, sounding unimpressed as always, though his words contradict that notion. "Should've just done it in Qaay if he addresses it to Yoongi, the damn hound."

"Oh, it was intentional", Namjoon answers. He seems deep in thought, but there's something in his voice that makes you feel like he's just as agitated as Yoongi, although he hides it better. "He wanted every single one of us to read it, and to react to it. It's as easy as that."
"Why would he, though?", you ask, frantically trying to suppress the shake in your voice. "He can't even see or hear us from where he is." I hope.
Namjoon turns to you, eyes as dull and dark as lead balls. "Because he is bad, Y/N", he says. His voice is wintry. "Bad, even for a demon. It's no surprise he's kept himself as the leader of the Ayabbi for so long after Xagire died."
"Right", you force yourself to react, voice giving out.

"What do we do now?", Hoseok asks after a silence that lasts way too long and is way too heavy. "If we don't send her over, Vazgan will come here personally, or send some of his underlings to deal with us. And if he sends too many at once, even we won't be able to fight back." He rubs his chin in deep thought, more rational than the others. "We don't have a choice."

"We don't." Yoongi's voice is hard as stone and the resignation within it feels like a punch to the chest. He looks up at you, eyes dark. "Y/N, you'll have to go."
Icy silence spreads in the room and you shudder. "Okay", you finally manage to force yourself to say, unable to utter anything else.
The faces of the others are dark. Jin and Hoseok seem more worried, Yoongi and Namjoon are clearly furious. Taehyung's expression reflects something close to mild inconvenience, and Jungkook looks as helpless as can be.

Jin's voice is soft as he speaks up. "I wish there was someone to accompany you", he murmurs, glance resting on your figure. "But we cannot go with you. We were not invited; they'd rip us apart." He lowers his head and you're unsure if he's exhausted, defeated or both. "You're all alone this time, Y/N."

"Who said that?"

The faint voice is all too familiar to every single demon in the room and you lift your head in unison to look towards the door where it came from.
Under the wooden frame sits a small, black cat. Its fur is ruffled and it looks thin, much thinner than you remember it to be. Its silver eyes, however, sparkle with the same wit and attentiveness it had when you first met it.
"Daimon", you whisper, and his face lights up the tiniest bit.
"I'm glad to see you're well", he meows – a sound you still have to get used to, as your brain still hasn't processed talking cats – and gets up. You realize he really his not only thin, but positively gaunt, his legs being not much wider than two of your fingers pressed together.
Daimon makes his way through the group of demons and when he reaches you, he ducks and jumps on your lap a second later. With a mixture between a silent sigh and a purr, he rolls into a fluffy ball on your legs and closes his eyes. Automatically, you start stroking his back. You can feel his ribs and his backbone under your fingertips, and you start to wonder what happened to him that caused him to become like this.

"What are you doing here?", Namjoon asks after he regained his composure, though he sounds just as taken aback as the others look. "Jimin is..."
"He is with the Ayabbi, as you have probably already assumed", Daimon replies without opening his eyes, enjoying your pets.
The silence after is heavy, despite his words being no surprise. "Yes", Jin finally mumbles. "We assumed. I still hoped it wasn't true, though."
"How are you here, Daimon?" Jungkook takes it upon himself to ask the most important question, and this time, the familiar opens his eyes and looks at the young demon.

"I broke the bond", he replies calmly. Jin sucks a harsh breath, and even Taehyung seems intrigued.
Namjoon frowns. "How are you alive, then?", he inquires. "You should be dead."
Daimon's glance darts over to the leader. "I should", he says. He sounds unimpressed, as if his past with Jimin is something he has long left behind. "The bond between us started crumbling as soon as Jimin left the castle." He pauses shortly, as if to gather his thoughts. "Such a... drastic and abrupt change in a demon's personality and goals can sometimes cause the paths of Bound and familiar to diverge so much that their relationship fades. And that's what happened. The current Jimin is incompatible with me."

You were sure that as a human, he would have shrugged right about now. "I'm sorry, Daimon", you say quietly, and you mean it. The cat turns its head and looks up to you, blinking slowly. "Don't be", he says. "A bond between familiar and Bound is not fully voluntary, even though the majority of it depends on free will. It is in the nature of a familiar to become attached to a demon sooner or later, whether it searches for it or not. Severing that bond, therefore, does not hurt as it would a human when a relationship breaks off. Do not fret."

Again, silence spreads, but this time, it is easier to bear, and there's a bit more warmth in the room compared to before.
"How is Jimin?", a voice asks before everyone can get too comfortable or forget about the problem at hand.
The voice belongs to Yoongi, who looks at Daimon as if he's the salvation to the world's problems. Seeing him like this causes your chest to sting, but you're waiting for the familiar's answer too eagerly to pay it any attention.
Daimon looks at Yoongi and suddenly, his silver eyes are cool, and so is his voice.

"He's fine", he says. "But I suggest you get used to the thought that Jimin as you know him is unlikely to return." 

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