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Vazgan and his companions wait until the gate has fully opened. Only when its heavy movement has stopped do they step forward. The leader's steps are firm and determined and his red eyes are glowing.

You straighten your spine as they approach and Daimon steps half in front of you, a quiet, continuous growl escaping his broad chest. Vazgan throws him one burning glance, to which the panther's ears pin back, but the threatening sound doesn't vanish from his throat.
"Brave", Vazgan murmurs, but the glow of his eyes intensifies and makes it very clear that he doesn't appreciate this kind of opposition. Slowly, he rips his glance from Daimon and looks back at you as the group comes to a halt in front of the cell. Five pairs of demon eyes stare at you. You let your glance wander over their faces.

As expected, both Vazgan and Jazkar seem burning with eagerness – the first to get as much information out of you as he can, the second looking more like he wants to skin you alive right away.
Thirak, standing to the left, looks as friendly and unbothered as he did when you first saw him. He even gives you a slight nod as if to greet you. You don't return the gesture.
Zoczi seems the most disinterested of them all. Her arms are crossed in front of her chest and she lets her glance wander through the cave. Uzoth stands right next to her, shaking his red locks out of his forehead and giving you a wide, but unsettling grin. He seems to enjoy this, but he's far less intimidating than Jazkar or Vazgan.

The latter now takes a step forward while the rest of them stay behind. He leans forward until his face hovers in front of the bars of your cell – bars that your hands are itching to destroy, but you know you can't. All you can do is grit your teeth and return his stare while Daimon tenses next to your feet. He, too, seems to want to jump the Ayabbi, and badly so.

"Now then, Y/N", Vazgan says. His voice his quiet and dangerously low. It's clear he isn't messing around, the sparkle in his eyes tells you his patience is running thin. An impressive achievement for a young demon such as you, to get the leader of the Ayabbi so worked up, but it's also something that won't necessarily work out in your favor.

"What do you want?", you hear yourself ask. To your own surprise, your voice is cold as ice, and for the first time, you welcome the demonic ability to mask your emotions easily. "I have nothing to say to you."
Vazgan's jaw muscles tighten, but he holds himself back. "I believe differently, you see", he replies softly. "You did something, and I will know what it was." His eyes narrow. "I'm done playing games, youngling."
You jut your chin forward defiantly, knowing well that you're playing with fire and you're likely going to get burned. "I am repeating myself", you say. "I don't know what happened."

Vazgan seems to have expected that you'd drop to your knees and beg for forgiveness at his words because his eyes widen and you can see a shimmering ring of madness appear around the slit of his pupil.
"I will give you one more chance to tell me what happened", he hisses.

"And for the third time I will tell you I don't know!" You can't help but raise your voice as your frustration grows. "I have no idea what I did, nor how!"
Vazgan growls, then he lifts his hand and waves it through the air. The bars in front of you vanish, but before you can react, he's grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and flung you through the air. His throw is strong enough to send you flying to the other end of the cave where you crash into the wall. It doesn't hurt, obviously, but the impact still causes you to take a few seconds more than usual to get up.

In your head, Heishe's presence expands.

"You will tell me!", Vazgan roars, clearly not believing your words, as he stomps towards you. The madness in his eyes, previously just a thin ring of a crazy shimmer, has now filled his entire eyes and makes them glow with the intention to kill. The other Ayabbi turn to watch, but they don't move – neither to help you or him. It's as if he ordered them to stay and bear witness.
You can see Daimon approaching from behind at full speed and decide to charge at Vazgan. Although you used all the strength in your calves, he easily catches you mid-air as you arrive in front of him, lifting you up by your neck. Your muscles twitch with a spark of panic as you fear he might strangle you, but then you remember you're not human anymore and relax in his grip.
"You", he snarls, dragging the word out.

"I don't get why you're so upset", you croak. You might not need any air, but Vazgan's hand against your vocal chords still hinders your voice from coming out normal. Daimon slows at your words to wait and see how the situation plays out.
The Ayabbi stills for a moment, but his grip around your neck doesn't ease. "Because I don't like not knowing", he says. It's an honest reply although the craziness in his eyes hasn't vanished. "You obviously have something to hide. It is my job as an Ayabbi to keep the balance, and you..." He narrows his eyes. "You could change everything. For the worse, for us demons." He huffs, turning towards the others.
"A demon protecting humans from being consumed? Where would that get us?"
The group's reply are evil snickers and low chuckles. Vazgan's lips twitch as he returns his attention to you.

"No, no", he continues his monologue. "We cannot allow that. Until we know what you do and what powers you have, you will stay with us."
A flicker at the edge of your vision catches your attention. Something is blinking in Vazgan's chest, something eerily similar to the spark you saw in the woman's chest before you jumped across the table to protect her.
Vazgan is still caught up in his thoughts and you slightly lift a hand.

Give it a try, Heishe's voice echoes through your head. His power is pushing against the border between his and Daimon's presence, but he doesn't breach it. Maybe we will know more after you do.

Encouraged by his words, you extend your fingers. Luckily, Vazgan has positioned himself in a way that shields you and your movements from the eyes of the other Ayabbi, which undoubtedly would rip you apart otherwise. With careful movements, you bring your hand close to Vazgan's chest where the light is blinking from underneath his skin.
Taking a deep mental breath, you push forward.

To your shock, your hand slides through his skin as if it's nonexistent. As it does, the skin there becomes translucent, allowing you to finally see what sparked your interest – a shiny orb in the shape of a teardrop hanging in the middle of Vazgan's chest as if held up by thin, invisible strings. It looks almost like a diamond if it wasn't for its dark, almost dirty hue. The stone is colored a light tone of pink and slightly smaller than the palm of your hand. 
Unsure of what to do, you nudge it. 

Two things happen: first of all, the stone starts dangling, and Vazgan finally notices what you've been up to. But before he can throw you aside or rip off your head, he freezes and hisses out a sharp gasp.
And then he falls to his knees, accompanied by a loud groan and then a pained cry as your fingers touch the stone a second time when you pull back, stepping away from him. 
The rest of the Ayabbi stiffen, then lower their stance. Red blinks in their eyes as they ready themselves for a fight, their leader still groaning on the ground, apparently unable to get up. He's clutching at his chest.

Heishe's presence in your head grows so strong you can almost feel the barrier between him and Daimon form cracks as he pushes against the limitations of his mental room.
From the crack in the stone where the snake vanished, you can hear the rustling of scales and rough scratching.

The Ayabbi seem too distracted by their leader to notice, but they could also be ignoring it on purpose. Unsure of what to do, you back a few steps away. Daimon is with you with a few large jumps.
"Fuck, what did you do?", he growls while he readies himself to defend you as the Ayabbi make their first moves, slowly approaching you.
"I don't know", you whisper. It's over. They're going to kill me.
You press your eyes shut, fully aware that despite being a demon, you stand no chance against four of them at the same time.

Now, now, the familiar voice of your dragon fills your entire head and shakes you to your core. You glance to the side. The stone wall of the cave is still fully intact, there's no sign of Heishe anywhere, but then you see a slight tremble travelling through the rock.

No need for despair.

And then, the wall breaks, black rocks and stones flying everywhere as Heishe frees himself with a giant whip of his body. With incomparable elegance and speed, the dragon shoots towards the Ayabbi with his mouth wide open, bearing rows of sharp, long teeth, and a roar escaping his throat.

Have you not me, your destined familiar, my Queen? 

Seven Sins - Second Part | BTS x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now